Source code for scml.oneshot.rl.observation

Defines ways to encode and decode observations.

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import deque
from typing import Iterable, Protocol, runtime_checkable

import numpy as np
from attr import define, field
from gymnasium import spaces
from negmas.helpers.strings import itertools
from negmas.outcomes import Outcome
from scml.oneshot.context import BaseContext

from scml.oneshot.awi import OneShotAWI
from scml.oneshot.rl.helpers import (

__all__ = [

def astuple(x: Iterable | int | float | str) -> tuple:
    if not isinstance(x, Iterable):
        return (x, x)
    return tuple(x)

[docs] class ObservationManager(Protocol): """Manages the observations of an agent in an RL environment""" @property
[docs] def context(self) -> BaseContext: ...
[docs] def make_space(self) -> spaces.Space: """Creates the observation space""" ...
[docs] def encode(self, awi: OneShotAWI) -> np.ndarray: """Encodes an observation from the agent's awi""" ...
[docs] def make_first_observation(self, awi: OneShotAWI) -> np.ndarray: """Creates the initial observation (returned from gym's reset())""" ...
[docs] def get_offers( self, awi: OneShotAWI, encoded: np.ndarray ) -> dict[str, Outcome | None]: """Gets the offers from an encoded awi""" ...
@define class BaseObservationManager(ABC): """Base class for all observation managers that use a context""" context: BaseContext continuous: bool = False n_partners: int = field(init=False, default=16) n_suppliers: int = field(init=False, default=8) n_consumers: int = field(init=False, default=8) @abstractmethod def make_space(self) -> spaces.Space: """Creates the observation space""" ... @abstractmethod def encode(self, awi: OneShotAWI) -> np.ndarray: """Encodes an observation from the agent's awi""" ... @abstractmethod def get_offers( self, awi: OneShotAWI, encoded: np.ndarray ) -> dict[str, Outcome | None]: """Gets the offers from an encoded awi""" ... def make_first_observation(self, awi: OneShotAWI) -> np.ndarray: """Creates the initial observation (returned from gym's reset())""" return self.encode(awi) @define
[docs] class FlexibleObservationManager(BaseObservationManager): """ An observation manager that can be used with any SCML world. Args: capacity_multiplier: A factor to multiply by the number of lines to give the maximum quantity allowed in offers exogenous_multiplier: A factor to multiply maximum production capacity with when encoding exogenous quantities continuous: If given the observation space will be a Box otherwise it will be a MultiDiscrete n_prices: The number of prices to use for encoding the unit price (if not `continuous`) max_production_cost: The limit for production cost. Anything above that will be mapped to this max max_group_size: Maximum size used for grouping observations from multiple partners. This will be used in the number of partners in the simulation is larger than the number used for training. n_past_received_offers: Number of past received offers to add to the observation. n_bins: N. bins to use for discretization (if not `continuous`) n_sigmas: The number of sigmas used for limiting the range of randomly distributed variables extra_checks: If given, extra checks are applied to make sure encoding and decoding make sense Remarks: ... """
[docs] capacity_multiplier: int = 1
[docs] n_prices: int = 2
[docs] max_group_size: int = 2
[docs] reduce_space_size: bool = True
[docs] n_past_received_offers: int = 1
[docs] extra_checks: bool = False
[docs] n_bins: int = 40
[docs] n_sigmas: int = 2
[docs] max_production_cost: int = 10
[docs] exogenous_multiplier: int = 1
[docs] max_quantity: int = field(init=False, default=10)
[docs] _chosen_partner_indices: list[int] | None = field(init=False, default=None)
[docs] _previous_offers: deque = field(init=False)
[docs] _dims: list[int] | None = field(init=False, default=None)
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): p = self.context.extract_context_params(self.reduce_space_size) if p.nlines: object.__setattr__(self, "n_suppliers", p.nsuppliers) object.__setattr__(self, "n_consumers", p.nconsumers) object.__setattr__( self, "max_quantity", p.nlines * self.capacity_multiplier ) if not self.exogenous_multiplier: object.__setattr__(self, "exogenous_multiplier", p.nlines) object.__setattr__(self, "n_partners", p.nsuppliers + p.nconsumers) n = (2 * self.n_partners) * self.n_past_received_offers self._previous_offers = deque([0] * n, maxlen=n) if n else deque()
[docs] def get_dims(self) -> list[int]: """Get the sizes of all dimensions in the observation space. Used if not continuous.""" return ( list( itertools.chain( [self.max_group_size * self.max_quantity + 1, self.n_prices] * self.n_partners ) ) + list( itertools.chain( [self.max_group_size * self.max_quantity + 1, self.n_prices] * self.n_partners * self.n_past_received_offers ) ) + [self.max_quantity + 1] * 2 # needed sales and supplies + [self.n_bins] * 2 # level, relative_simulation + [self.n_bins * 2] # neg_relative + [self.n_bins] * 3 # production cost, penalties and other costs + [self.n_bins] * 2 # exogenous_contract quantity summary )
[docs] def make_space(self) -> spaces.MultiDiscrete | spaces.Box: """Creates the action space""" dims = self.get_dims() if self._dims is None: self._dims = dims elif self.extra_checks: assert all( a == b for a, b in zip(dims, self._dims, strict=True) ), f"Surprising dims while making space\n{self._dims=}\n{dims=}" if self.continuous: return spaces.Box(0.0, 1.0, shape=(len(dims),)) return spaces.MultiDiscrete(np.asarray(dims))
[docs] def make_first_observation(self, awi: OneShotAWI) -> np.ndarray: """Creates the initial observation (returned from gym's reset())""" return self.encode(awi)
[docs] def encode(self, awi: OneShotAWI) -> np.ndarray: """Encodes the awi as an array""" offers = read_offers( awi, self.n_suppliers, self.n_consumers, self.max_group_size, self.continuous, ) current_offers = np.asarray(offers).flatten().tolist() if self.extra_checks: assert ( len(current_offers) == self.n_partners * 2 ), f"{len(current_offers)=} but {self.n_partners=}" assert ( len(self._previous_offers) == self.n_past_received_offers * self.n_partners * 2 ), f"{self._previous_offers=} but {self.n_partners=}" extra = self.extra_obs(awi) v = np.asarray( current_offers + list(self._previous_offers) + ( [min(1, max(0, v[0] if isinstance(v, Iterable) else v)) for v in extra] if self.continuous else [ discretize_and_clip( clip(v[0]) if isinstance(v, Iterable) else clip(v), clip(v[1]) if isinstance(v, Iterable) else self.n_bins, ) for v in extra ] ), dtype=np.float32 if self.continuous else np.int32, ) if self.continuous: v = np.minimum(np.maximum(v, 0.0), 1.0) if self._previous_offers: for _ in current_offers: self._previous_offers.append(_) if self.extra_checks: space = self.make_space() assert self.continuous or isinstance(space, spaces.MultiDiscrete) assert not self.continuous or isinstance(space, spaces.Box) assert space is not None and space.shape is not None exp = space.shape[0] assert ( len(v) == exp ), f"{len(v)=}, {len(extra)=}, {len(offers)=}, {exp=}, {self.n_partners=}\n{awi.current_negotiation_details=}" if self._dims is None: self._dims = self.get_dims() assert self.continuous or all( a <= b for a, b in zip(v, self._dims, strict=True) ), f"Surprising dims\n{v=}\n{self._dims=}" assert not self.continuous or all( [0 <= x <= 1 for x in v] ), f"Surprising dims (continuous)\n{v=}" if isinstance(space, spaces.MultiDiscrete): if not all(0 <= a < b for a, b in zip(v, space.nvec)): print( f"{v=}\n{space.nvec=}\n{space.nvec - v =}\n{ (awi.current_exogenous_input_quantity , awi.total_supplies , awi.total_sales , awi.current_exogenous_output_quantity) }" ) assert all( 0 <= a < b for a, b in zip(v, space.nvec) ), f"{offers=}\n{extra=}\n{v=}\n{space.nvec=}\n{space.nvec - v =}\n{ (awi.current_exogenous_input_quantity , awi.total_supplies , awi.total_sales , awi.current_exogenous_output_quantity) }" # type: ignore return v
[docs] def extra_obs(self, awi: OneShotAWI) -> list[tuple[float, int] | float]: """ The observation values other than offers and previous offers. Returns: A list of tuples. Each is some observation variable as a real number between zero and one and a number of bins to use for discrediting this variable. If a single value, the number of bins will be self.n_bin """ # adding extra components to the observation neg_relative_time = min( awi.current_states.values(), key=lambda x: x.relative_time ).relative_time exogenous = awi.exogenous_contract_summary incost = ( awi.current_disposal_cost if awi.is_perishable else awi.current_storage_cost ) return [ (awi.needed_sales / self.max_quantity, self.max_quantity + 1), (awi.needed_supplies / self.max_quantity, self.max_quantity + 1), awi.level / (awi.n_processes - 1), awi.relative_time, (neg_relative_time, 2 * self.n_bins), awi.profile.cost / self.max_production_cost, incost / (incost + awi.current_shortfall_penalty), ( awi.trading_prices[awi.my_output_product] - awi.trading_prices[awi.my_input_product] ) / awi.trading_prices[awi.my_output_product], exogenous[0][0] / (self.exogenous_multiplier * awi.production_capacities[0]), exogenous[-1][0] / (self.exogenous_multiplier * awi.production_capacities[-1]), ]
[docs] def get_offers( self, awi: OneShotAWI, encoded: np.ndarray ) -> dict[str, Outcome | None]: """ Gets offers from an encoded awi. """ return recover_offers( encoded, awi, self.n_suppliers, self.n_consumers, self.max_group_size, self.continuous, n_prices=self.n_prices, )
[docs] DefaultObservationManager = FlexibleObservationManager
"""The default observation manager"""