Source code for scml.scml2019.consumers

import functools
import itertools
import math
from abc import ABC
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from random import randint, random
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from negmas import MechanismState, NegotiatorMechanismInterface
from import Notification
from negmas.helpers import get_class
from negmas.negotiators import Negotiator
from negmas.preferences import MappingUtilityFunction, WeightedUtilityFunction
from negmas.situated import Breach, Contract, RenegotiationRequest
from numpy.random import dirichlet

from .agent import SCML2019Agent
from .common import CFP, DEFAULT_NEGOTIATOR, UNIT_PRICE, FinancialReport
from .helpers import pos_gauss

if True:  #
    from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

    from .common import Loan

    from .awi import SCMLAWI

__all__ = ["Consumer", "ConsumptionProfile", "JustInTimeConsumer"]

[docs] class ConsumptionProfile:
[docs] schedule: Union[int, List[int]] = 0
[docs] underconsumption: float = 0.1
[docs] overconsumption: float = 0.01
[docs] dynamicity: float = 0.0
[docs] cv: float = 0.1
[docs] alpha_q: float = 0.5
[docs] alpha_u: float = 1.0
[docs] beta_q: float = 10.0
[docs] beta_u: float = 10.0
[docs] tau_q: float = 2
[docs] tau_u: float = 0.25
[docs] def random(cls): return ConsumptionProfile( schedule=randint(0, 5), overconsumption=2 * random(), underconsumption=2 * random(), cv=random(), beta_q=99 * random() + 1, beta_u=99 * random() + 1, tau_q=3 * random(), tau_u=random(), )
[docs] def schedule_at(self, time: int) -> int: if isinstance(self.schedule, int): return self.schedule else: return self.schedule[time % len(self.schedule)]
[docs] def schedule_within(self, time: Union[int, List[int], Tuple[int, int]]) -> int: if isinstance(time, int): return self.schedule_at(time) if isinstance(time, tuple): times = list(range(time[0], time[1] + 1)) else: times = time if isinstance(self.schedule, int): return self.schedule * len(times) return sum(self.schedule_at(t) for t in times)
[docs] def set_schedule_at(self, time: int, value: int, n_steps: int) -> None: if isinstance(self.schedule, int): self.schedule = [self.schedule] * n_steps elif len(self.schedule) < n_steps: self.schedule = list( itertools.chain( *([self.schedule] * int(math.ceil(n_steps / len(self.schedule)))) ) ) self.schedule[time % len(self.schedule)] = value
[docs] class Consumer(SCML2019Agent, ABC): """Base class of all consumer classes""" pass
[docs] class JustInTimeConsumer(Consumer): """Consumer class"""
[docs] def on_contract_executed(self, contract: Contract) -> None: pass
[docs] def on_contract_breached( self, contract: Contract, breaches: List[Breach], resolution: Optional[Contract] ) -> None: pass
[docs] def on_inventory_change(self, product: int, quantity: int, cause: str) -> None: pass
[docs] def on_cash_transfer(self, amount: float, cause: str) -> None: pass
[docs] def on_new_report(self, report: FinancialReport): pass
[docs] def on_neg_request_rejected(self, req_id: str, by: Optional[List[str]]): pass
[docs] def on_neg_request_accepted( self, req_id: str, mechanism: NegotiatorMechanismInterface ): pass
[docs] def on_negotiation_failure( self, partners: List[str], annotation: Dict[str, Any], mechanism: NegotiatorMechanismInterface, state: MechanismState, ) -> None: pass
[docs] def on_negotiation_success( self, contract: Contract, mechanism: NegotiatorMechanismInterface ) -> None: pass
[docs] def on_contract_cancelled(self, contract: Contract, rejectors: List[str]) -> None: pass
[docs] def on_contract_nullified( self, contract: Contract, bankrupt_partner: str, compensation: float ) -> None: pass
[docs] def on_agent_bankrupt(self, agent_id: str) -> None: pass
[docs] def confirm_partial_execution( self, contract: Contract, breaches: List[Breach] ) -> bool: return True
[docs] def on_remove_cfp(self, cfp: "CFP"): pass
[docs] MAX_UNIT_PRICE = 100.0
def __init__( self, profiles: Dict[int, ConsumptionProfile] = None, negotiator_type=DEFAULT_NEGOTIATOR, consumption_horizon: Optional[int] = 20, immediate_cfp_update: bool = True, name=None, ): super().__init__(name=name) self.negotiator_type = get_class(negotiator_type, scope=globals()) self.profiles: Dict[int, ConsumptionProfile] = defaultdict(ConsumptionProfile) self.secured_quantities: Dict[int, int] = defaultdict(int) if profiles is not None: self.set_profiles(profiles=profiles) self.consumption_horizon = consumption_horizon self.immediate_cfp_update = immediate_cfp_update
[docs] def on_new_cfp(self, cfp: "CFP") -> None: pass # consumers never respond to CFPs
[docs] def init(self): if self.consumption_horizon is None: self.consumption_horizon = self.awi.n_steps self.awi.register_interest(list(self.profiles.keys()))
[docs] def set_profiles(self, profiles: Dict[int, ConsumptionProfile]): self.profiles = defaultdict(ConsumptionProfile) if profiles is not None: for k, v in profiles.items(): self.profiles[k] = v self.secured_quantities = defaultdict(int) if profiles is not None: for k, v in profiles.items(): self.secured_quantities[k] = 0
[docs] def register_product_cfps(self, p: int, t: int, profile: ConsumptionProfile): current_schedule = profile.schedule_at(t) product = self.products[p] awi: SCMLAWI = self.awi if current_schedule <= 0: awi.bb_remove( section="cfps", query={"publisher":, "time": t, "product_index": p}, ) return max_price = ( JustInTimeConsumer.RELATIVE_MAX_PRICE * product.catalog_price if product.catalog_price is not None else JustInTimeConsumer.MAX_UNIT_PRICE ) cfps = awi.bb_query( section="cfps", query={"publisher":, "time": t, "product": p} ) if cfps is not None and len(cfps) > 0: for _, cfp in cfps.items(): if cfp.max_quantity != current_schedule: cfp = CFP( is_buy=True,, product=p, time=t, unit_price=(0, max_price), quantity=(1, current_schedule), ) awi.bb_remove( section="cfps", query={"publisher":, "time": t, "product": p}, ) awi.register_cfp(cfp) break else: cfp = CFP( is_buy=True,, product=p, time=t, unit_price=(0, max_price), quantity=(1, current_schedule), ) awi.register_cfp(cfp)
[docs] def step(self): if self.consumption_horizon is None: horizon = self.awi.n_steps else: horizon = min( self.awi.current_step + self.consumption_horizon + 1, self.awi.n_steps ) for p, profile in self.profiles.items(): for t in range( self.awi.current_step, horizon ): # + self.transportation_delay self.register_product_cfps(p=p, t=t, profile=profile)
[docs] def confirm_contract_execution(self, contract: Contract) -> bool: return True
[docs] def _qufun(outcome: Dict[str, Any], tau: float, profile: ConsumptionProfile): """The ufun value for quantity""" q, t = outcome["quantity"], outcome["time"] y = profile.schedule_within(t) o = profile.overconsumption u = profile.underconsumption if q == 0 and y != 0: return 0.0 if y <= 0: result = -o * ((q - y) ** tau) elif q > y: result = -o * (((q - y) / y) ** tau) elif q < y: result = -u * (((y - q) / y) ** tau) else: result = 1.0 result = math.exp(result) if isinstance(result, complex): result = result.real if result is None: result = float("-inf") return result
[docs] def respond_to_negotiation_request( self, cfp: "CFP", partner: str ) -> Optional[Negotiator]: if self.awi.is_bankrupt(partner): return None profile = self.profiles.get(cfp.product) if profile is None: return None if == 0: alpha_u, alpha_q = profile.alpha_u, profile.alpha_q else: alpha_u, alpha_q = tuple( dirichlet((profile.alpha_u, profile.alpha_q), size=1)[0] ) beta_u = pos_gauss(profile.beta_u, tau_u = pos_gauss(profile.tau_u, tau_q = pos_gauss(profile.tau_q, ufun = WeightedUtilityFunction( ufuns=[ MappingUtilityFunction( mapping=(lambda x: 1 - x[UNIT_PRICE] ** tau_u / beta_u), issues=cfp.issues, ), MappingUtilityFunction( mapping=functools.partial( JustInTimeConsumer._qufun, tau=tau_q, profile=profile ), issues=cfp.issues, ), ], weights=[alpha_u, alpha_q], + "_" + partner[:4], issues=cfp.issues, ) negotiator = self.negotiator_type( + "*" + partner[:4], ufun=ufun) # negotiator.utility_function = ufun return negotiator
[docs] def set_renegotiation_agenda( self, contract: Contract, breaches: List[Breach] ) -> Optional[RenegotiationRequest]: """ Received by partners in ascending order of their total breach levels in order to set the renegotiation agenda when contract execution fails Args: contract: The contract that was breached about which re-negotiation is offered breaches: The list of breaches by all parties for the breached contract. Returns: None if renegotiation is not to be started, otherwise a re-negotiation agenda. """ return None
[docs] def respond_to_renegotiation_request( self, contract: Contract, breaches: List[Breach], agenda: RenegotiationRequest ) -> Optional[Negotiator]: """ Called to respond to a renegotiation request Args: agenda: Renegotiation agenda (issues to renegotiate about). contract: The contract that was breached breaches: All breaches on that contract Returns: None to refuse to enter the negotiation, otherwise, a negotiator to use for this negotiation. """ return None
[docs] def confirm_loan(self, loan: Loan, bankrupt_if_rejected: bool) -> bool: """called by the world manager to confirm a loan if needed by the buyer of a contract that is about to be breached""" return bankrupt_if_rejected
[docs] def sign_contract(self, contract: Contract) -> Optional[str]: if contract is None: return None cfp: CFP = contract.annotation["cfp"] agreement = contract.agreement # type: ignore schedule = self.profiles[cfp.product].schedule_at(agreement["time"]) if schedule - agreement["quantity"] < 0: return None return
[docs] def on_contract_signed(self, contract: Contract): if contract is None: return cfp: CFP = contract.annotation["cfp"] agreement = contract.agreement # type: ignore self.secured_quantities[cfp.product] += agreement["quantity"] old_quantity = self.profiles[cfp.product].schedule_at(agreement["time"]) new_quantity = old_quantity - agreement["quantity"] t = agreement["time"] self.profiles[cfp.product].set_schedule_at( time=t, value=new_quantity, n_steps=self.awi.n_steps ) if self.immediate_cfp_update and new_quantity != old_quantity: self.register_product_cfps( p=cfp.product, t=t, profile=self.profiles[cfp.product] ) for negotiation in self._running_negotiations.values(): self.notify( negotiation.negotiator, Notification(type="ufun_modified", data=None) )
class ScheduleDrivenConsumer(Consumer): """Consumer class""" def on_contract_executed(self, contract: Contract) -> None: pass def on_contract_breached( self, contract: Contract, breaches: List[Breach], resolution: Optional[Contract] ) -> None: pass def on_inventory_change(self, product: int, quantity: int, cause: str) -> None: pass def on_cash_transfer(self, amount: float, cause: str) -> None: pass def on_new_report(self, report: FinancialReport): pass def on_neg_request_rejected(self, req_id: str, by: Optional[List[str]]): pass def on_neg_request_accepted( self, req_id: str, mechanism: NegotiatorMechanismInterface ): pass def on_negotiation_failure( self, partners: List[str], annotation: Dict[str, Any], mechanism: NegotiatorMechanismInterface, state: MechanismState, ) -> None: pass def on_negotiation_success( self, contract: Contract, mechanism: NegotiatorMechanismInterface ) -> None: pass def on_contract_cancelled(self, contract: Contract, rejectors: List[str]) -> None: pass def on_contract_nullified( self, contract: Contract, bankrupt_partner: str, compensation: float ) -> None: pass def on_agent_bankrupt(self, agent_id: str) -> None: pass def confirm_partial_execution( self, contract: Contract, breaches: List[Breach] ) -> bool: return True def on_remove_cfp(self, cfp: "CFP"): pass MAX_UNIT_PRICE = 100.0 RELATIVE_MAX_PRICE = 1.5 def __init__( self, profiles: Dict[int, ConsumptionProfile] = None, negotiator_type=DEFAULT_NEGOTIATOR, consumption_horizon: Optional[int] = 20, immediate_cfp_update: bool = True, name=None, ): super().__init__(name=name) self.negotiator_type = get_class(negotiator_type, scope=globals()) self.profiles: Dict[int, ConsumptionProfile] = defaultdict(ConsumptionProfile) self.secured_quantities: Dict[int, int] = defaultdict(int) if profiles is not None: self.set_profiles(profiles=profiles) self.consumption_horizon = consumption_horizon self.immediate_cfp_update = immediate_cfp_update def on_new_cfp(self, cfp: "CFP") -> None: pass # consumers never respond to CFPs def init(self): if self.consumption_horizon is None: self.consumption_horizon = self.awi.n_steps self.awi.register_interest(list(self.profiles.keys())) def set_profiles(self, profiles: Dict[int, ConsumptionProfile]): self.profiles = defaultdict(ConsumptionProfile) if profiles is not None: for k, v in profiles.items(): self.profiles[k] = v self.secured_quantities = defaultdict(int) if profiles is not None: for k, v in profiles.items(): self.secured_quantities[k] = 0 def register_product_cfps(self, p: int, t: int, profile: ConsumptionProfile): current_schedule = profile.schedule_at(t) product = self.products[p] awi: SCMLAWI = self.awi if current_schedule <= 0: awi.bb_remove( section="cfps", query={"publisher":, "time": t, "product_index": p}, ) return max_price = ( JustInTimeConsumer.RELATIVE_MAX_PRICE * product.catalog_price if product.catalog_price is not None else JustInTimeConsumer.MAX_UNIT_PRICE ) cfps = awi.bb_query( section="cfps", query={"publisher":, "time": t, "product": p} ) if cfps is not None and len(cfps) > 0: for _, cfp in cfps.items(): if cfp.max_quantity != current_schedule: cfp = CFP( is_buy=True,, product=p, time=t, unit_price=(0, max_price), quantity=(1, current_schedule), ) awi.bb_remove( section="cfps", query={"publisher":, "time": t, "product": p}, ) awi.register_cfp(cfp) break else: cfp = CFP( is_buy=True,, product=p, time=t, unit_price=(0, max_price), quantity=(1, current_schedule), ) awi.register_cfp(cfp) def step(self): if self.consumption_horizon is None: horizon = self.awi.n_steps else: horizon = min( self.awi.current_step + self.consumption_horizon + 1, self.awi.n_steps ) for p, profile in self.profiles.items(): for t in range( self.awi.current_step, horizon ): # + self.transportation_delay self.register_product_cfps(p=p, t=t, profile=profile) def confirm_contract_execution(self, contract: Contract) -> bool: return True @staticmethod def _qufun(outcome: Dict[str, Any], tau: float, profile: ConsumptionProfile): """The ufun value for quantity""" q, t = outcome["quantity"], outcome["time"] y = profile.schedule_within(t) o = profile.overconsumption u = profile.underconsumption if q == 0 and y != 0: return 0.0 if y <= 0: result = -o * ((q - y) ** tau) elif q > y: result = -o * (((q - y) / y) ** tau) elif q < y: result = -u * (((y - q) / y) ** tau) else: result = 1.0 result = math.exp(result) if isinstance(result, complex): result = result.real if result is None: result = float("-inf") return result def respond_to_negotiation_request( self, cfp: "CFP", partner: str ) -> Optional[Negotiator]: if self.awi.is_bankrupt(partner): return None profile = self.profiles.get(cfp.product) if profile is None: return None if == 0: alpha_u, alpha_q = profile.alpha_u, profile.alpha_q else: alpha_u, alpha_q = tuple( dirichlet((profile.alpha_u, profile.alpha_q), size=1)[0] ) beta_u = pos_gauss(profile.beta_u, tau_u = pos_gauss(profile.tau_u, tau_q = pos_gauss(profile.tau_q, ufun = WeightedUtilityFunction( ufuns=[ MappingUtilityFunction( mapping=lambda x: 1 - x[UNIT_PRICE] ** tau_u / beta_u, issues=cfp.issues, ), MappingUtilityFunction( mapping=functools.partial( JustInTimeConsumer._qufun, tau=tau_q, profile=profile ), issues=cfp.issues, ), ], weights=[alpha_u, alpha_q], + "_" + partner[:4], issues=cfp.issues, ) negotiator = self.negotiator_type( + "*" + partner[:4], ufun=ufun) # negotiator.utility_function = ufun return negotiator def set_renegotiation_agenda( self, contract: Contract, breaches: List[Breach] ) -> Optional[RenegotiationRequest]: """ Received by partners in ascending order of their total breach levels in order to set the renegotiation agenda when contract execution fails Args: contract: The contract that was breached about which re-negotiation is offered breaches: The list of breaches by all parties for the breached contract. Returns: None if renegotiation is not to be started, otherwise a re-negotiation agenda. """ return None def respond_to_renegotiation_request( self, contract: Contract, breaches: List[Breach], agenda: RenegotiationRequest ) -> Optional[Negotiator]: """ Called to respond to a renegotiation request Args: agenda: Renegotiation agenda (issues to renegotiate about). contract: The contract that was breached breaches: All breaches on that contract Returns: None to refuse to enter the negotiation, otherwise, a negotiator to use for this negotiation. """ return None def confirm_loan(self, loan: Loan, bankrupt_if_rejected: bool) -> bool: """called by the world manager to confirm a loan if needed by the buyer of a contract that is about to be breached""" return bankrupt_if_rejected def sign_contract(self, contract: Contract) -> Optional[str]: if contract is None: return None cfp: CFP = contract.annotation["cfp"] agreement = contract.agreement # type: ignore schedule = self.profiles[cfp.product].schedule_at(agreement["time"]) if schedule - agreement["quantity"] < 0: return None return def on_contract_signed(self, contract: Contract): if contract is None: return cfp: CFP = contract.annotation["cfp"] agreement = contract.agreement # type: ignore self.secured_quantities[cfp.product] += agreement["quantity"] old_quantity = self.profiles[cfp.product].schedule_at(agreement["time"]) new_quantity = old_quantity - agreement["quantity"] t = agreement["time"] self.profiles[cfp.product].set_schedule_at( time=t, value=new_quantity, n_steps=self.awi.n_steps ) if self.immediate_cfp_update and new_quantity != old_quantity: self.register_product_cfps( p=cfp.product, t=t, profile=self.profiles[cfp.product] ) for negotiation in self._running_negotiations.values(): self.notify( negotiation.negotiator, Notification(type="ufun_modified", data=None) )