Source code for scml.common

"""Common functions used in all modules"""

from __future__ import annotations

import random
from typing import Any, Iterable

import numpy as np
from negmas.helpers import distribute_integer_randomly, get_class
from numpy.typing import NDArray

__all__ = [

[docs] IterableOrInt = tuple[int, int] | set[int] | list[int] | int | np.ndarray
[docs] IterableOrFloat = tuple[float, float] | set[float] | list[float] | float | np.ndarray
[docs] IterableOrClass = Iterable[str | type] | type | str
[docs] IterableOrObject = Iterable[str | Any] | Any
[docs] EPSILON = 1e-5
[docs] def isinobject(x: IterableOrObject, y: IterableOrClass): return isinclass( type(x) if not isinstance(x, Iterable) else [type(_) for _ in x], y )
[docs] def isinclass(x: IterableOrClass, y: IterableOrClass): """Checks that x is within the range specified by y. Ugly but works""" if not isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(y, Iterable): return issubclass(get_class(x), get_class(y)) if not isinstance(x, Iterable): x = [x] if not isinstance(y, Iterable): y = [y] x = [get_class(_) for _ in x] y = [get_class(_) for _ in y] for a in x: for b in y: if issubclass(a, b): # type: ignore break else: return False return True
[docs] def isin(x: IterableOrInt, y: IterableOrInt): """Checks that x is within the range specified by y. Ugly but works""" if not isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(y, Iterable): return x == y if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x = x.tolist() if isinstance(y, np.ndarray): y = y.tolist() if isinstance(x, list): x = {_ for _ in x} if isinstance(y, list): y = {_ for _ in y} if isinstance(x, tuple): if isinstance(y, tuple): return y[0] <= x[0] <= y[-1] if not isinstance(y, Iterable): return x[0] == y == x[-1] x = set(list(range(x[0], x[-1]))) if isinstance(y, tuple): if not isinstance(x, Iterable): return y[0] <= x <= y[-1] y = set(list(range(y[0], y[-1]))) if not isinstance(x, Iterable): x = {x} if not isinstance(y, Iterable): y = {y} assert isinstance(x, set) and isinstance( y, set ), f"{x=} ({type(x)=}), {y=} ({type(y)})" return not x.difference(y)
[docs] def isinfloat(x: IterableOrFloat, y: IterableOrFloat): """Checks that x is within the range specified by y. Ugly but works""" if not isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(y, Iterable): return abs(x - y) < EPSILON if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x = x.tolist() if isinstance(y, np.ndarray): y = y.tolist() if isinstance(x, tuple): if isinstance(y, tuple): return y[0] - EPSILON <= x[0] <= y[-1] + EPSILON if not isinstance(y, Iterable): return abs(x[0] - y) < EPSILON and abs(y - x[-1]) < EPSILON if isinstance(y, tuple): if not isinstance(x, Iterable): return y[0] - EPSILON <= x <= y[-1] + EPSILON if not isinstance(x, Iterable): x = [x] if not isinstance(y, Iterable): y = [y] for a in x: for b in y: if abs(a - b) < EPSILON: break else: return False return True
[docs] def fraction_cut(n: int, p: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Distributes n items on boxes with probabilities relative to p""" mx = len(p) - 1 x = (np.round(100 * n * p).astype(np.int64) // 100).astype(int) total = x.sum() while total > n: i = random.randint(0, mx) if x[i] > 0: x[i] -= 1 total -= 1 while total < n: x[random.randint(0, mx)] += 1 total += 1 return x
[docs] def integer_cut( total: int, n: int, mx: int | list[int], mn: int | list[int] | None = None, randomize: bool = True, ) -> list[int]: """ Generates l random integers that sum to n where each of them is at least l_m Args: n: total l: number of levels l_m: minimum per level l_x: maximum per level randomize: If true, the integers resulting are randomized otherwise they will always be in the same order Returns: """ if mn is None: mn = [float("inf")] * n # type: ignore if not isinstance(mn, Iterable): mn = [mn] * n # type: ignore if not isinstance(mx, Iterable): mx = [mx] * n # type: ignore sizes = np.asarray(mx) if total < sizes.sum(): raise ValueError( f"Cannot generate {n} numbers summing to {total} with a minimum summing to {sizes.sum()}" ) if total > sum(mn): # type: ignore raise ValueError( f"Cannot generate {n} numbers summing to {total} with a maximum summing to {sum(mn)}" # type: ignore ) valid = [i for i, s in enumerate(sizes) if mn[i] > s] # type: ignore k = 0 while sizes.sum() < total: if not randomize: j, k = valid[k], k + 1 if k >= len(valid): k = 0 else: j = random.choice(valid) sizes[j] += 1 if sizes[j] >= mn[j]: # type: ignore valid.remove(j) if not randomize: k = max(k - 1, 0) return sizes.tolist()
[docs] def realin(rng: tuple[float, float] | float | list[float] | np.ndarray) -> float: """ Selects a random number within a range if given or the input if it was a float Args: rng: Range or single value Returns: the real within the given range """ if isinstance(rng, np.ndarray): rng = rng.tolist() if isinstance(rng, list): rng = random.choice(rng) if isinstance(rng, float) or isinstance(rng, int): return float(rng) if abs(rng[-1] - rng[0]) < 1e-8: return rng[0] return rng[0] + random.random() * (rng[-1] - rng[0])
[docs] def strin(lst: list[str] | str) -> str: """ Selects a random string from a list (or just returns the string if no list is given) Args: lst: list of value Returns: the real within the given range """ if isinstance(lst, str): return lst return random.choice(lst)
[docs] def intin(rng: tuple[int, int] | int | list[int] | np.ndarray) -> int: """ Selects a random number within a range if given or the input if it was an int Args: rng: Range or single value Returns: the int within the given range """ if isinstance(rng, np.ndarray): rng = rng.tolist() if isinstance(rng, list): rng = random.choice(rng) if isinstance(rng, int): return rng if rng[0] == rng[1]: return rng[0] return random.randint(rng[0], rng[1])
[docs] def make_array( x: np.ndarray | list[int] | tuple[int | float, int | float] | int | float, n: int, dtype: type[float] | type[int] = int, min_total: int = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """Creates an array with the given choices""" if not isinstance(x, Iterable): assert ( x * n >= min_total ), f"You are asking to make an array with {x} values that is at least {min_total} in length!!" return np.ones(n, dtype=dtype) * int(x) if isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) == 2: assert ( min_total < 1 or n * x[-1] >= min_total ), f"Cannot generate an array with choices{x=} and a minimum total of {min_total}" if dtype == int: lst = np.random.randint(x[0], x[1] + 1, n, dtype=dtype) # type: ignore else: lst = x[0] + np.random.rand(n) * (x[1] - x[0]) n_total = lst.sum() if n_total >= min_total: return lst missing = min_total - n_total for _ in range(100): lst = lst + np.asarray( distribute_integer_randomly(missing, len(lst), min_per_bin=0) ) if lst.max() <= x[-1]: break lst = np.asarray([min(_, x[-1]) for _ in lst]) else: lst = np.asarray( distribute_integer_randomly( min_total, n, min_per_bin=int(x[0]) if x[0] else 0 ) ) return lst # we have a list. Return it as it is if it has the correct length else sample from it xlst = list(x) if len(xlst) == n: return np.array(xlst) return np.array(list(random.choices(xlst, k=n)))
[docs] def distribute_quantities( equal: bool, predictability: float, q: list[int] | NDArray, a: int, n_steps: int, limit: list[int] | None = None, ): """Used internally by generate() methods to distribute exogenous contracts Args: equal: whether the quantities are to be distributed equally predictability: how much are quantities for the same agent at different times are similar q: The quantity per step to be distributed a: The number of agents to distribute over. limit: The maximum quantity per step for each agent (len(limit) == a). Only used if `equal==False` Returns: an n_steps * a list of lists giving the distributed quantities where sum[s, :] ~= q[s]. The error can be up to 2*a per step """ q = np.asarray(q).flatten() if limit is not None and not isinstance(limit, Iterable): limit = [limit] * a # type: ignore # if we do not distribute anything just return all zeros if q.sum() == 0: return [np.asarray([0] * a, dtype=int) for _ in range(n_steps)] # if all quantities are to be distributed equally, just do that directly # ensuring each agent gets at least one item. # what happens if q does not divide a? q/a is rounded. if equal: values = np.maximum(np.round(q / a).astype(int), 1).tolist() # if limit is not None: # values = [a if a < b else b for a, b in zip(values, limit)] return [np.asarray([values[_]] * a, dtype=int) for _ in range(n_steps)] if predictability < 0.01: values = [] for s in range(n_steps): values.append(integer_cut(q[s], a, 0, limit)) assert sum(values[-1]) == q[s] return values values = [] assert np.all(q >= 0), f"We have some negative quantities! {q}" qz = int(0.5 + q.sum() / len(q)) base_cut = integer_cut(qz, a, 0, limit) limit_sum = sum(limit) if limit is not None else float("inf") if limit is not None: assert all( [a <= b for a, b in zip(base_cut, limit)] ), f"base_cut above limit:\nbase_cut: {base_cut}\nLimit: {limit}" assert min(base_cut) >= 0, f"base cut has negative value {base_cut}" def adjust_values(v, limit): for i in range(len(v)): if v[i] >= 0: continue # we have too few at index i errs = -v[i] v[i] = 0 while errs > 0: diffs = integer_cut(errs, a - 1, 0) diffs = diffs[:i] + [0] + diffs[i:] for j in range(len(v)): if j == i: continue if v[j] >= diffs[j]: v[j] -= diffs[j] errs -= diffs[j] continue if limit is None: return v for i in range(len(v)): if v[i] <= limit[i]: continue # we have too many at index i errs = v[i] - limit[i] v[i] = limit[i] available = [x - y for x, y in zip(limit, v)] available = available[:i] + available[i + 1 :] if sum(available) < errs: errs = sum(available) while errs > 0: diffs = integer_cut(errs, a - 1, 0, available) diffs = diffs[:i] + [0] + diffs[i:] for j in range(len(v)): if j == i: continue if limit[j] - v[j] >= diffs[j]: v[j] += diffs[j] errs -= diffs[j] return v q = q.flatten().tolist() assert len(q) == n_steps for s in range(n_steps): assert ( limit is None or sum(limit) >= q[s] ), f"Sum of limits is {limit_sum} but we need to distribute {q[s]} at step {s}" if qz == 0 or q[s] == 0: values.append([0] * a) continue v = [int(0.5 + _ * float(q[s] / qz)) for _ in base_cut] n_changes = max(0, min(q[s], int(0.5 + (1.0 - predictability) * q[s]))) if limit is not None: n_changes = min(n_changes, sum(k - x for k, x in zip(limit, v))) if n_changes <= 0: values.append(adjust_values(v, limit)) continue subtracted = integer_cut(n_changes, a, 0) upper = ( [lmt + s - c for lmt, c, s in zip(limit, v, subtracted)] if limit is not None else None ) added = integer_cut(n_changes, a, 0, upper) # assert isinstance(added[0], int) and isinstance(subtracted[0], int) for i in range(len(v)): v[i] += added[i] - subtracted[i] values.append(adjust_values(v, limit)) for s, v in enumerate(values): if limit is not None: assert all( a >= b for a, b in zip(limit, v) ), f"Some values are above limit\n Limit: {limit}\nValues: {v}" assert ( abs(sum(v) - q[s]) < 2 * a ), f"Failed to distribute: expected {q[s]} but got {sum(v)}: {values[-1]}" assert min(v) >= 0, f"Negative value {min(v)} in quantities!\n{v}" return values
[docs] def distribute( q: int, n: int, *, mx: int | None = None, equal=False, concentrated=False, allow_zero=False, ) -> list[int]: """Distributes q values over n bins. Args: q: Quantity to distribute n: number of bins to distribute q over mx: Maximum allowed per bin. `None` for no limit equal: Try to make the values in each bins as equal as possible concentrated: If true, will try to concentrate offers in few bins. `mx` must be passed in this case allow_zero: Allow some bins to be zero even if that is not necessary """ from collections import Counter from numpy.random import choice q, n = int(q), int(n) if mx is not None and q > mx * n: q = mx * n if concentrated: assert mx is not None lst = [0] * n if not allow_zero: for i in range(min(q, n)): lst[i] = 1 q -= sum(lst) if q == 0: random.shuffle(lst) return lst for i in range(n): q += lst[i] lst[i] = min(mx, q) q -= lst[i] random.shuffle(lst) return lst if q < n: lst = [0] * (n - q) + [1] * q random.shuffle(lst) return lst if q == n: return [1] * n if allow_zero: per = 0 else: per = (q // n) if equal else 1 q -= per * n r = Counter(choice(n, q)) return [r.get(_, 0) + per for _ in range(n)]