Source code for scml.scml2020.agents.reactive

Implements the `DecentralizingAgent` which creates ony buy and one sell controller for each time-step and relinquishes
control of negotiations to buy/sell the required number of items of its input/output product.
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np

from scml.scml2020.components import (
from scml.scml2020.components.production import TradeDrivenProductionStrategy

from ..components.signing import KeepOnlyGoodPrices
from import ReactiveTradingStrategy
from import SCML2020Agent

__all__ = ["ReactiveAgent", "MarketAwareReactiveAgent"]

[docs] class ReactiveAgent( StepNegotiationManager, ReactiveTradingStrategy, TradeDrivenProductionStrategy, FixedTradePredictionStrategy, SCML2020Agent, ):
[docs] def acceptable_unit_price(self, step: int, sell: bool) -> int: production_cost = np.max(self.awi.profile.costs[:, self.awi.my_input_product]) if sell: return production_cost + self.input_cost[step] return self.output_price[step] - production_cost
[docs] def target_quantity(self, step: int, sell: bool) -> int: if sell: needed, secured = self.outputs_needed, self.outputs_secured else: needed, secured = self.inputs_needed, self.inputs_secured return needed[step] - secured[step]
[docs] def target_quantities(self, steps: Tuple[int, int], sell: bool) -> np.ndarray: """Implemented for speed but not really required""" if sell: needed, secured = self.outputs_needed, self.outputs_secured else: needed, secured = self.inputs_needed, self.inputs_secured return needed[steps[0] : steps[1]] - secured[steps[0] : steps[1]]
[docs] class MarketAwareReactiveAgent(KeepOnlyGoodPrices, ReactiveAgent): def __init__( self, *args, buying_margin=None, selling_margin=None, min_price_margin=0.5, max_price_margin=0.5, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( *args, buying_margin=buying_margin, selling_margin=selling_margin, min_price_margin=min_price_margin, max_price_margin=max_price_margin, **kwargs, )