Source code for scml.oneshot.rl.policies

import itertools
import random
import sys
from typing import Callable

import numpy as np
from negmas import ResponseType
from negmas.sao import SAOResponse

from scml.oneshot.awi import OneShotAWI
from scml.oneshot.common import QUANTITY, UNIT_PRICE
from scml.oneshot.context import ANACOneShotContext
from scml.oneshot.rl.action import ActionManager, FlexibleActionManager
from scml.oneshot.rl.env import OneShotEnv
from scml.oneshot.rl.observation import ObservationManager

__all__ = ["random_action", "random_policy", "greedy_policy"]

[docs] def random_action(obs: np.ndarray, env: OneShotEnv) -> np.ndarray: """Samples a random action from the action space of the""" _ = obs return env.action_space.sample()
[docs] def random_policy( obs: np.ndarray, env: OneShotEnv, pend: float = 0.05, paccept: float = 0.15 ) -> np.ndarray: """ Ends the negotiation or accepts with a predefined probability or samples a random response. """ _ = obs r = random.random() action = env.action_space.sample() if r < pend: i = random.randint(0, len(action) // 2) action[i : i + 2] = 0 elif r < pend + paccept: i = random.randint(0, len(action) // 2) action[i : i + 2] = (0, 1) return action
def powerset(iterable): s = list(iterable) return itertools.chain.from_iterable( itertools.combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s) + 1) ) def all_but_concentrated(q, n) -> list[int]: """Distributes q over n so that as many values as possible are nonzero with one value being as large as possible""" q = int(q) if n < 1: return [] if q <= n: return [1] * q + [0] * (n - q) lst = [1] * n if n == 1: lst[0] += q - n else: lst[random.randint(0, n - 1)] += q - n return lst
[docs] def greedy_policy( obs: np.ndarray, awi: OneShotAWI, obs_manager: ObservationManager, action_manager: ActionManager = FlexibleActionManager(ANACOneShotContext()), debug=False, distributor: Callable[[int, int], list[int]] = all_but_concentrated, ) -> np.ndarray: """ A simple greedy policy. Args: obs: The current observation awi: The AWI of the agent running the policy obs_manager: The observation manager used to encode the observation action_manager: The action manager to be used to encode the action debug: If True, extra assertions are tested distributor: A callable that receives a total quantity to be distributed over n partners and returns a list of n values that sum to this total quantity Remarks: - Accepts the subset of offers with maximum total quantity under current needs. - The remaining quantity is distributed over the remaining partners using the distributor function - Prices are set to the worst for the agent if the price range is small else they are set randomly """ assert awi is not None and (awi.is_first_level or awi.is_last_level), f"{awi=}" offers = obs_manager.get_offers(awi, obs) if debug: received_offers = {k: o for k, o in offers.items() if o is not None} assert isinstance(awi, OneShotAWI) awi_offers = awi.current_offers received_keys = [] for k in received_offers.keys(): if "+" in k: received_keys += [_ for _ in k.split("+") if _ in awi_offers.keys()] else: received_keys.append(k) if set(awi_offers.keys()) != set(received_keys): raise AssertionError( f"AWI keys do not match received keys\n" f"{awi_offers=}\n{offers=}\n{received_offers=}\n{received_keys=}" ) for k, v in received_offers.items(): if "+" in k: q, t, p = v assert q == sum(awi_offers.get(_, (0, 0, 0))[0] for _ in k.split("+")) assert ( abs( p * q - sum( awi_offers.get(_, (0, 0, 0))[-1] * awi_offers.get(_, (0, 0, 0))[0] for _ in k.split("+") ) ) < 1e-5 ) assert all( t == awi_offers[_][1] for _ in k.split("+") if _ in awi_offers ) continue assert awi_offers[k] == v, ( f"AWI values do not match received values\n" f"{awi_offers[k]=} != {offers[k]}" ) needed = awi.needed_supplies if not awi.is_first_level else awi.needed_sales all_offers = list(offers.values()) all_partners = list(offers.keys()) n_partners = len(all_partners) all_indices = list(range(len(offers))) best, diff = None, sys.maxsize for indices in powerset(all_indices): q = sum( r[QUANTITY] if r is not None else 0 for r in [all_offers[_] for _ in indices] ) d = needed - q if d < 0: continue if d < diff: best, diff = indices, d if d == 0: break os = ( awi.current_input_outcome_space if not awi.is_first_level else awi.current_output_outcome_space ) t = awi.current_step mn = os.issues[UNIT_PRICE].min_value mx = os.issues[UNIT_PRICE].max_value if mx - mn < 3: prices = [mn if awi.is_first_level else mx] * n_partners else: prices = [os.issues[UNIT_PRICE].rand() for _ in range(n_partners)] if not best: # there are no acceptable offers quantities = distributor(needed, n_partners) response = dict( zip( all_partners, [ SAOResponse(ResponseType.REJECT_OFFER, (q, t, p)) for q, p in zip(quantities, prices) ], ) ) else: # we should accept the indices in best best = set(best) quantities = distributor(diff, n_partners - len(best)) j, response = ( 0, dict( zip( all_partners, itertools.repeat(SAOResponse(ResponseType.END_NEGOTIATION, None)), ) ), ) for i, p in enumerate(all_partners): if i in best: response[p] = SAOResponse(ResponseType.ACCEPT_OFFER, all_offers[i]) continue if debug: assert quantities[j] >= 0 response[p] = ( SAOResponse(ResponseType.REJECT_OFFER, (quantities[j], t, prices[j])) if quantities[j] > 0 else SAOResponse(ResponseType.END_NEGOTIATION, None) ) j += 1 if j >= len(quantities): break return action_manager.encode(awi, response)