How can I access a data file in my package?

When your agent is submitted, it is run in an environment different from that in which the tournament will be run. This means that you cannot use hardcoded paths in your agent. Moreover, you (and we) do not know in advance what will be the current directory when the tournament is run. For this reason, it is required that if you access any files in your agent, you should use a path relative to the file in which the code accessing these files is located. Please note that accessing ANY FILES outside the directory of your agent is prohibited and will lead to immediate disqualification for obvious security reasons. There are no second chances in this one.

Let’s assume that your file structure is something like that:

├── sub
│   ├── myagent.py
│   └── otherfiles.py
├── data
│   └── myfile.csv
└── tests

Now you want to access the file myfile.csv when you are inside myagent.py. To do so you can use the following code:

import pathlib
path_2_myfile = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / "data" / "myfile.csv"

Can my agent pass data to my other agents between worlds?

NO Passing data to your agents between world simulations will lead to disqualification.

Can my agent read data from the HDD outside my agent’s folder?

NO Your agent can only read files that you submitted to us in your zip file. It cannot modify these files in anyway during the competition. It cannot read from anywhere else in secondary storage. Trying to do so will lead to disqualification.

Can my agent write data to the HDD during the simulation?

NO The agent is not allowed to write anything to the hard disk during the competition.

Can I print to the screen to debug my agent?


Printing to the screen in your agent will prevent us from monitoring the progress of tournament runs and will slow down the process. Moreover, it is not useful anyway because the tournaments are run in parallel.

If you really need to print something (e.g. for debugging purposes), you can use one of the following two methods:

  1. Remove all print statements before submission. We will never touch your code after submission so we cannot remove them.

  2. Use the screen logging facility provided by negmas. When creating a world (or a tournament) pass the following parameter:

    import logging
    World(..., log_screen_level=logging.DEBUG)
    # or create_tournament/anac2022std/anac2022collusion/tournament(..., log_screen_level=logging.DEBUG)
    # You can then use something like athis to log to the screen (and file)
    self.awi.logdebug("MY LOG MESSAGE")

Can I write arbitrary code in my module besides the agent class definition?

When python imports your module, it runs everything in it so the top level code should be only one of these:

  • Class definitions

  • Function definitions

  • Variable definitions

  • Arbitrary code that runs in few milliseconds and prints nothing

Any other code must be protected inside:

if __name__ == "__main__"

For example, if you want to run a simulation to test your agent. DO NOT USE SOMETHING LIKE THIS:

w = SCML2021World(....)

But something like this:

def main():
    w = SCML2021World(...)

if __name__ == "__main__":

This way, importing your module will not run the world simulation.

I ran a simulation using “scml run2022” command. Where are my log files?

If you did not pass a log location through “–log”, you will find the log files at ~/negmas/logs/scml/scml2022/[date-time-uuid]

I implement my agent using multiple files. How should I import them?

Assume that you have the following file structure

├── subfolder
│   └── component2.py
├── component1.py
└── agent.py

In your agent.py file, you want to import your other files:

import component1
import subfolder.component2

This will not work because in the actual competition component1.py and component2.py will not be in python path.

There are two ways to solve it:

The clean way is to use relative imports. You will need to turn your agent int a package by adding empty __init__.py files to every folder you want to import from:

├── sub
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── component2.py
├── __init__.py
├── component1.py
└── agent.py

You can now change your import to:

import .component1
import .subfolder.component2

Notice the extra dot (.)

Another way that does not require any modification of your file structure is to add the following lines before your imports:

import os, sys

Note that the later method has the disadvantage of putting your components at the end of the path which means that if you have any classes, functions, etc with a name that is defined in any module that appears earlier in the path, yours will be hidden.

How can I run simulations with the same parameters as the actual competition (e.g. for training my agent)

You can use the utils submodule of scml.scml2020 to generate worlds with the same parameters as in the competition for all tracks. Here is some example script to run 1 such world using three built-in agents:

from typing import List, Union
from scml.utils import (
from scml.scml2020.agent import SCML2020Agent
from scml.scml2020.agents import (
    DecentralizingAgent, BuyCheapSellExpensiveAgent, RandomAgent

COMPETITORS = [DecentralizingAgent, BuyCheapSellExpensiveAgent, RandomAgent]

def generate_worlds(
    competitors: List[Union[str, SCML2020Agent]],
    collusion = n_agents_per_competitor != 1
    config = anac2020_config_generator(
        n_steps=(50, 100) if collusion else (50, 200),
    assigned = anac2020_assigner(
        params=[dict() for _ in competitors],
    return [anac2020_world_generator(**(a[0])) for a in assigned]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    worlds = generate_worlds(COMPETITORS, 1)
    for world in worlds:

Notice that generate_worlds will not generate a single world but a set of them putting the COMPETITORS in all possible assignments of factories. The detailed process of world generation is described in the appendices of the description .

You can change the competitors by just changing the COMPETITORS list. Setting the third parameter of generate_worlds to 1 generates a standard league world and setting it to a random number between 2 and 4 generates a collusion league world ( randint(2, min(4, len(COMPETITORS))) ).

How can I save sklearn models and load them later?

Machine learning models are just files, so first please see how to save and load files .

Nevertheless, many machine learning libraries including scikit-learn use (or recommend using) pickle for saving and loading files. The problem with pickle is that it is very sensitive to changes in versions between the machine used for saving the file and the one used for loading it. We recommend not using pickle at all and using another more robust format. If you are going to use pickle, make sure to have a fallback for this kind of version mismatch.

Here is how to save and load models in scikit-learn . Of special interest is the issue of version incompatibility mentioned there and repeated here: When an estimator is unpickled with a scikit-learn version that is inconsistent with the version the estimator was pickled with, a InconsistentVersionWarning is raised. This warning can be caught to obtain the original version the estimator was pickled with:

from sklearn.exceptions import InconsistentVersionWarning
warnings.simplefilter("error", InconsistentVersionWarning)

    est = pickle.loads("model_from_prevision_version.pickle")
except InconsistentVersionWarning as w: