Source code for scml.cli

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""The SCML universal command line tool"""

import math
import os
import sys
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pformat, pprint
from time import perf_counter
from typing import List

import click
import click_config_file
import negmas
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from negmas import save_stats
from negmas.helpers import humanize_time, unique_name
from negmas.helpers.inout import load
from negmas.tournaments import TournamentResults
from rich import print
from rich.progress import track
from tabulate import tabulate

import scml
from scml.utils import DefaultAgents, DefaultAgents2022, DefaultAgentsOneShot2022

# from scml.oneshot import SCML2020OneShotWorld, SCML2023OneShotWorld, SCML2024OneShotWorld
from import (
from scml.scml2019 import FactoryManager, SCML2019World
from scml.scml2019.utils19 import (
from scml.scml2020.agent import SCML2020Agent
from scml.scml2020.common import is_system_agent
from import (
from import SCML2024StdWorld
from scml.utils import (

    from scml.vendor.quick.quick import gui_option  # type: ignore
except Exception:

[docs] def gui_option(x): return x
try: # disable a warning in yaml 1b1 version yaml.warnings({"YAMLLoadWarning": False}) except Exception: pass
[docs] n_completed = 0
[docs] n_total = 0
[docs] DEFAULT_STD_OLD = "RandomAgent;BuyCheapSellExpensiveAgent;SatisficerAgent;DecentralizingAgent;DoNothingAgent"
[docs] DEFAULT_STD_2021 = ( "MarketAwareDecentralizingAgent;RandomAgent;SatisficerAgent;DecentralizingAgent" )
[docs] DEFAULT_ONESHOT = "GreedySyncAgent;SyncRandomOneShotAgent"
[docs] DEFAULT_STD = "GreedySyncAgent;SyncRandomStdAgent;SyncRandomOneShotAgent"
[docs] DEFAULT_2021_NONCOMPETITORS = [ "scml.scml2020.agents.DecentralizingAgent", "scml.scml2020.agents.BuyCheapSellExpensiveAgent", ]
[docs] DEFAULT_STD_NONCOMPETITORS_OLD = [ "scml.scml2020.agents.DecentralizingAgent", "scml.scml2020.agents.BuyCheapSellExpensiveAgent", ]
[docs] DEFAULT_ONESHOT_NONCOMPETITORS = [ "scml.oneshot.agents.RandDistOneShotAgent", "scml.oneshot.agents.EqualDistOneShotAgent", ]
[docs] DEFAULT_STD_NONCOMPETITORS = [ "scml.std.agents.GreedyStdAgent", "scml.std.agents.RandomStdAgent", "scml.std.agents.SyncRandomStdAgent", ]
[docs] def get_range(x, x_min, x_max): """Gets a range with possibly overriding it with a single value""" if x is not None: return x, x return x_min, x_max
[docs] def default_log_path(): """Default location for all logs""" return Path.home() / "negmas" / "logs"
[docs] DB_FOLDER = default_log_path().parent / "runsdb"
[docs] DB_NAME = "rundb.csv"
[docs] def save_run_info( name: str, log_path: Path | str | None, type_: str = "world", path: Path = DB_FOLDER ): if log_path is None: return log_path = Path(log_path) try: path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(path / DB_NAME, "a") as f: f.write(f"{name},{type_},{str(log_path)}\n") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to save run info: {str(e)}")
[docs] def default_tournament_path(): """The default path to store tournament run info""" return default_log_path() / "tournaments"
[docs] def default_world_path(): """The default path to store world run info""" return default_log_path() / "scml"
[docs] def shortest_unique_names(strs: List[str], sep="."): """ Finds the shortest unique strings starting from the end of each input string based on the separator. The final strings will only be unique if the inputs are unique. Example: given ["a.b.c", "d.e.f", "a.d.c"] it will generate ["b.c", "f", "d.c"] """ lsts = [_.split(sep) for _ in strs] names = [_[-1] for _ in lsts] if len(names) == len(set(names)): return names locs = defaultdict(list) for i, s in enumerate(names): locs[s].append(i) mapping = {"": ""} for s, loc_ in locs.items(): if len(s) < 1: continue if len(loc_) == 1: mapping[strs[loc_[0]]] = s continue strs_new = [sep.join(lsts[_][:-1]) for _ in loc_] prefixes = shortest_unique_names(strs_new, sep) for loc, prefix in zip(loc_, prefixes): x = sep.join([prefix, s]) if x.startswith(sep): x = x[len(sep) :] mapping[strs[loc]] = x return [mapping[_] for _ in strs]
[docs] def nCr(n, r): return math.factorial(n) / math.factorial(r) / math.factorial(n - r)
click.option = partial(click.option, show_default=True) @gui_option
[docs] def main(): pass
[docs] def display_results(results, metric, file_name=None): file = None if file_name: file = open(file_name, "w") def print_and_save(x): print(x) if file: file.write(x) viewmetric = [ "50%" if metric == "median" and "median" not in results.score_stats.columns else metric ] if results is None or results.score_stats is None or len(results.score_stats) == 0: print("[red]No results found[/red]") return strs = results.score_stats["agent_type"].values.tolist() short_names = shortest_unique_names(strs) mapping = dict(zip(strs, short_names)) results.score_stats["agent_type"] = short_names try: xdata = results.score_stats.sort_values(by=viewmetric, ascending=False) except Exception: xdata = results.score_stats print_and_save(tabulate(xdata, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) if metric in ("mean", "sum"): results.ttest["a"] = [mapping[_] for _ in results.ttest["a"]] results.ttest["b"] = [mapping[_] for _ in results.ttest["b"]] print_and_save(tabulate(results.ttest, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) else: results.kstest["a"] = [mapping[_] for _ in results.kstest["a"]] results.kstest["b"] = [mapping[_] for _ in results.kstest["b"]] print_and_save(tabulate(results.kstest, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) if results.agg_stats is not None and len(results.agg_stats) > 0: agg_stats = results.agg_stats.loc[ :, [ "n_negotiations_sum", "n_contracts_concluded_sum", "n_contracts_signed_sum", "n_contracts_executed_sum", "activity_level_sum", ], ] agg_stats.columns = [ "negotiated", "concluded", "signed", "executed", "business", ] print_and_save(tabulate(agg_stats.describe(), headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) if file: file.close()
[docs] def _path(path) -> Path: """Creates an absolute path from given path which can be a string""" if isinstance(path, Path): return path.absolute() path.replace("/", os.sep) if isinstance(path, str): if path.startswith("~"): path = Path.home() / (os.sep.join(path.split(os.sep)[1:])) return Path(path).absolute()
@main.command(help="Run an SCML2019 world simulation") # type: ignore @click.option("--steps", default=100, type=int, help="Number of steps.") @click.option( "--levels", default=3, type=int, help="Number of intermediate production levels (processes). " "-1 means a single product and no factories.", ) @click.option( "--competitors", default="GreedyFactoryManager", help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the competition.", ) @click.option( "--log", type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True), default=default_log_path(), help="Default location to save logs (A folder will be created under it)", ) @click.option( "--log-ufuns/--no-ufun-logs", default=False, help="Log ufuns into their own CSV file. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--log-negs/--no-neg-logs", default=True, help="Log all negotiations. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--compact/--debug", default=False, help="If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint which" "includes reducing logs dramatically.", ) @click.option( "--raise-exceptions/--ignore-exceptions", default=True, help="Whether to ignore agent exceptions", ) @click.option( "--path", default="", help="A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of " "paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows", ) @click.option( "--world-config", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, file_okay=True), default=None, multiple=False, help="A file to load extra configuration parameters for world simulations from.", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option()
[docs] def run2019( steps, levels, competitors, log, compact, log_ufuns, log_negs, raise_exceptions, path, world_config, ): kwargs = dict( no_bank=True, no_insurance=False, prevent_cfp_tampering=True, ignore_negotiated_penalties=False, neg_step_time_limit=10, breach_penalty_society=0.02, premium=0.03, premium_time_increment=0.1, premium_breach_increment=0.001, max_allowed_breach_level=None, breach_penalty_society_min=0.0, breach_penalty_victim=0.0, breach_move_max_product=True, transfer_delay=0, start_negotiations_immediately=False, catalog_profit=0.15, financial_reports_period=10, default_price_for_products_without_one=1, compensation_fraction=0.5, ) if world_config is not None and len(world_config) > 0: for wc in world_config: kwargs.update(load(wc)) if len(path) > 0: sys.path.append(path) params = {"steps": steps, "levels": levels} if compact: log_ufuns = False log_negs = False log_dir = _path(log) world_name = unique_name(base="scml", add_time=True, rand_digits=0) log_dir = log_dir / world_name log_dir = log_dir.absolute() os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) factory_kwargs = {} exception = None def _no_default(s): return not ( s.startswith("scml.scml2019") and s.endswith("GreedyFactoryManager") ) all_competitors = competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(all_competitors): if "." not in cp: all_competitors[i] = "scml.scml2019.factory_managers." + cp all_competitors_params = [ dict() if _no_default(_) else factory_kwargs for _ in all_competitors ] world = SCML2019World.chain_world( n_steps=steps, n_intermediate_levels=levels, default_manager_params=factory_kwargs, compact=compact, agent_names_reveal_type=True, log_ufuns=log_ufuns, manager_types=all_competitors, manager_params=all_competitors_params, log_negotiations=log_negs, log_folder=log_dir, name=world_name, ignore_agent_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_contract_execution_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_simulation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_negotiation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, **kwargs, # type: ignore ) failed = False strt = perf_counter() try: for i in track(range(world.n_steps), total=world.n_steps): elapsed = perf_counter() - strt if world.time_limit is not None and elapsed >= world.time_limit: break if not world.step(): break except Exception: exception = traceback.format_exc() failed = True elapsed = perf_counter() - strt def print_and_log(s): world.logdebug(s) print(s) world.logdebug(f"{pformat(world.stats, compact=True)}") world.logdebug( f"=================================================\n" f"steps: {steps}, levels: {levels}\n" f"==================================================" ) save_stats(world=world, log_dir=log_dir, params=params) if len(world.saved_contracts) > 0: data = pd.DataFrame(world.saved_contracts) data = data.sort_values(["delivery_time"]) data = data.loc[ data.signed_at >= 0, [ "seller_type", "buyer_type", "seller_name", "buyer_name", "delivery_time", "unit_price", "quantity", "product_name", "n_neg_steps", "signed_at", ], ] data.columns = [ "seller_type", "buyer_type", "seller", "buyer", "t", "price", "q", "product", "steps", "signed", ] print_and_log(tabulate(data, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) data["product_id"] = np.array([ for _ in data["product"].values]) d2 = ( data.loc[(~(data["signed"].isnull())) & (data["signed"] > -1), :] .groupby(["product_id"]) .apply( lambda x: pd.DataFrame( [ { "uprice": np.sum(x["price"] * x["q"]) / np.sum(x["q"]), "quantity": np.sum(x["q"]), } ] ) ) ) d2 = d2.reset_index().sort_values(["product_id"]) products = dict(zip([ for _ in world.products], world.products)) d2["Product"] = np.array([products[_] for _ in d2["product_id"].values]) d2 = d2.loc[:, ["Product", "uprice", "quantity"]] d2.columns = ["Product", "Avg. Unit Price", "Total Quantity"] print_and_log(tabulate(d2, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) n_executed = sum(world.stats["n_contracts_executed"]) n_negs = sum(world.stats["n_negotiations"]) n_contracts = len(world.saved_contracts) try: agent_scores = sorted( ( [, world.a2f[].total_balance] for _ in world.agents.values() if isinstance(_, FactoryManager) ), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True, ) agent_scores = pd.DataFrame( data=np.array(agent_scores), columns=["Agent", "Final Balance"] ) print_and_log(tabulate(agent_scores, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) except Exception: pass winners = [ f"{} gaining {world.a2f[].total_balance / world.a2f[].initial_balance - 1.0:0.0%}" for _ in ] print_and_log( f"{n_contracts} contracts :-) [N. Negotiations: {n_negs}, Agreement Rate: " f"{world.agreement_rate:0.0%}]" f" (rounds/successful negotiation: {world.n_negotiation_rounds_successful:5.2f}, " f"rounds/broken negotiation: {world.n_negotiation_rounds_failed:5.2f})" ) total = ( world.contract_dropping_fraction + world.contract_nullification_fraction + world.contract_err_fraction + world.breach_fraction + world.contract_execution_fraction ) n_cancelled = int(round(n_contracts * world.cancellation_rate)) n_signed = n_contracts - n_cancelled n_dropped = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_dropping_fraction)) n_nullified = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_nullification_fraction)) n_erred = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_err_fraction)) n_breached = int(round(n_signed * world.breach_fraction)) n_executed = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_execution_fraction)) print_and_log( f"Cancelled: {world.cancellation_rate:0.1%}, " f"Executed: {world.contract_execution_fraction:0.1%}" f", Breached: {world.breach_fraction:0.1%}" f", Erred: {world.contract_err_fraction:0.1%}" f", Nullified: {world.contract_nullification_fraction:0.1%}" f", Dropped: {world.contract_dropping_fraction:0.1%}" f" (Sum:{total: 0.2%})\n" f"Negotiated: {n_negs} Concluded: {n_contracts} Signed: {n_signed} Dropped: {n_dropped} " f"Nullified: {n_nullified} " f"Erred {n_erred} Breached {n_breached} (b. level {world.breach_level:0.1%}) => Executed: {n_executed}\n" f"Business size: " f"{world.business_size}\n" f"Winners: {winners}\n" f"Running Time {humanize_time(elapsed)}" ) else: print_and_log("No contracts! :-(") print_and_log(f"Running Time {humanize_time(elapsed)}") if failed and exception: print(exception) world.logdebug(exception) print(f"FAILED at step {world.current_step} of {world.n_steps}\n")
# else: # save_run_info(, log_path=log_dir) @main.command(help="Run an SCML2020 world simulation") # type: ignore @click.option("--steps", default=10, type=int, help="Number of steps.") @click.option( "--competitors", default=DEFAULT_STD_OLD, help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the competition.", ) @click.option( "--log", type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True), default=default_world_path(), help="Default location to save logs (A folder will be created under it)", ) @click.option( "--time", "-t", default=-1, type=int, help="Allowed time for the simulation" ) @click.option( "--log-ufuns/--no-ufun-logs", default=False, help="Log ufuns into their own CSV file. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--log-negs/--no-neg-logs", default=True, help="Log all negotiations. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--compact/--debug", default=False, help="If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint which" "includes reducing logs dramatically.", ) @click.option( "--show-contracts/--no-contracts", default=True, help="Show or do not show all signed contracts", ) @click.option( "--raise-exceptions/--ignore-exceptions", default=True, help="Whether to ignore agent exceptions", ) @click.option( "--path", default="", help="A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of " "paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows", ) @click.option( "--world-config", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, file_okay=True), default=None, multiple=False, help="A file to load extra configuration parameters for world simulations from.", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option()
[docs] def run2020( steps, time, competitors, log, compact, log_ufuns, log_negs, raise_exceptions, path, world_config, show_contracts, ): if time <= 0: time = None kwargs = {"n_steps": steps} if world_config is not None and len(world_config) > 0: for wc in world_config: kwargs.update(load(wc)) if len(path) > 0: sys.path.append(path) params = kwargs if compact: log_ufuns = False log_negs = False log_dir = _path(log) world_name = unique_name(base="scml2020", add_time=True, rand_digits=0) log_dir = log_dir / world_name log_dir = log_dir.absolute() os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) exception = None def _no_default(s): return not (s.startswith("scml.scml2020.agents.")) all_competitors = competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(all_competitors): if "." not in cp: all_competitors[i] = "scml.scml2020.agents." + cp all_competitors_params = [dict() for _ in all_competitors] world = SCML2020World( **SCML2020World.generate( time_limit=time, compact=compact, log_ufuns=log_ufuns, agent_types=all_competitors, agent_params=all_competitors_params, log_negotiations=log_negs, log_folder=log_dir, name=world_name, ignore_agent_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_contract_execution_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_simulation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_negotiation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, **kwargs, # type: ignore ) ) failed = False strt = perf_counter() try: for i in track(range(world.n_steps), total=world.n_steps): elapsed = perf_counter() - strt if world.time_limit is not None and elapsed >= world.time_limit: break if not world.step(): break except Exception: exception = traceback.format_exc() failed = True elapsed = perf_counter() - strt def print_and_log(s): world.logdebug(s) print(s) world.logdebug(f"{pformat(world.stats, compact=True)}") world.logdebug( f"=================================================\n" f"steps: {steps}, time: {time}\n" f"==================================================" ) save_stats(world=world, log_dir=log_dir, params=params) if len(world.saved_contracts) > 0: data = pd.DataFrame(world.saved_contracts) data = data.sort_values(["delivery_time"]) data = data.loc[ data.signed_at >= 0, [ "seller_name", "buyer_name", "delivery_time", "unit_price", "quantity", "product_name", "n_neg_steps", "signed_at", "executed_at", ], ] data.columns = [ "seller", "buyer", "t", "price", "q", "product", "steps", "signed", "executed", ] if show_contracts: print_and_log(tabulate(data, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) d2 = ( data.loc[(~(data["executed"].isnull())) & (data["executed"] > -1), :] .groupby(["product"]) .apply( lambda x: pd.DataFrame( [ { "uprice": np.sum(x["price"] * x["q"]) / np.sum(x["q"]), "quantity": np.sum(x["q"]), } ] ) ) ) d2 = d2.reset_index().sort_values(["product"]) d2["Catalog"] = world.catalog_prices[ d2["product"].str.slice(start=-1).astype(int).values ] d2["Trading"] = world.trading_prices[ d2["product"].str.slice(start=-1).astype(int).values ] d2["Product"] = d2["product"] d2 = d2.loc[:, ["Product", "quantity", "uprice", "Catalog", "Trading"]] d2.columns = ["Product", "Quantity", "Avg. Price", "Catalog", "Trading"] print_and_log(tabulate(d2, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) n_executed = sum(world.stats["n_contracts_executed"]) n_negs = sum(world.stats["n_negotiations"]) n_contracts = len(world.saved_contracts) try: agent_scores = sorted( ( [, world.a2f[].current_balance] for _ in world.agents.values() if isinstance(_, SCML2020Agent) ), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True, ) agent_scores = pd.DataFrame( data=np.array(agent_scores), columns=["Agent", "Final Balance"] ) print_and_log(tabulate(agent_scores, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) except Exception: pass winners = [ f"{} gaining {world.a2f[].current_balance / world.a2f[].initial_balance - 1.0:0.0%}" for _ in ] print_and_log( f"{n_contracts} contracts :-) [N. Negotiations: {n_negs}, Agreement Rate: " f"{world.agreement_fraction:0.0%}]" f" (rounds/successful negotiation: {world.n_negotiation_rounds_successful:5.2f}, " f"rounds/broken negotiation: {world.n_negotiation_rounds_failed:5.2f})" ) total = ( world.contract_dropping_fraction + world.contract_nullification_fraction + world.contract_err_fraction + world.breach_fraction + world.contract_execution_fraction ) n_cancelled = ( int(round(n_contracts * world.cancellation_rate)) if n_negs > 0 else 0 ) n_signed = n_contracts - n_cancelled n_dropped = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_dropping_fraction)) n_nullified = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_nullification_fraction)) n_erred = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_err_fraction)) n_breached = int(round(n_signed * world.breach_fraction)) n_executed = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_execution_fraction)) exogenous = [ _ for _ in world.saved_contracts if any(is_system_agent(a) for a in _["partners"]) ] negotiated = [ _ for _ in world.saved_contracts if all(not is_system_agent(a) for a in _["partners"]) ] n_exogenous = len(exogenous) n_negotiated = len(negotiated) n_exogenous_signed = len([_ for _ in exogenous if _["signed_at"] >= 0]) n_negotiated_signed = len([_ for _ in negotiated if _["signed_at"] >= 0]) print_and_log( f"Exogenous Contracts : {n_exogenous} of which {n_exogenous_signed} " f" were signed ({n_exogenous_signed/n_exogenous if n_exogenous!=0 else 0: 0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"Negotiated Contracts: {n_negotiated} of which {n_negotiated_signed} " f" were signed ({n_negotiated_signed/n_negotiated if n_negotiated!=0 else 0: 0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"All Contracts : {n_exogenous + n_negotiated} of which {n_exogenous_signed + n_negotiated_signed} " f" were signed ({1-world.cancellation_rate:0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"Executed: {world.contract_execution_fraction:0.1%}" f", Breached: {world.breach_fraction:0.1%}" f", Erred: {world.contract_err_fraction:0.1%}" f", Nullified: {world.contract_nullification_fraction:0.1%}" f", Dropped: {world.contract_dropping_fraction:0.1%}" f" (Sum:{total: 0.0%})\n" f"Negotiated: {n_negs} Concluded: {n_contracts} Signed: {n_signed} Dropped: {n_dropped} " f"Nullified: {n_nullified} " f"Erred {n_erred} Breached {n_breached} (b. level {world.breach_level:0.1%}) => Executed: {n_executed}\n" f"Business size: " f"{world.business_size}\n" f"Welfare (Excluding Bankrupt): {world.welfare(False)} ({world.relative_welfare(False):5.03%}), " f"Welfare (Including Bankrupt): {world.welfare(True)} ({world.relative_welfare(True):5.03%})\n" f"Productivity: {world.productivity:5.03%} ({world.relative_productivity:4.03%}), " f"Bankrupted Agents: {world.num_bankrupt} ({world.bankruptcy_rate:5.03%})\n" f"Winners: {winners}\n" f"Running Time {humanize_time(elapsed)}" ) else: print_and_log("No contracts! :-(") print_and_log(f"Running Time {humanize_time(elapsed)}") if failed and exception: print(exception) world.logdebug(exception) print(f"FAILED at step {world.current_step} of {world.n_steps}\n") else: save_run_info(, log_dir, "world")
@main.command(help="Run an SCML2021 world simulation") # type: ignore @click.option("--steps", default=10, type=int, help="Number of steps.") @click.option( "--competitors", default=None, help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the competition.", ) @click.option( "--log", type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True), default=default_world_path(), help="Default location to save logs (A folder will be created under it)", ) @click.option( "--time", "-t", default=-1, type=int, help="Allowed time for the simulation" ) @click.option( "--log-ufuns/--no-ufun-logs", default=False, help="Log ufuns into their own CSV file. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--log-negs/--no-neg-logs", default=True, help="Log all negotiations. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--compact/--debug", default=False, help="If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint which" "includes reducing logs dramatically.", ) @click.option( "--show-contracts/--no-contracts", default=True, help="Show or do not show all signed contracts", ) @click.option( "--raise-exceptions/--ignore-exceptions", default=True, help="Whether to ignore agent exceptions", ) @click.option( "--oneshot/--multishot", default=False, help="Whether to run a one-shot game or a standard/collusion game", ) @click.option( "--path", default="", help="A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of " "paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows", ) @click.option( "--name", default="", help="World name. Used as the folder name in which it will be saved", ) @click.option( "--world-config", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, file_okay=True), default=None, multiple=False, help="A file to load extra configuration parameters for world simulations from.", ) @click.option( "--method", type=click.Choice(["guaranteed_profit", "profitable"]), default="profitable", help="The method used for world generation", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option()
[docs] def run2021( steps, time, competitors, log, compact, log_ufuns, log_negs, raise_exceptions, path, world_config, show_contracts, oneshot, name, method, ): if not competitors: competitors = ( (DEFAULT_ONESHOT + ";" + ";".join(DEFAULT_ONESHOT_NONCOMPETITORS)) if oneshot else (DEFAULT_STD_2021 + ";" + ";".join(DEFAULT_2021_NONCOMPETITORS)) ) world_type = SCML2021OneShotWorld if oneshot else SCML2021World if time <= 0: time = None kwargs = {"n_steps": steps} if world_config is not None and len(world_config) > 0: for wc in world_config: kwargs.update(load(wc)) if len(path) > 0: sys.path.append(path) params = kwargs if compact: log_ufuns = False log_negs = False log_dir = _path(log) world_name = ( unique_name( base=f"scml2020{'oneshot' if oneshot else ''}", add_time=True, rand_digits=0 ) if not name else name ) log_dir = log_dir / world_name log_dir = log_dir.absolute() os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) exception = None def _no_default(s): return (not oneshot and not (s.startswith("scml.scml2020.agents."))) or ( oneshot and not (s.startswith("scml.oneshot.agents.")) ) all_competitors = competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(all_competitors): if "." not in cp: if oneshot: all_competitors[i] = "scml.oneshot.agents." + cp else: all_competitors[i] = "scml.scml2020.agents." + cp all_competitors_params = [dict() for _ in all_competitors] world = world_type( **world_type.generate( time_limit=time, compact=compact, log_ufuns=log_ufuns, agent_types=all_competitors, # type: ignore agent_params=all_competitors_params, log_negotiations=log_negs, log_folder=log_dir, name=world_name, ignore_agent_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_contract_execution_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_simulation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_negotiation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, exogenous_generation_method=method, **kwargs, # type: ignore ) ) failed = False strt = perf_counter() try: for i in track(range(world.n_steps), total=world.n_steps): elapsed = perf_counter() - strt if world.time_limit is not None and elapsed >= world.time_limit: break if not world.step(): break except Exception: exception = traceback.format_exc() failed = True elapsed = perf_counter() - strt def print_and_log(s): world.logdebug(s) print(s) world.logdebug(f"{pformat(world.stats, compact=True)}") world.logdebug( f"=================================================\n" f"steps: {steps}, time: {time}\n" f"==================================================" ) save_stats(world=world, log_dir=log_dir, params=params) if len(world.saved_contracts) > 0: data = pd.DataFrame(world.saved_contracts) data = data.sort_values(["delivery_time"]) data = data.loc[ data.signed_at >= 0, [ "seller_name", "buyer_name", "delivery_time", "unit_price", "quantity", "product_name", "n_neg_steps", "signed_at", "executed_at", ], ] data.columns = [ "seller", "buyer", "t", "price", "q", "product", "steps", "signed", "executed", ] data["executed"] = data["signed"] = data["t"] if show_contracts: print_and_log(tabulate(data, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) d2 = ( data.loc[(~(data["executed"].isnull())) & (data["executed"] > -1), :] .groupby(["product"]) .apply( lambda x: pd.DataFrame( [ { "uprice": np.sum(x["price"] * x["q"]) / np.sum(x["q"]), "quantity": np.sum(x["q"]), } ] ) ) ) d2 = d2.reset_index().sort_values(["product"]) d2["Catalog"] = world.catalog_prices[ d2["product"].str.slice(start=-1).astype(int).values ] d2["Trading"] = world.trading_prices[ d2["product"].str.slice(start=-1).astype(int).values ] d2["Product"] = d2["product"] d2 = d2.loc[:, ["Product", "quantity", "uprice", "Catalog", "Trading"]] d2.columns = ["Product", "Quantity", "Avg. Price", "Catalog", "Trading"] print_and_log(tabulate(d2, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) n_executed = sum(world.stats["n_contracts_executed"]) n_negs = sum(world.stats["n_negotiations"]) n_contracts = len(world.saved_contracts) try: agent_scores = sorted( ( [, world.scores()[]] for _ in world.agents.values() if not is_system_agent( ), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True, ) agent_scores = pd.DataFrame( data=np.array(agent_scores), columns=["Agent", "Final Balance"] ) print_and_log(tabulate(agent_scores, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) except Exception: pass winners = [f"{} gaining {world.scores()[]}" for _ in] print_and_log( f"{n_contracts} contracts :-) [N. Negotiations: {n_negs}, Agreement Rate: " f"{world.agreement_fraction:0.0%}]" f" (rounds/successful negotiation: {world.n_negotiation_rounds_successful:5.2f}, " f"rounds/broken negotiation: {world.n_negotiation_rounds_failed:5.2f})" ) total = ( world.contract_dropping_fraction + world.contract_nullification_fraction + world.contract_err_fraction + world.breach_fraction + world.contract_execution_fraction ) n_cancelled = ( int(round(n_contracts * world.cancellation_rate)) if n_negs > 0 else 0 ) n_signed = n_contracts - n_cancelled n_dropped = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_dropping_fraction)) n_nullified = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_nullification_fraction)) n_erred = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_err_fraction)) n_breached = int(round(n_signed * world.breach_fraction)) n_executed = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_execution_fraction)) exogenous = [ _ for _ in world.saved_contracts if any(is_system_agent(a) for a in _["partners"]) ] negotiated = [ _ for _ in world.saved_contracts if all(not is_system_agent(a) for a in _["partners"]) ] n_exogenous = len(exogenous) n_negotiated = len(negotiated) n_exogenous_signed = len([_ for _ in exogenous if _["signed_at"] >= 0]) n_negotiated_signed = len([_ for _ in negotiated if _["signed_at"] >= 0]) print_and_log( f"Exogenous Contracts : {n_exogenous} of which {n_exogenous_signed} " f" were signed ({n_exogenous_signed/n_exogenous if n_exogenous!=0 else 0: 0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"Negotiated Contracts: {n_negotiated} of which {n_negotiated_signed} " f" were signed ({n_negotiated_signed/n_negotiated if n_negotiated!=0 else 0: 0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"All Contracts : {n_exogenous + n_negotiated} of which {n_exogenous_signed + n_negotiated_signed} " f" were signed ({1-world.cancellation_rate:0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"Executed: {world.contract_execution_fraction:0.1%}" f", Breached: {world.breach_fraction:0.1%}" f", Erred: {world.contract_err_fraction:0.1%}" f", Nullified: {world.contract_nullification_fraction:0.1%}" f", Dropped: {world.contract_dropping_fraction:0.1%}" f" (Sum:{total: 0.0%})\n" f"Negotiated: {n_negs} Concluded: {n_contracts} Signed: {n_signed} Dropped: {n_dropped} " f"Nullified: {n_nullified} " f"Erred {n_erred} Breached {n_breached} (b. level {world.breach_level:0.1%}) => Executed: {n_executed}\n" f"Business size: " f"{world.business_size}\n" f"Welfare: {world.welfare(True)} ({world.relative_welfare(True):5.03%})\n" f"Winners: {winners}\n" f"Running Time {humanize_time(elapsed)}" ) else: print_and_log("No contracts! :-(") print_and_log(f"Running Time {humanize_time(elapsed)}") if failed and exception: print(exception) world.logdebug(exception) print(f"FAILED at step {world.current_step} of {world.n_steps}\n") else: save_run_info(, log_dir, "world")
@main.command(help="Run an SCML2021 world simulation") # type: ignore @click.option("--steps", default=10, type=int, help="Number of steps.") @click.option( "--competitors", default=None, help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the competition.", ) @click.option( "--log", type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True), default=default_world_path(), help="Default location to save logs (A folder will be created under it)", ) @click.option( "--time", "-t", default=-1, type=int, help="Allowed time for the simulation" ) @click.option( "--log-ufuns/--no-ufun-logs", default=False, help="Log ufuns into their own CSV file. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--log-negs/--no-neg-logs", default=True, help="Log all negotiations. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--compact/--debug", default=False, help="If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint which" "includes reducing logs dramatically.", ) @click.option( "--show-contracts/--no-contracts", default=True, help="Show or do not show all signed contracts", ) @click.option( "--raise-exceptions/--ignore-exceptions", default=True, help="Whether to ignore agent exceptions", ) @click.option( "--oneshot/--multishot", default=False, help="Whether to run a one-shot game or a standard/collusion game", ) @click.option( "--path", default="", help="A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of " "paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows", ) @click.option( "--name", default="", help="World name. Used as the folder name in which it will be saved", ) @click.option( "--world-config", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, file_okay=True), default=None, multiple=False, help="A file to load extra configuration parameters for world simulations from.", ) @click.option( "--method", type=click.Choice(["guaranteed_profit", "profitable"]), default="profitable", help="The method used for world generation", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option()
[docs] def run2022( steps, time, competitors, log, compact, log_ufuns, log_negs, raise_exceptions, path, world_config, show_contracts, oneshot, name, method, ): if not competitors: competitors = ( (DEFAULT_ONESHOT + ";" + ";".join(DEFAULT_ONESHOT_NONCOMPETITORS)) if oneshot else (DEFAULT_STD_OLD + ";" + ";".join(DEFAULT_STD_NONCOMPETITORS_OLD)) ) world_type = SCML2022OneShotWorld if oneshot else SCML2022World if time <= 0: time = None kwargs = {"n_steps": steps} if world_config is not None and len(world_config) > 0: for wc in world_config: kwargs.update(load(wc)) if len(path) > 0: sys.path.append(path) params = kwargs if compact: log_ufuns = False log_negs = False log_dir = _path(log) world_name = ( unique_name( base=f"scml2020{'oneshot' if oneshot else ''}", add_time=True, rand_digits=0 ) if not name else name ) log_dir = log_dir / world_name log_dir = log_dir.absolute() os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) exception = None def _no_default(s): return (not oneshot and not (s.startswith("scml.scml2020.agents."))) or ( oneshot and not (s.startswith("scml.oneshot.agents.")) ) all_competitors = competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(all_competitors): if "." not in cp: if oneshot: all_competitors[i] = "scml.oneshot.agents." + cp else: all_competitors[i] = "scml.scml2020.agents." + cp all_competitors_params = [dict() for _ in all_competitors] world = world_type( **world_type.generate( time_limit=time, compact=compact, log_ufuns=log_ufuns, agent_types=all_competitors, # type: ignore agent_params=all_competitors_params, log_negotiations=log_negs, log_folder=log_dir, name=world_name, ignore_agent_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_contract_execution_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_simulation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_negotiation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, exogenous_generation_method=method, **kwargs, # type: ignore ) ) failed = False strt = perf_counter() try: for i in track(range(world.n_steps), total=world.n_steps): elapsed = perf_counter() - strt if world.time_limit is not None and elapsed >= world.time_limit: break if not world.step(): break except Exception: exception = traceback.format_exc() failed = True elapsed = perf_counter() - strt def print_and_log(s): world.logdebug(s) print(s) world.logdebug(f"{pformat(world.stats, compact=True)}") world.logdebug( f"=================================================\n" f"steps: {steps}, time: {time}\n" f"==================================================" ) save_stats(world=world, log_dir=log_dir, params=params) if len(world.saved_contracts) > 0: data = pd.DataFrame(world.saved_contracts) data = data.sort_values(["delivery_time"]) data = data.loc[ data.signed_at >= 0, [ "seller_name", "buyer_name", "delivery_time", "unit_price", "quantity", "product_name", "n_neg_steps", "signed_at", "executed_at", ], ] data.columns = [ "seller", "buyer", "t", "price", "q", "product", "steps", "signed", "executed", ] data["executed"] = data["signed"] = data["t"] if show_contracts: print_and_log(tabulate(data, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) d2 = ( data.loc[(~(data["executed"].isnull())) & (data["executed"] > -1), :] .groupby(["product"]) .apply( lambda x: pd.DataFrame( [ { "uprice": np.sum(x["price"] * x["q"]) / np.sum(x["q"]), "quantity": np.sum(x["q"]), } ] ) ) ) d2 = d2.reset_index().sort_values(["product"]) d2["Catalog"] = world.catalog_prices[ d2["product"].str.slice(start=-1).astype(int).values ] d2["Trading"] = world.trading_prices[ d2["product"].str.slice(start=-1).astype(int).values ] d2["Product"] = d2["product"] d2 = d2.loc[:, ["Product", "quantity", "uprice", "Catalog", "Trading"]] d2.columns = ["Product", "Quantity", "Avg. Price", "Catalog", "Trading"] print_and_log(tabulate(d2, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) n_executed = sum(world.stats["n_contracts_executed"]) n_negs = sum(world.stats["n_negotiations"]) n_contracts = len(world.saved_contracts) try: agent_scores = sorted( ( [, world.scores()[]] for _ in world.agents.values() if not is_system_agent( ), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True, ) agent_scores = pd.DataFrame( data=np.array(agent_scores), columns=["Agent", "Final Balance"] ) print_and_log(tabulate(agent_scores, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) except Exception: pass winners = [f"{} gaining {world.scores()[]}" for _ in] print_and_log( f"{n_contracts} contracts :-) [N. Negotiations: {n_negs}, Agreement Rate: " f"{world.agreement_fraction:0.0%}]" f" (rounds/successful negotiation: {world.n_negotiation_rounds_successful:5.2f}, " f"rounds/broken negotiation: {world.n_negotiation_rounds_failed:5.2f})" ) total = ( world.contract_dropping_fraction + world.contract_nullification_fraction + world.contract_err_fraction + world.breach_fraction + world.contract_execution_fraction ) n_cancelled = ( int(round(n_contracts * world.cancellation_rate)) if n_negs > 0 else 0 ) n_signed = n_contracts - n_cancelled n_dropped = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_dropping_fraction)) n_nullified = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_nullification_fraction)) n_erred = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_err_fraction)) n_breached = int(round(n_signed * world.breach_fraction)) n_executed = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_execution_fraction)) exogenous = [ _ for _ in world.saved_contracts if any(is_system_agent(a) for a in _["partners"]) ] negotiated = [ _ for _ in world.saved_contracts if all(not is_system_agent(a) for a in _["partners"]) ] n_exogenous = len(exogenous) n_negotiated = len(negotiated) n_exogenous_signed = len([_ for _ in exogenous if _["signed_at"] >= 0]) n_negotiated_signed = len([_ for _ in negotiated if _["signed_at"] >= 0]) print_and_log( f"Exogenous Contracts : {n_exogenous} of which {n_exogenous_signed} " f" were signed ({n_exogenous_signed/n_exogenous if n_exogenous!=0 else 0: 0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"Negotiated Contracts: {n_negotiated} of which {n_negotiated_signed} " f" were signed ({n_negotiated_signed/n_negotiated if n_negotiated!=0 else 0: 0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"All Contracts : {n_exogenous + n_negotiated} of which {n_exogenous_signed + n_negotiated_signed} " f" were signed ({1-world.cancellation_rate:0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"Executed: {world.contract_execution_fraction:0.1%}" f", Breached: {world.breach_fraction:0.1%}" f", Erred: {world.contract_err_fraction:0.1%}" f", Nullified: {world.contract_nullification_fraction:0.1%}" f", Dropped: {world.contract_dropping_fraction:0.1%}" f" (Sum:{total: 0.0%})\n" f"Negotiated: {n_negs} Concluded: {n_contracts} Signed: {n_signed} Dropped: {n_dropped} " f"Nullified: {n_nullified} " f"Erred {n_erred} Breached {n_breached} (b. level {world.breach_level:0.1%}) => Executed: {n_executed}\n" f"Business size: " f"{world.business_size}\n" f"Welfare: {world.welfare(True)} ({world.relative_welfare(True):5.03%})\n" f"Winners: {winners}\n" f"Running Time {humanize_time(elapsed)}" ) else: print_and_log("No contracts! :-(") print_and_log(f"Running Time {humanize_time(elapsed)}") if failed and exception: print(exception) world.logdebug(exception) print(f"FAILED at step {world.current_step} of {world.n_steps}\n") else: save_run_info(, log_dir, "world")
@main.command(help="Run an SCML2023 world simulation") # type: ignore @click.option("--steps", default=10, type=int, help="Number of steps.") @click.option( "--competitors", default=None, help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the competition.", ) @click.option( "--log", type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True), default=default_world_path(), help="Default location to save logs (A folder will be created under it)", ) @click.option( "--time", "-t", default=-1, type=int, help="Allowed time for the simulation" ) @click.option( "--log-ufuns/--no-ufun-logs", default=False, help="Log ufuns into their own CSV file. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--log-negs/--no-neg-logs", default=True, help="Log all negotiations. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--compact/--debug", default=False, help="If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint which" "includes reducing logs dramatically.", ) @click.option( "--show-contracts/--no-contracts", default=True, help="Show or do not show all signed contracts", ) @click.option( "--raise-exceptions/--ignore-exceptions", default=True, help="Whether to ignore agent exceptions", ) @click.option( "--oneshot/--multishot", default=False, help="Whether to run a one-shot game or a standard/collusion game", ) @click.option( "--path", default="", help="A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of " "paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows", ) @click.option( "--name", default="", help="World name. Used as the folder name in which it will be saved", ) @click.option( "--world-config", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, file_okay=True), default=None, multiple=False, help="A file to load extra configuration parameters for world simulations from.", ) @click.option( "--method", type=click.Choice(["guaranteed_profit", "profitable"]), default="profitable", help="The method used for world generation", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option()
[docs] def run2023( steps, time, competitors, log, compact, log_ufuns, log_negs, raise_exceptions, path, world_config, show_contracts, oneshot, name, method, ): if not competitors: competitors = ( (DEFAULT_ONESHOT + ";" + ";".join(DEFAULT_ONESHOT_NONCOMPETITORS)) if oneshot else (DEFAULT_STD_OLD + ";" + ";".join(DEFAULT_STD_NONCOMPETITORS_OLD)) ) world_type = SCML2023OneShotWorld if oneshot else SCML2023World if time <= 0: time = None kwargs = {"n_steps": steps} if world_config is not None and len(world_config) > 0: for wc in world_config: kwargs.update(load(wc)) if len(path) > 0: sys.path.append(path) params = kwargs if compact: log_ufuns = False log_negs = False log_dir = _path(log) world_name = ( unique_name( base=f"scml2020{'oneshot' if oneshot else ''}", add_time=True, rand_digits=0 ) if not name else name ) log_dir = log_dir / world_name log_dir = log_dir.absolute() os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) exception = None def _no_default(s): return (not oneshot and not (s.startswith("scml.scml2020.agents."))) or ( oneshot and not (s.startswith("scml.oneshot.agents.")) ) all_competitors = competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(all_competitors): if "." not in cp: if oneshot: all_competitors[i] = "scml.oneshot.agents." + cp else: all_competitors[i] = "scml.scml2020.agents." + cp all_competitors_params = [dict() for _ in all_competitors] world = world_type( **world_type.generate( time_limit=time, compact=compact, log_ufuns=log_ufuns, agent_types=all_competitors, # type: ignore agent_params=all_competitors_params, log_negotiations=log_negs, log_folder=log_dir, name=world_name, ignore_agent_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_contract_execution_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_simulation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_negotiation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, exogenous_generation_method=method, **kwargs, # type: ignore ) ) failed = False strt = perf_counter() try: for i in track(range(world.n_steps), total=world.n_steps): elapsed = perf_counter() - strt if world.time_limit is not None and elapsed >= world.time_limit: break if not world.step(): break except Exception: exception = traceback.format_exc() failed = True elapsed = perf_counter() - strt def print_and_log(s): world.logdebug(s) print(s) world.logdebug(f"{pformat(world.stats, compact=True)}") world.logdebug( f"=================================================\n" f"steps: {steps}, time: {time}\n" f"==================================================" ) save_stats(world=world, log_dir=log_dir, params=params) if len(world.saved_contracts) > 0: data = pd.DataFrame(world.saved_contracts) data = data.sort_values(["delivery_time"]) data = data.loc[ data.signed_at >= 0, [ "seller_name", "buyer_name", "delivery_time", "unit_price", "quantity", "product_name", "n_neg_steps", "signed_at", "executed_at", ], ] data.columns = [ "seller", "buyer", "t", "price", "q", "product", "steps", "signed", "executed", ] data["executed"] = data["signed"] = data["t"] if show_contracts: print_and_log(tabulate(data, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) d2 = ( data.loc[(~(data["executed"].isnull())) & (data["executed"] > -1), :] .groupby(["product"]) .apply( lambda x: pd.DataFrame( [ { "uprice": np.sum(x["price"] * x["q"]) / np.sum(x["q"]), "quantity": np.sum(x["q"]), } ] ) ) ) d2 = d2.reset_index().sort_values(["product"]) d2["Catalog"] = world.catalog_prices[ d2["product"].str.slice(start=-1).astype(int).values ] d2["Trading"] = world.trading_prices[ d2["product"].str.slice(start=-1).astype(int).values ] d2["Product"] = d2["product"] d2 = d2.loc[:, ["Product", "quantity", "uprice", "Catalog", "Trading"]] d2.columns = ["Product", "Quantity", "Avg. Price", "Catalog", "Trading"] print_and_log(tabulate(d2, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) n_executed = sum(world.stats["n_contracts_executed"]) n_negs = sum(world.stats["n_negotiations"]) n_contracts = len(world.saved_contracts) try: agent_scores = sorted( ( [, world.scores()[]] for _ in world.agents.values() if not is_system_agent( ), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True, ) agent_scores = pd.DataFrame( data=np.array(agent_scores), columns=["Agent", "Final Balance"] ) print_and_log(tabulate(agent_scores, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) except Exception: pass winners = [f"{} gaining {world.scores()[]}" for _ in] print_and_log( f"{n_contracts} contracts :-) [N. Negotiations: {n_negs}, Agreement Rate: " f"{world.agreement_fraction:0.0%}]" f" (rounds/successful negotiation: {world.n_negotiation_rounds_successful:5.2f}, " f"rounds/broken negotiation: {world.n_negotiation_rounds_failed:5.2f})" ) total = ( world.contract_dropping_fraction + world.contract_nullification_fraction + world.contract_err_fraction + world.breach_fraction + world.contract_execution_fraction ) n_cancelled = ( int(round(n_contracts * world.cancellation_rate)) if n_negs > 0 else 0 ) n_signed = n_contracts - n_cancelled n_dropped = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_dropping_fraction)) n_nullified = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_nullification_fraction)) n_erred = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_err_fraction)) n_breached = int(round(n_signed * world.breach_fraction)) n_executed = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_execution_fraction)) exogenous = [ _ for _ in world.saved_contracts if any(is_system_agent(a) for a in _["partners"]) ] negotiated = [ _ for _ in world.saved_contracts if all(not is_system_agent(a) for a in _["partners"]) ] n_exogenous = len(exogenous) n_negotiated = len(negotiated) n_exogenous_signed = len([_ for _ in exogenous if _["signed_at"] >= 0]) n_negotiated_signed = len([_ for _ in negotiated if _["signed_at"] >= 0]) print_and_log( f"Exogenous Contracts : {n_exogenous} of which {n_exogenous_signed} " f" were signed ({n_exogenous_signed/n_exogenous if n_exogenous!=0 else 0: 0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"Negotiated Contracts: {n_negotiated} of which {n_negotiated_signed} " f" were signed ({n_negotiated_signed/n_negotiated if n_negotiated!=0 else 0: 0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"All Contracts : {n_exogenous + n_negotiated} of which {n_exogenous_signed + n_negotiated_signed} " f" were signed ({1-world.cancellation_rate:0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"Executed: {world.contract_execution_fraction:0.1%}" f", Breached: {world.breach_fraction:0.1%}" f", Erred: {world.contract_err_fraction:0.1%}" f", Nullified: {world.contract_nullification_fraction:0.1%}" f", Dropped: {world.contract_dropping_fraction:0.1%}" f" (Sum:{total: 0.0%})\n" f"Negotiated: {n_negs} Concluded: {n_contracts} Signed: {n_signed} Dropped: {n_dropped} " f"Nullified: {n_nullified} " f"Erred {n_erred} Breached {n_breached} (b. level {world.breach_level:0.1%}) => Executed: {n_executed}\n" f"Business size: " f"{world.business_size}\n" f"Welfare: {world.welfare(True)} ({world.relative_welfare(True):5.03%})\n" f"Winners: {winners}\n" f"Running Time {humanize_time(elapsed)}" ) else: print_and_log("No contracts! :-(") print_and_log(f"Running Time {humanize_time(elapsed)}") if failed and exception: print(exception) world.logdebug(exception) print(f"FAILED at step {world.current_step} of {world.n_steps}\n") else: save_run_info(, log_dir, "world")
@main.command(help="Run an 2024 world simulation") # type: ignore @click.option("--steps", default=10, type=int, help="Number of steps.") @click.option( "--competitors", default=None, help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the simulation.", ) @click.option( "--log", type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True), default=default_world_path(), help="Default location to save logs (A folder will be created under it)", ) @click.option( "--time", "-t", default=-1, type=int, help="Allowed time for the simulation" ) @click.option( "--log-ufuns/--no-ufun-logs", default=False, help="Log ufuns into their own CSV file. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--log-negs/--no-neg-logs", default=True, help="Log all negotiations. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--compact/--debug", default=False, help="If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint which" "includes reducing logs dramatically.", ) @click.option( "--show-contracts/--no-contracts", default=False, help="Show or do not show all signed contracts", ) @click.option( "--raise-exceptions/--ignore-exceptions", default=True, help="Whether to ignore agent exceptions", ) @click.option( "--oneshot/--std", default=False, help="Whether to run a one-shot game or a standard game", ) @click.option( "--path", default="", help="A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of " "paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows", ) @click.option( "--name", default="", help="World name. Used as the folder name in which it will be saved", ) @click.option( "--world-config", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, file_okay=True), default=None, multiple=False, help="A file to load extra configuration parameters for world simulations from.", ) @click.option( "--method", type=click.Choice(["guaranteed_profit", "profitable"]), default="profitable", help="The method used for world generation", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option()
[docs] def run2024( steps, time, competitors, log, compact, log_ufuns, log_negs, raise_exceptions, path, world_config, show_contracts, oneshot, name, method, ): if not competitors: competitors = ( (DEFAULT_ONESHOT + ";" + ";".join(DEFAULT_ONESHOT_NONCOMPETITORS)) if oneshot else (DEFAULT_STD + ";" + ";".join(DEFAULT_STD_NONCOMPETITORS)) ) world_type = SCML2024OneShotWorld if oneshot else SCML2024StdWorld if time <= 0: time = None kwargs = {"n_steps": steps} if world_config is not None and len(world_config) > 0: for wc in world_config: kwargs.update(load(wc)) if len(path) > 0: sys.path.append(path) params = kwargs if compact: log_ufuns = False log_negs = False log_dir = _path(log) world_name = ( unique_name( base=f"scml2024{'oneshot' if oneshot else 'std'}", add_time=True, rand_digits=0, ) if not name else name ) log_dir = log_dir / world_name log_dir = log_dir.absolute() os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) exception = None def _no_default(s): return (not oneshot and not (s.startswith("scml.std.agents."))) or ( oneshot and not (s.startswith("scml.oneshot.agents.")) ) all_competitors = competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(all_competitors): if "." not in cp: if oneshot: all_competitors[i] = "scml.oneshot.agents." + cp else: all_competitors[i] = "scml.std.agents." + cp all_competitors_params = [dict() for _ in all_competitors] kwargs.update( dict( time_limit=time, compact=compact, log_ufuns=log_ufuns, agent_types=all_competitors, agent_params=all_competitors_params, log_negotiations=log_negs, log_folder=log_dir, name=world_name, ignore_agent_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_contract_execution_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_simulation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_negotiation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, exogenous_generation_method=method, ) ) if oneshot: kwargs.update(dict(storage_cost=0, storage_cost_dev=0, perishable=True)) else: kwargs.update(dict(disposal_cost=0, disposal_cost_dev=0, perishable=False)) world = world_type(**world_type.generate(**kwargs)) failed = False strt = perf_counter() try: for i in track(range(world.n_steps), total=world.n_steps): elapsed = perf_counter() - strt if world.time_limit is not None and elapsed >= world.time_limit: break if not world.step(): break except Exception: exception = traceback.format_exc() failed = True elapsed = perf_counter() - strt def print_and_log(s): world.logdebug(s) print(s) world.logdebug(f"{pformat(world.stats, compact=True)}") world.logdebug( f"=================================================\n" f"steps: {steps}, time: {time}\n" f"==================================================" ) save_stats(world=world, log_dir=log_dir, params=params) if len(world.saved_contracts) > 0: data = pd.DataFrame(world.saved_contracts) data = data.sort_values(["delivery_time"]) data = data.loc[ data.signed_at >= 0, [ "seller_name", "buyer_name", "delivery_time", "unit_price", "quantity", "product_name", "n_neg_steps", "signed_at", "executed_at", ], ] data.columns = [ "seller", "buyer", "t", "price", "q", "product", "steps", "signed", "executed", ] data["executed"] = data["signed"] = data["t"] if show_contracts: print_and_log(tabulate(data, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) d2 = ( data.loc[(~(data["executed"].isnull())) & (data["executed"] > -1), :] .groupby(["product"]) .apply( lambda x: pd.DataFrame( [ { "uprice": np.sum(x["price"] * x["q"]) / np.sum(x["q"]), "quantity": np.sum(x["q"]), } ] ) ) ) d2 = d2.reset_index().sort_values(["product"]) d2["Catalog"] = world.catalog_prices[ d2["product"].str.slice(start=-1).astype(int).values ] d2["Trading"] = world.trading_prices[ d2["product"].str.slice(start=-1).astype(int).values ] d2["Product"] = d2["product"] d2 = d2.loc[:, ["Product", "quantity", "uprice", "Catalog", "Trading"]] d2.columns = ["Product", "Quantity", "Avg. Price", "Catalog", "Trading"] print_and_log(tabulate(d2, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) n_executed = sum(world.stats["n_contracts_executed"]) n_negs = sum(world.stats["n_negotiations"]) n_contracts = len(world.saved_contracts) try: agent_scores = sorted( ( [, world.scores()[]] for _ in world.agents.values() if not is_system_agent( ), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True, ) agent_scores = pd.DataFrame( data=np.array(agent_scores), columns=["Agent", "Final Balance"] ) print_and_log(tabulate(agent_scores, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql")) except Exception: pass winners = [f"{} gaining {world.scores()[]}" for _ in] print_and_log( f"{n_contracts} contracts :-) [N. Negotiations: {n_negs}, Agreement Rate: " f"{world.agreement_fraction:0.0%}]" f" (rounds/successful negotiation: {world.n_negotiation_rounds_successful:5.2f}, " f"rounds/broken negotiation: {world.n_negotiation_rounds_failed:5.2f})" ) total = ( world.contract_dropping_fraction + world.contract_nullification_fraction + world.contract_err_fraction + world.breach_fraction + world.contract_execution_fraction ) n_cancelled = ( int(round(n_contracts * world.cancellation_rate)) if n_negs > 0 else 0 ) n_signed = n_contracts - n_cancelled n_dropped = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_dropping_fraction)) n_nullified = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_nullification_fraction)) n_erred = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_err_fraction)) n_breached = int(round(n_signed * world.breach_fraction)) n_executed = int(round(n_signed * world.contract_execution_fraction)) exogenous = [ _ for _ in world.saved_contracts if any(is_system_agent(a) for a in _["partners"]) ] negotiated = [ _ for _ in world.saved_contracts if all(not is_system_agent(a) for a in _["partners"]) ] n_exogenous = len(exogenous) n_negotiated = len(negotiated) n_exogenous_signed = len([_ for _ in exogenous if _["signed_at"] >= 0]) n_negotiated_signed = len([_ for _ in negotiated if _["signed_at"] >= 0]) print_and_log( f"Exogenous Contracts : {n_exogenous} of which {n_exogenous_signed} " f" were signed ({n_exogenous_signed/n_exogenous if n_exogenous!=0 else 0: 0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"Negotiated Contracts: {n_negotiated} of which {n_negotiated_signed} " f" were signed ({n_negotiated_signed/n_negotiated if n_negotiated!=0 else 0: 0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"All Contracts : {n_exogenous + n_negotiated} of which {n_exogenous_signed + n_negotiated_signed} " f" were signed ({1-world.cancellation_rate:0.1%})" ) print_and_log( f"Executed: {world.contract_execution_fraction:0.1%}" f", Breached: {world.breach_fraction:0.1%}" f", Erred: {world.contract_err_fraction:0.1%}" f", Nullified: {world.contract_nullification_fraction:0.1%}" f", Dropped: {world.contract_dropping_fraction:0.1%}" f" (Sum:{total: 0.0%})\n" f"Negotiated: {n_negs} Concluded: {n_contracts} Signed: {n_signed} Dropped: {n_dropped} " f"Nullified: {n_nullified} " f"Erred {n_erred} Breached {n_breached} (b. level {world.breach_level:0.1%}) => Executed: {n_executed}\n" f"Business size: " f"{world.business_size}\n" f"Welfare: {world.welfare(True)} ({world.relative_welfare(True):5.03%})\n" f"Winners: {winners}\n" f"Running Time {humanize_time(elapsed)}" ) else: print_and_log("No contracts! :-(") print_and_log(f"Running Time {humanize_time(elapsed)}") if failed and exception: print(exception) world.logdebug(exception) print(f"FAILED at step {world.current_step} of {world.n_steps}\n") else: save_run_info(, log_dir, "world")
@main.command(help="Runs an SCML2019 tournament") # type: ignore @click.option( "--parallel/--serial", default=True, help="Run a parallel/serial tournament on a single machine", ) @click.option( "--name", "-n", default="random", help='The name of the tournament. The special value "random" will result in a random name', ) @click.option( "--steps", "-s", default=10, type=int, help="Number of steps. If passed then --steps-min and --steps-max are " "ignored", ) @click.option( "--ttype", "--tournament-type", "--tournament", default="std", type=click.Choice(["collusion", "std", "sabotage"]), help="The config to use. It can be collusion, std or sabotage", ) @click.option( "--timeout", "-t", default=-1, type=int, help="Timeout the whole tournament after the given number of seconds (0 for infinite)", ) @click.option( "--configs", default=5, type=int, help="Number of unique configurations to generate.", ) @click.option("--runs", default=2, help="Number of runs for each configuration") @click.option( "--max-runs", default=-1, type=int, help="Maximum total number of runs. Zero or negative numbers mean no limit", ) @click.option( "--competitors", default="GreedyFactoryManager;DoNothingFactoryManager", help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the competition. You" " can also pass the special value default for the default builtin" " agents", ) @click.option( "--non-competitors", default="", help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to exist in the worlds as non-competitors " "(their scores will not be calculated).", ) @click.option( "--log", "-l", type=click.Path(dir_okay=True, file_okay=False), default=default_tournament_path(), help="Default location to save logs (A folder will be created under it)", ) @click.option( "--world-config", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, file_okay=True), default=None, multiple=False, help="A file to load extra configuration parameters for world simulations from.", ) @click.option( "--verbosity", default=1, type=int, help="verbosity level (from 0 == silent to 1 == world progress)", ) @click.option( "--log-ufuns/--no-ufun-logs", default=False, help="Log ufuns into their own CSV file. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--log-negs/--no-neg-logs", default=True, help="Log all negotiations. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--compact/--debug", default=True, help="If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint which" "includes reducing logs dramatically.", ) @click.option( "--raise-exceptions/--ignore-exceptions", default=True, help="Whether to ignore agent exceptions", ) @click.option( "--path", default="", help="A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of " "paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows", ) @click.option( "--output", default="", type=str, help="A file to save the final results to", ) @click.option( "--cw", default=3, type=int, help="Number of competitors to run at every world simulation. It must " "either be left at default or be a number > 1 and < the number " "of competitors passed using --competitors", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option()
[docs] def tournament2019( output, parallel, name, steps, ttype, timeout, configs, runs, max_runs, competitors, non_competitors, log, world_config, verbosity, log_ufuns, log_negs, compact, raise_exceptions, path, cw, ): if len(output) == 0 or output == "none": output = None if output: output = Path(output).absolute() parent = output.parent parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) kwargs = {} if world_config is not None and len(world_config) > 0: for wc in world_config: kwargs.update(load(wc)) log = _path(log) if len(path) > 0: sys.path.append(path) warning_n_runs = 2000 if timeout <= 0: timeout = None if name == "random": name = unique_name(base="", rand_digits=0) if max_runs <= 0: max_runs = None if compact: log_ufuns = False reveal_names = True if not compact: verbosity = max(1, verbosity) worlds_per_config = ( None if max_runs is None else int(round(max_runs / (configs * runs))) ) all_competitors = competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(all_competitors): if "." not in cp: all_competitors[i] = ("scml.scml2019.factory_managers.builtins.") + cp all_competitors_params = [dict() for _ in range(len(all_competitors))] permutation_size = len(all_competitors) if "sabotage" not in ttype else 1 if cw > len(all_competitors): cw = len(all_competitors) recommended = runs * configs * permutation_size if worlds_per_config is not None and worlds_per_config < 1: print( f"You need at least {(configs * runs)} runs even with a single permutation of managers." f".\n\nSet --max-runs to at least {(configs * runs)} (Recommended {recommended})" ) return if max_runs is not None and max_runs < recommended: print( f"You are running {max_runs} worlds only but it is recommended to set {max_runs} to at least " f"{recommended}. Will continue" ) if ttype == "std": pass if worlds_per_config is None: n_worlds = ( permutation_size * runs * configs * (nCr(len(all_competitors), cw) if "sabotage" not in ttype else 1) ) if n_worlds > warning_n_runs: print( f"You are running the maximum possible number of permutations for each configuration. This is roughly" f" {n_worlds} simulations (each for {steps} steps). That will take a VERY long time." f"\n\nYou can reduce the number of simulations by setting --configs>=1 (currently {configs}) or " f"--runs>= 1 (currently {runs}) to a lower value. " f"\nFinally, you can limit the maximum number of worlds to run by setting --max-runs=integer." ) max_runs = int( input( f"Input the maximum number of simulations to run. Zero to run all of the {n_worlds} " f"simulations. ^C or a negative number to exit [0 : {n_worlds}]:" ) ) if max_runs == 0: max_runs = None if max_runs is not None and max_runs < 0: exit(0) worlds_per_config = ( None if max_runs is None else int(round(max_runs / (configs * runs))) ) parallelism = "parallel" if parallel else "serial" non_competitor_params = None if len(non_competitors) < 1: non_competitors = None else: non_competitors = non_competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(non_competitors): if "." not in cp: non_competitors[i] = ( "scml.scml2019.factory_managers.builtins." # if "2019" in ttype # else "scml.scml2020.agents." ) + cp if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = (DefaultGreedyManager,) non_competitor_params = ({},) print(f"Tournament will be run between {len(all_competitors)} agents: ") pprint(all_competitors) print("Non-competitors are: ") pprint(non_competitors) runner = ( anac2019_std if ttype == "std" else anac2019_collusion if ttype == "collusion" else anac2019_sabotage ) kwargs["round_robin"] = True start = perf_counter() results = runner( competitors=all_competitors, competitor_params=all_competitors_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, # type: ignore agent_names_reveal_type=reveal_names, n_competitors_per_world=cw, n_configs=configs, n_runs_per_world=runs, parallelism=parallelism, max_worlds_per_config=worlds_per_config, tournament_path=str(log) if log else log, total_timeout=timeout, name=name, verbose=verbosity > 0, compact=compact, n_steps=steps, log_ufuns=log_ufuns, log_negotiations=log_negs, ignore_agent_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_contract_execution_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_simulation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_negotiation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, **kwargs, # type: ignore ) end_time = humanize_time(perf_counter() - start) display_results(results, "median", output) print(f"Finished in {end_time}")
@main.command(help="Runs an SCML2020 tournament") # type: ignore @click.option( "--name", "-n", default="random", help='The name of the tournament. The special value "random" will result in a random name', ) @click.option( "--steps", "-s", default=10, type=int, help="Number of steps. If passed then --steps-min and --steps-max are " "ignored", ) @click.option( "--ttype", "--tournament-type", "--tournament", default="std", type=click.Choice(["collusion", "std"]), help="The config to use. It can be collusion or std", ) @click.option( "--timeout", "-t", default=-1, type=int, help="Timeout the whole tournament after the given number of seconds (0 for infinite)", ) @click.option( "--configs", default=5, type=int, help="Number of unique configurations to generate.", ) @click.option("--runs", default=2, help="Number of runs for each configuration") @click.option( "--max-runs", default=-1, type=int, help="Maximum total number of runs. Zero or negative numbers mean no limit", ) @click.option( "--competitors", default=DEFAULT_STD_OLD, help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the competition. You" " can also pass the special value default for the default builtin" " agents", ) @click.option( "--non-competitors", default=DEFAULT_STD_NONCOMPETITORS_OLD, help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to exist in the worlds as non-competitors " "(their scores will not be calculated).", ) @click.option( "--log", "-l", type=click.Path(dir_okay=True, file_okay=False), default=default_tournament_path(), help="Default location to save logs (A folder will be created under it)", ) @click.option( "--world-config", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, file_okay=True), default=None, multiple=False, help="A file to load extra configuration parameters for world simulations from.", ) @click.option( "--verbosity", default=1, type=int, help="verbosity level (from 0 == silent to 1 == world progress)", ) @click.option( "--log-ufuns/--no-ufun-logs", default=False, help="Log ufuns into their own CSV file. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--log-negs/--no-neg-logs", default=True, help="Log all negotiations. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--compact/--debug", default=True, help="If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint which" "includes reducing logs dramatically.", ) @click.option( "--raise-exceptions/--ignore-exceptions", default=True, help="Whether to ignore agent exceptions", ) @click.option( "--path", default="", help="A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of " "paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows", ) @click.option( "--cw", default=3, type=int, help="Number of competitors to run at every world simulation. It must " "either be left at default or be a number > 1 and < the number " "of competitors passed using --competitors", ) @click.option( "--parallel/--serial", default=True, help="Run a parallel/serial tournament on a single machine", ) @click.option( "--output", default="", type=str, help="A file to save the final results to", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option()
[docs] def tournament2020( name, steps, timeout, ttype, log, verbosity, runs, configs, max_runs, competitors, world_config, non_competitors, compact, log_ufuns, log_negs, raise_exceptions, path, cw, parallel, output, ): if len(output) == 0 or output == "none": output = None if output: output = Path(output).absolute() parent = output.parent parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) kwargs = {} if world_config is not None and len(world_config) > 0: for wc in world_config: kwargs.update(load(wc)) log = _path(log) if len(path) > 0: sys.path.append(path) warning_n_runs = 2000 if timeout <= 0: timeout = None if name == "random": name = unique_name(base="", rand_digits=0) if max_runs <= 0: max_runs = None if compact: log_ufuns = False reveal_names = True if not compact: verbosity = max(1, verbosity) worlds_per_config = ( None if max_runs is None else int(round(max_runs / (configs * runs))) ) all_competitors = competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(all_competitors): if "." not in cp: all_competitors[i] = ("scml.scml2020.agents.") + cp all_competitors_params = [dict() for _ in range(len(all_competitors))] permutation_size = len(all_competitors) if cw > len(all_competitors): cw = len(all_competitors) recommended = runs * configs * permutation_size if worlds_per_config is not None and worlds_per_config < 1: print( f"You need at least {(configs * runs)} runs even with a single permutation of managers." f".\n\nSet --max-runs to at least {(configs * runs)} (Recommended {recommended})" ) return if max_runs is not None and max_runs < recommended: print( f"You are running {max_runs} worlds only but it is recommended to set {max_runs} to at least " f"{recommended}. Will continue" ) if ttype == "std": pass if worlds_per_config is None: n_worlds = permutation_size * runs * configs * nCr(len(all_competitors), cw) if n_worlds > warning_n_runs: print( f"You are running the maximum possible number of permutations for each configuration. This is roughly" f" {n_worlds} simulations (each for {steps} steps). That will take a VERY long time." f"\n\nYou can reduce the number of simulations by setting --configs>=1 (currently {configs}) or " f"--runs>= 1 (currently {runs}) to a lower value. " f"\nFinally, you can limit the maximum number of worlds to run by setting --max-runs=integer." ) max_runs = int( input( f"Input the maximum number of simulations to run. Zero to run all of the {n_worlds} " f"simulations. ^C or a negative number to exit [0 : {n_worlds}]:" ) ) if max_runs == 0: max_runs = None if max_runs is not None and max_runs < 0: exit(0) worlds_per_config = ( None if max_runs is None else int(round(max_runs / (configs * runs))) ) non_competitor_params = None if len(non_competitors) < 1: non_competitors = None else: non_competitors = non_competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(non_competitors): if "." not in cp: non_competitors[i] = ("scml.scml2020.agents.") + cp if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgents non_competitor_params = tuple({} for _ in range(len(non_competitors))) print(f"Tournament will be run between {len(all_competitors)} agents: ") pprint(all_competitors) print("Non-competitors are: ") pprint(non_competitors) runner = anac2020_std if ttype == "std" else anac2020_collusion parallelism = "parallel" if parallel else "serial" prog_callback = print_world_progress if verbosity > 1 else None start = perf_counter() kwargs["round_robin"] = True results = runner( competitors=all_competitors, competitor_params=all_competitors_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=reveal_names, n_competitors_per_world=cw, n_configs=configs, n_runs_per_world=runs, max_worlds_per_config=worlds_per_config, tournament_path=log, total_timeout=timeout, name=name, verbose=verbosity > 0, compact=compact, n_steps=steps, parallelism=parallelism, world_progress_callback=prog_callback, log_ufuns=log_ufuns, log_negotiations=log_negs, ignore_agent_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_contract_execution_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_simulation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_negotiation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, **kwargs, # type: ignore ) end_time = humanize_time(perf_counter() - start) display_results(results, "median", output) print(f"Finished in {end_time}") assert isinstance(results, TournamentResults) save_run_info(name, results.path, "tournament")
@main.command(help="Runs an SCML2021 tournament") # type: ignore @click.option( "--name", "-n", default="random", help='The name of the tournament. The special value "random" will result in a random name', ) @click.option( "--steps", "-s", default=10, type=int, help="Number of steps. If passed then --steps-min and --steps-max are " "ignored", ) @click.option( "--ttype", "--tournament-type", "--tournament", default="std", type=click.Choice(["collusion", "std", "oneshot"]), help="The config to use. It can be collusion, std, or oneshot", ) @click.option( "--timeout", "-t", default=-1, type=int, help="Timeout the whole tournament after the given number of seconds (0 for infinite)", ) @click.option( "--configs", default=5, type=int, help="Number of unique configurations to generate.", ) @click.option("--runs", default=2, help="Number of runs for each configuration") @click.option( "--max-runs", default=-1, type=int, help="Maximum total number of runs. Zero or negative numbers mean no limit", ) @click.option( "--competitors", default=None, help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the competition. You" " can also pass the special value default for the default builtin" " agents", ) @click.option( "--non-competitors", default="", help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to exist in the worlds as non-competitors " "(their scores will not be calculated).", ) @click.option( "--log", "-l", type=click.Path(dir_okay=True, file_okay=False), default=default_tournament_path(), help="Default location to save logs (A folder will be created under it)", ) @click.option( "--world-config", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, file_okay=True), default=None, multiple=False, help="A file to load extra configuration parameters for world simulations from.", ) @click.option( "--verbosity", default=1, type=int, help="verbosity level (from 0 == silent to 1 == world progress)", ) @click.option( "--log-ufuns/--no-ufun-logs", default=False, help="Log ufuns into their own CSV file. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--log-negs/--no-neg-logs", default=True, help="Log all negotiations. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--compact/--debug", default=True, help="If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint which" "includes reducing logs dramatically.", ) @click.option( "--raise-exceptions/--ignore-exceptions", default=True, help="Whether to ignore agent exceptions", ) @click.option( "--path", default="", help="A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of " "paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows", ) @click.option( "--cw", default=1, type=int, help="Number of competitors to run at every world simulation. It must " "either be left at default or be a number > 1 and < the number " "of competitors passed using --competitors", ) @click.option( "--parallel/--serial", default=True, help="Run a parallel/serial tournament on a single machine", ) @click.option( "--output", default="", type=str, help="A file to save the final results to", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option()
[docs] def tournament2021( name, steps, timeout, ttype, log, verbosity, runs, configs, max_runs, competitors, world_config, non_competitors, compact, log_ufuns, log_negs, raise_exceptions, path, cw, parallel, output, ): oneshot = ttype == "oneshot" if not competitors: competitors = DEFAULT_ONESHOT if oneshot else DEFAULT_STD_OLD if not non_competitors: non_competitors = ( ";".join(DEFAULT_ONESHOT_NONCOMPETITORS) if oneshot else ";".join(DEFAULT_STD_NONCOMPETITORS_OLD) ) if len(output) == 0 or output == "none": output = None if output: output = Path(output).absolute() parent = output.parent parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) kwargs = {} if world_config is not None and len(world_config) > 0: for wc in world_config: kwargs.update(load(wc)) log = _path(log) if len(path) > 0: sys.path.append(path) warning_n_runs = 2000 if timeout <= 0: timeout = None if name == "random": name = unique_name(base="", rand_digits=0) if max_runs <= 0: max_runs = None if compact: log_ufuns = False reveal_names = True if not compact: verbosity = max(1, verbosity) worlds_per_config = ( None if max_runs is None else int(round(max_runs / (configs * runs))) ) all_competitors = competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(all_competitors): if "." not in cp: if oneshot: all_competitors[i] = ("scml.oneshot.agents.") + cp else: all_competitors[i] = ("scml.scml2020.agents.") + cp all_competitors_params = [dict() for _ in range(len(all_competitors))] permutation_size = len(all_competitors) if cw > len(all_competitors): cw = len(all_competitors) recommended = runs * configs * permutation_size if worlds_per_config is not None and worlds_per_config < 1: print( f"You need at least {(configs * runs)} runs even with a single permutation of managers." f".\n\nSet --max-runs to at least {(configs * runs)} (Recommended {recommended})" ) return if max_runs is not None and max_runs < recommended: print( f"You are running {max_runs} worlds only but it is recommended to set {max_runs} to at least " f"{recommended}. Will continue" ) if ttype == "std": pass if worlds_per_config is None: n_worlds = permutation_size * runs * configs * nCr(len(all_competitors), cw) if n_worlds > warning_n_runs: print( f"You are running the maximum possible number of permutations for each configuration. This is roughly" f" {n_worlds} simulations (each for {steps} steps). That will take a VERY long time." f"\n\nYou can reduce the number of simulations by setting --configs>=1 (currently {configs}) or " f"--runs>= 1 (currently {runs}) to a lower value. " f"\nFinally, you can limit the maximum number of worlds to run by setting --max-runs=integer." ) max_runs = int( input( f"Input the maximum number of simulations to run. Zero to run all of the {n_worlds} " f"simulations. ^C or a negative number to exit [0 : {n_worlds}]:" ) ) if max_runs == 0: max_runs = None if max_runs is not None and max_runs < 0: exit(0) worlds_per_config = ( None if max_runs is None else int(round(max_runs / (configs * runs))) ) non_competitor_params = None if len(non_competitors) < 1: non_competitors = None else: non_competitors = non_competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(non_competitors): if "." not in cp: if oneshot: non_competitors[i] = ("scml.oneshot.agents.") + cp else: non_competitors[i] = ("scml.scml2020.agents.") + cp if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = ( DEFAULT_ONESHOT_NONCOMPETITORS if ttype == "oneshot" else DEFAULT_2021_NONCOMPETITORS ) non_competitor_params = tuple({} for _ in range(len(non_competitors))) print(f"Tournament will be run between {len(all_competitors)} agents: ") pprint(all_competitors) print("Non-competitors are: ") pprint(non_competitors) runner = ( anac2021_std if ttype == "std" else anac2021_collusion if ttype == "collusion" else anac2021_oneshot ) parallelism = "parallel" if parallel else "serial" prog_callback = print_world_progress if verbosity > 1 else None start = perf_counter() kwargs["round_robin"] = True results = runner( competitors=all_competitors, competitor_params=all_competitors_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=reveal_names, n_competitors_per_world=cw, n_configs=configs, n_runs_per_world=runs, max_worlds_per_config=worlds_per_config, tournament_path=log, total_timeout=timeout, name=name, verbose=verbosity > 0, compact=compact, n_steps=steps, parallelism=parallelism, world_progress_callback=prog_callback, log_ufuns=log_ufuns, log_negotiations=log_negs, ignore_agent_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_contract_execution_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_simulation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_negotiation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, **kwargs, # type: ignore ) end_time = humanize_time(perf_counter() - start) display_results(results, "median", output) print(f"Finished in {end_time}") assert isinstance(results, TournamentResults) save_run_info(name, results.path, "tournament")
@main.command(help="Runs an SCML2022 tournament") # type: ignore @click.option( "--name", "-n", default="random", help='The name of the tournament. The special value "random" will result in a random name', ) @click.option( "--steps", "-s", default=10, type=int, help="Number of steps. If passed then --steps-min and --steps-max are " "ignored", ) @click.option( "--ttype", default="std", type=click.Choice(["collusion", "std", "oneshot"]), help="The config to use. It can be collusion or std", ) @click.option( "--timeout", "-t", default=-1, type=int, help="Timeout the whole tournament after the given number of seconds (0 for infinite)", ) @click.option( "--configs", default=5, type=int, help="Number of unique configurations to generate.", ) @click.option("--runs", default=2, help="Number of runs for each configuration") @click.option( "--max-runs", default=-1, type=int, help="Maximum total number of runs. Zero or negative numbers mean no limit", ) @click.option( "--competitors", default=None, help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the competition. You" " can also pass the special value default for the default builtin" " agents", ) @click.option( "--non-competitors", default="", help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to exist in the worlds as non-competitors " "(their scores will not be calculated).", ) @click.option( "--log", "-l", type=click.Path(dir_okay=True, file_okay=False), default=default_tournament_path(), help="Default location to save logs (A folder will be created under it)", ) @click.option( "--world-config", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, file_okay=True), default=None, multiple=False, help="A file to load extra configuration parameters for world simulations from.", ) @click.option( "--verbosity", default=1, type=int, help="verbosity level (from 0 == silent to 1 == world progress)", ) @click.option( "--log-ufuns/--no-ufun-logs", default=False, help="Log ufuns into their own CSV file. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--log-negs/--no-neg-logs", default=True, help="Log all negotiations. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--compact/--debug", default=True, help="If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint which" "includes reducing logs dramatically.", ) @click.option( "--raise-exceptions/--ignore-exceptions", default=True, help="Whether to ignore agent exceptions", ) @click.option( "--path", default="", help="A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of " "paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows", ) @click.option( "--cw", default=3, type=int, help="Number of competitors to run at every world simulation. It must " "either be left at default or be a number > 1 and < the number " "of competitors passed using --competitors", ) @click.option( "--parallel/--serial", default=True, help="Run a parallel/serial tournament on a single machine", ) @click.option( "--output", default="", type=str, help="A file to save the final results to", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option()
[docs] def tournament2022( name, steps, timeout, ttype, log, verbosity, runs, configs, max_runs, competitors, world_config, non_competitors, compact, log_ufuns, log_negs, raise_exceptions, path, cw, parallel, output, ): oneshot = ttype == "oneshot" if not competitors: competitors = DEFAULT_ONESHOT if oneshot else DEFAULT_STD_OLD if not non_competitors: non_competitors = ( ";".join(DEFAULT_ONESHOT_NONCOMPETITORS) if oneshot else ";".join(DEFAULT_STD_NONCOMPETITORS_OLD) ) if len(output) == 0 or output == "none": output = None if output: output = Path(output).absolute() parent = output.parent parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) kwargs = {} if world_config is not None and len(world_config) > 0: for wc in world_config: kwargs.update(load(wc)) log = _path(log) if len(path) > 0: sys.path.append(path) warning_n_runs = 2000 if timeout <= 0: timeout = None if name == "random": name = unique_name(base="", rand_digits=0) if max_runs <= 0: max_runs = None if compact: log_ufuns = False reveal_names = True if not compact: verbosity = max(1, verbosity) worlds_per_config = ( None if max_runs is None else int(round(max_runs / (configs * runs))) ) all_competitors = competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(all_competitors): if "." not in cp: if oneshot: all_competitors[i] = ("scml.oneshot.agents.") + cp else: all_competitors[i] = ("scml.scml2020.agents.") + cp all_competitors_params = [dict() for _ in range(len(all_competitors))] permutation_size = len(all_competitors) if cw > len(all_competitors): cw = len(all_competitors) recommended = runs * configs * permutation_size if worlds_per_config is not None and worlds_per_config < 1: print( f"You need at least {(configs * runs)} runs even with a single permutation of managers." f".\n\nSet --max-runs to at least {(configs * runs)} (Recommended {recommended})" ) return if max_runs is not None and max_runs < recommended: print( f"You are running {max_runs} worlds only but it is recommended to set {max_runs} to at least " f"{recommended}. Will continue" ) if worlds_per_config is None: n_worlds = permutation_size * runs * configs * nCr(len(all_competitors), cw) if n_worlds > warning_n_runs: print( f"You are running the maximum possible number of permutations for each configuration. This is roughly" f" {n_worlds} simulations (each for {steps} steps). That will take a VERY long time." f"\n\nYou can reduce the number of simulations by setting --configs>=1 (currently {configs}) or " f"--runs>= 1 (currently {runs}) to a lower value. " f"\nFinally, you can limit the maximum number of worlds to run by setting --max-runs=integer." ) max_runs = int( input( f"Input the maximum number of simulations to run. Zero to run all of the {n_worlds} " f"simulations. ^C or a negative number to exit [0 : {n_worlds}]:" ) ) if max_runs == 0: max_runs = None if max_runs is not None and max_runs < 0: exit(0) worlds_per_config = ( None if max_runs is None else int(round(max_runs / (configs * runs))) ) non_competitor_params = None if len(non_competitors) < 1: non_competitors = None else: non_competitors = non_competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(non_competitors): if "." not in cp: if oneshot: all_competitors[i] = ("scml.oneshot.agents.") + cp else: all_competitors[i] = ("scml.scml2020.agents.") + cp if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = ( DefaultAgents2022 if ttype != "oneshot" else DefaultAgentsOneShot2022 ) non_competitor_params = tuple({} for _ in range(len(non_competitors))) print(f"Tournament will be run between {len(all_competitors)} agents: ") pprint(all_competitors) print("Non-competitors are: ") pprint(non_competitors) runner = ( anac2022_std if ttype == "std" else (anac2022_oneshot if ttype == "oneshot" else anac2022_collusion) ) parallelism = "parallel" if parallel else "serial" prog_callback = print_world_progress if verbosity > 1 else None start = perf_counter() kwargs["round_robin"] = True results = runner( competitors=all_competitors, competitor_params=all_competitors_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=reveal_names, n_competitors_per_world=cw, n_configs=configs, n_runs_per_world=runs, max_worlds_per_config=worlds_per_config, tournament_path=log, total_timeout=timeout, name=name, verbose=verbosity > 0, compact=compact, n_steps=steps, parallelism=parallelism, world_progress_callback=prog_callback, log_ufuns=log_ufuns, log_negotiations=log_negs, ignore_agent_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_contract_execution_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_simulation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_negotiation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, **kwargs, # type: ignore ) end_time = humanize_time(perf_counter() - start) display_results(results, "median", output) print(f"Finished in {end_time}")
@main.command(help="Runs an SCML2023 tournament") # type: ignore @click.option( "--name", "-n", default="random", help='The name of the tournament. The special value "random" will result in a random name', ) @click.option( "--steps", "-s", default=10, type=int, help="Number of steps. If passed then --steps-min and --steps-max are " "ignored", ) @click.option( "--ttype", "--tournament-type", "--tournament", default="std", type=click.Choice(["collusion", "std", "oneshot"]), help="The config to use. It can be collusion, std, or oneshot", ) @click.option( "--timeout", "-t", default=-1, type=int, help="Timeout the whole tournament after the given number of seconds (0 for infinite)", ) @click.option( "--configs", default=5, type=int, help="Number of unique configurations to generate.", ) @click.option("--runs", default=2, help="Number of runs for each configuration") @click.option( "--max-runs", default=-1, type=int, help="Maximum total number of runs. Zero or negative numbers mean no limit", ) @click.option( "--competitors", default=None, help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the competition. You" " can also pass the special value default for the default builtin" " agents", ) @click.option( "--non-competitors", default="", help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to exist in the worlds as non-competitors " "(their scores will not be calculated).", ) @click.option( "--log", "-l", type=click.Path(dir_okay=True, file_okay=False), default=default_tournament_path(), help="Default location to save logs (A folder will be created under it)", ) @click.option( "--world-config", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, file_okay=True), default=None, multiple=False, help="A file to load extra configuration parameters for world simulations from.", ) @click.option( "--verbosity", default=1, type=int, help="verbosity level (from 0 == silent to 1 == world progress)", ) @click.option( "--log-ufuns/--no-ufun-logs", default=False, help="Log ufuns into their own CSV file. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--log-negs/--no-neg-logs", default=True, help="Log all negotiations. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--compact/--debug", default=True, help="If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint which" "includes reducing logs dramatically.", ) @click.option( "--raise-exceptions/--ignore-exceptions", default=True, help="Whether to ignore agent exceptions", ) @click.option( "--path", default="", help="A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of " "paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows", ) @click.option( "--cw", default=1, type=int, help="Number of competitors to run at every world simulation. It must " "either be left at default or be a number > 1 and < the number " "of competitors passed using --competitors", ) @click.option( "--parallel/--serial", default=True, help="Run a parallel/serial tournament on a single machine", ) @click.option( "--output", default="", type=str, help="A file to save the final results to", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option()
[docs] def tournament2023( name, steps, timeout, ttype, log, verbosity, runs, configs, max_runs, competitors, world_config, non_competitors, compact, log_ufuns, log_negs, raise_exceptions, path, cw, parallel, output, ): oneshot = ttype == "oneshot" if not competitors: competitors = DEFAULT_ONESHOT if oneshot else DEFAULT_STD_OLD if not non_competitors: non_competitors = ( ";".join(DEFAULT_ONESHOT_NONCOMPETITORS) if oneshot else ";".join(DEFAULT_STD_NONCOMPETITORS_OLD) ) if len(output) == 0 or output == "none": output = None if output: output = Path(output).absolute() parent = output.parent parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) kwargs = {} if world_config is not None and len(world_config) > 0: for wc in world_config: kwargs.update(load(wc)) log = _path(log) if len(path) > 0: sys.path.append(path) warning_n_runs = 2000 if timeout <= 0: timeout = None if name == "random": name = unique_name(base="", rand_digits=0) if max_runs <= 0: max_runs = None if compact: log_ufuns = False reveal_names = True if not compact: verbosity = max(1, verbosity) worlds_per_config = ( None if max_runs is None else int(round(max_runs / (configs * runs))) ) all_competitors = competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(all_competitors): if "." not in cp: if oneshot: all_competitors[i] = ("scml.oneshot.agents.") + cp else: all_competitors[i] = ("scml.scml2020.agents.") + cp all_competitors_params = [dict() for _ in range(len(all_competitors))] permutation_size = len(all_competitors) if cw > len(all_competitors): cw = len(all_competitors) recommended = runs * configs * permutation_size if worlds_per_config is not None and worlds_per_config < 1: print( f"You need at least {(configs * runs)} runs even with a single permutation of managers." f".\n\nSet --max-runs to at least {(configs * runs)} (Recommended {recommended})" ) return if max_runs is not None and max_runs < recommended: print( f"You are running {max_runs} worlds only but it is recommended to set {max_runs} to at least " f"{recommended}. Will continue" ) if ttype == "std": pass if worlds_per_config is None: n_worlds = permutation_size * runs * configs * nCr(len(all_competitors), cw) if n_worlds > warning_n_runs: print( f"You are running the maximum possible number of permutations for each configuration. This is roughly" f" {n_worlds} simulations (each for {steps} steps). That will take a VERY long time." f"\n\nYou can reduce the number of simulations by setting --configs>=1 (currently {configs}) or " f"--runs>= 1 (currently {runs}) to a lower value. " f"\nFinally, you can limit the maximum number of worlds to run by setting --max-runs=integer." ) max_runs = int( input( f"Input the maximum number of simulations to run. Zero to run all of the {n_worlds} " f"simulations. ^C or a negative number to exit [0 : {n_worlds}]:" ) ) if max_runs == 0: max_runs = None if max_runs is not None and max_runs < 0: exit(0) worlds_per_config = ( None if max_runs is None else int(round(max_runs / (configs * runs))) ) non_competitor_params = None if len(non_competitors) < 1: non_competitors = None else: non_competitors = non_competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(non_competitors): if "." not in cp: if oneshot: non_competitors[i] = ("scml.oneshot.agents.") + cp else: non_competitors[i] = ("scml.scml2020.agents.") + cp if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = ( DEFAULT_ONESHOT_NONCOMPETITORS if ttype == "oneshot" else DEFAULT_2021_NONCOMPETITORS ) non_competitor_params = tuple({} for _ in range(len(non_competitors))) print(f"Tournament will be run between {len(all_competitors)} agents: ") pprint(all_competitors) print("Non-competitors are: ") pprint(non_competitors) runner = ( anac2023_std if ttype == "std" else anac2023_collusion if ttype == "collusion" else anac2023_oneshot ) parallelism = "parallel" if parallel else "serial" prog_callback = print_world_progress if verbosity > 1 else None start = perf_counter() kwargs["round_robin"] = True results = runner( competitors=all_competitors, competitor_params=all_competitors_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=reveal_names, n_competitors_per_world=cw, n_configs=configs, n_runs_per_world=runs, max_worlds_per_config=worlds_per_config, tournament_path=log, total_timeout=timeout, name=name, verbose=verbosity > 0, compact=compact, n_steps=steps, parallelism=parallelism, world_progress_callback=prog_callback, log_ufuns=log_ufuns, log_negotiations=log_negs, ignore_agent_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_contract_execution_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_simulation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_negotiation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, **kwargs, # type: ignore ) assert isinstance(results, TournamentResults) end_time = humanize_time(perf_counter() - start) display_results(results, "median", output) print(f"Finished in {end_time}") if results.path is not None: save_run_info(name, Path(results.path), "tournament")
@main.command(help="Runs an SCML2024 tournament") # type: ignore @click.option( "--name", "-n", default="random", help='The name of the tournament. The special value "random" will result in a random name', ) @click.option( "--steps", "-s", default=10, type=int, help="Number of steps. If passed then --steps-min and --steps-max are " "ignored", ) @click.option( "--ttype", "--tournament-type", "--tournament", default="std", type=click.Choice(["std", "oneshot"]), help="The config to use. It can be std, or oneshot", ) @click.option( "--timeout", "-t", default=-1, type=int, help="Timeout for every world simulation (0 for infinite)", ) @click.option( "--total-timeout", default=-1, type=int, help="Timeout the whole tournament after the given number of seconds (0 for infinite)", ) @click.option( "--configs", default=5, type=int, help="Number of unique configurations to generate.", ) @click.option("--runs", default=2, help="Number of runs for each configuration") @click.option( "--max-runs", default=-1, type=int, help="Maximum total number of runs. Zero or negative numbers mean no limit", ) @click.option( "--competitors", default=None, help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to use for the competition. You" " can also pass the special value default for the default builtin" " agents", ) @click.option( "--non-competitors", default="", help="A semicolon (;) separated list of agent types to exist in the worlds as non-competitors " "(their scores will not be calculated).", ) @click.option( "--log", "-l", type=click.Path(dir_okay=True, file_okay=False), default=default_tournament_path(), help="Default location to save logs (A folder will be created under it)", ) @click.option( "--world-config", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, file_okay=True), default=None, multiple=False, help="A file to load extra configuration parameters for world simulations from.", ) @click.option( "--verbosity", default=1, type=int, help="verbosity level (from 0 == silent to 1 == world progress)", ) @click.option( "--log-ufuns/--no-ufun-logs", default=False, help="Log ufuns into their own CSV file. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--log-negs/--no-neg-logs", default=True, help="Log all negotiations. Only effective if --debug is given", ) @click.option( "--compact/--debug", default=True, help="If True, effort is exerted to reduce the memory footprint which" "includes reducing logs dramatically.", ) @click.option( "--raise-exceptions/--ignore-exceptions", default=True, help="Whether to ignore agent exceptions", ) @click.option( "--path", default="", help="A path to be added to PYTHONPATH in which all competitors are stored. You can path a : separated list of " "paths on linux/mac and a ; separated list in windows", ) @click.option( "--cw", default=1, type=int, help="Number of competitors to run at every world simulation. It must " "either be left at default or be a number > 1 and < the number " "of competitors passed using --competitors", ) @click.option( "--parallel/--serial", default=True, help="Run a parallel/serial tournament on a single machine", ) @click.option( "--output", default="", type=str, help="A file to save the final results to", ) @click_config_file.configuration_option()
[docs] def tournament2024( name, steps, timeout, total_timeout, ttype, log, verbosity, runs, configs, max_runs, competitors, world_config, non_competitors, compact, log_ufuns, log_negs, raise_exceptions, path, cw, parallel, output, ): oneshot = ttype == "oneshot" if not competitors: competitors = DEFAULT_ONESHOT if oneshot else DEFAULT_STD if not non_competitors: non_competitors = ( ";".join(DEFAULT_ONESHOT_NONCOMPETITORS) if oneshot else ";".join(DEFAULT_STD_NONCOMPETITORS) ) if len(output) == 0 or output == "none": output = None if output: output = Path(output).absolute() parent = output.parent parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) kwargs = {} if world_config is not None and len(world_config) > 0: for wc in world_config: kwargs.update(load(wc)) log = _path(log) if len(path) > 0: sys.path.append(path) warning_n_runs = 2000 if timeout <= 0: timeout = None if total_timeout <= 0: total_timeout = None if name == "random": name = unique_name(base="", rand_digits=0) if max_runs <= 0: max_runs = None if compact: log_ufuns = False reveal_names = True if not compact: verbosity = max(1, verbosity) worlds_per_config = ( None if max_runs is None else int(round(max_runs / (configs * runs))) ) all_competitors = competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(all_competitors): if "." not in cp: if oneshot: all_competitors[i] = ("scml.oneshot.agents.") + cp else: all_competitors[i] = ("scml.std.agents.") + cp all_competitors_params = [dict() for _ in range(len(all_competitors))] permutation_size = len(all_competitors) if cw > len(all_competitors): cw = len(all_competitors) recommended = runs * configs * permutation_size if worlds_per_config is not None and worlds_per_config < 1: print( f"You need at least {(configs * runs)} runs even with a single permutation of managers." f".\n\nSet --max-runs to at least {(configs * runs)} (Recommended {recommended})" ) return if max_runs is not None and max_runs < recommended: print( f"You are running {max_runs} worlds only but it is recommended to set {max_runs} to at least " f"{recommended}. Will continue" ) if ttype == "std": pass if worlds_per_config is None: n_worlds = permutation_size * runs * configs * nCr(len(all_competitors), cw) if n_worlds > warning_n_runs: print( f"You are running the maximum possible number of permutations for each configuration. This is roughly" f" {n_worlds} simulations (each for {steps} steps). That will take a VERY long time." f"\n\nYou can reduce the number of simulations by setting --configs>=1 (currently {configs}) or " f"--runs>= 1 (currently {runs}) to a lower value. " f"\nFinally, you can limit the maximum number of worlds to run by setting --max-runs=integer." ) max_runs = int( input( f"Input the maximum number of simulations to run. Zero to run all of the {n_worlds} " f"simulations. ^C or a negative number to exit [0 : {n_worlds}]:" ) ) if max_runs == 0: max_runs = None if max_runs is not None and max_runs < 0: exit(0) worlds_per_config = ( None if max_runs is None else int(round(max_runs / (configs * runs))) ) non_competitor_params = None if len(non_competitors) < 1: non_competitors = None else: non_competitors = non_competitors.split(";") for i, cp in enumerate(non_competitors): if "." not in cp: if oneshot: non_competitors[i] = ("scml.oneshot.agents.") + cp else: non_competitors[i] = ("scml.std.agents.") + cp if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = ( DEFAULT_ONESHOT_NONCOMPETITORS if ttype == "oneshot" else DEFAULT_STD_NONCOMPETITORS ) non_competitor_params = tuple({} for _ in range(len(non_competitors))) print(f"Tournament will be run between {len(all_competitors)} agents: ") pprint(all_competitors) print("Non-competitors are: ") pprint(non_competitors) runner = anac2024_std if ttype == "std" else anac2024_oneshot parallelism = "parallel" if parallel else "serial" prog_callback = print_world_progress if verbosity > 1 else None start = perf_counter() kwargs["round_robin"] = True if oneshot: kwargs.update(dict(storage_cost=0, storage_cost_dev=0, perishable=True)) else: kwargs.update(dict(disposal_cost=0, disposal_cost_dev=0, perishable=False)) results = runner( competitors=all_competitors, competitor_params=all_competitors_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=reveal_names, n_competitors_per_world=cw, n_configs=configs, n_runs_per_world=runs, max_worlds_per_config=worlds_per_config, tournament_path=log, total_timeout=total_timeout, time_limit=timeout, name=name, verbose=verbosity > 0, compact=compact, n_steps=steps, parallelism=parallelism, world_progress_callback=prog_callback, log_ufuns=log_ufuns, log_negotiations=log_negs, ignore_agent_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_contract_execution_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_simulation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, ignore_negotiation_exceptions=not raise_exceptions, **kwargs, # type: ignore ) end_time = humanize_time(perf_counter() - start) display_results(results, "median", output) print(f"Finished in {end_time}") assert isinstance(results, TournamentResults) save_run_info(name, results.path, "tournament")
@main.command(help="Prints SCML version and NegMAS version") # type: ignore
[docs] def version(): print(f"SCML: {scml.__version__} (NegMAS: {negmas.__version__})")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()