Source code for scml.scml2020.agents.satisficer

# required for typing
import math
import random
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from negmas import (
from negmas.sao import SAONMI, SAONegotiator, SAOState

from scml.scml2020.agent import SCML2020Agent
from scml.scml2020.awi import AWI
from scml.scml2020.common import NO_COMMAND, QUANTITY, TIME, UNIT_PRICE

__all__ = ["SatisficerAgent"]

class ObedientNegotiator(SAONegotiator):
    A negotiator that controls a single negotiation with a single partner.


        selling: Whether this negotiator is engaged on selling or buying
        requested: Whether this negotiator is created to manage a negotiation
                   requested by its owner (as opposed to one that is created
                   to respond to one created by the partner).


        - This negotiator does nothing. It just passes calls to its owner.


    def __init__(self, *args, selling, requested, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.is_selling = selling
        self.is_requested = requested

    # =====================
    # Negotiation Callbacks
    # =====================

    def propose(self, state: MechanismState) -> Optional[Outcome]:
        """Simply calls the corresponding method on the owner"""
        return self.owner.propose(state, self.nmi, self.is_selling, self.is_requested)

    def respond(self, state: MechanismState, source: str = "") -> ResponseType:
        """Simply calls the corresponding method on the owner"""
        return self.owner.respond(state, self.nmi, self.is_selling, self.is_requested)

[docs] class SatisficerAgent(SCML2020Agent): """ A simple monolithic agent that tries to *carefully* make small profit every step. Args: target_productivity: The productivity level targeted by the agent defined as the fraction of its lines to be active per step. satisfying_profit: A profit amount considered satisfactory. Used when deciding negotiation agenda and signing to decide if a price is a good price (see `_good_price()`). A fraction of the trading price. acceptable_loss: A fraction of trading price that the seller/buyer is willing to go under/over the current trading price during negotiation. price_range: The total range around the trading price for negotiation agendas. concession_rate_price: The exponent of the consession curve for price. concession_rate_quantity: The exponent of the consession curve for quantity. concession_rate_time: The exponent of the consession curve for time. market_share: An integer specifying the expected share of the agent in the market. The agent will assume that it can get up to (market_share / (n_competitors + market_share -1)) of all sales and supplies where `n_competitors` is the number of agents at the same production level. Setting it to 1 means that the agent assumes it will get the same amount of trade as all other agents. Setting it to infinity means that the agent will assume it will take all the trade in the market horizon: Time horizon for negotiations. If None, the exogenous_contracts_revelation horizon will be used """ def __init__( self, *args, target_productivity=1.0, satisfying_profit=0.15, acceptable_loss=0.02, price_range=0.4, concession_rate_price=1.0, concession_rate_quantity=1.0, concession_rate_time=1.0, market_share=1, horizon=5, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.horizon = horizon self.satisfying_profit = satisfying_profit self.target_productivity = target_productivity self.price_range = price_range self.ep = concession_rate_price self.eq = concession_rate_quantity = concession_rate_time self.acceptable_loss = acceptable_loss self.last_q = defaultdict(int) self.last_t = dict() self.market_share = market_share # ===================== # Time-Driven Callbacks # =====================
[docs] def init(self): """Called once""" awi: AWI = self.awi if self.horizon is None: self.horizon = awi.settings.get("horizon", max(1, int(awi.n_steps // 5))) self.initial_balance = awi.current_balance self.production_cost = float(awi.profile.costs[:, awi.my_input_product].max()) self.secured_supplies = np.zeros(awi.n_steps, dtype=int) self.secured_sales = np.zeros(awi.n_steps, dtype=int) self.n_consumers = len(awi.my_consumers) self.n_suppliers = len(awi.my_suppliers) self.n_competitors = len(awi.all_suppliers[awi.my_output_product]) assert self.n_consumers > 0 and self.n_suppliers > 0 and self.n_competitors > 0 # Market capacity is the total number of items that can be produced per # step in this market. It is totally controlled by the narrowest level self.market_capacity = awi.n_lines * min( len(awi.all_consumers[i]) for i in range(awi.n_processes) ) # My market share is calcualted based on my competitor number if self.market_share == float("inf"): self.market_share = 1.0 else: self.market_share = (self.market_share) / ( self.n_competitors + self.market_share - 1 )
[docs] def before_step(self): """Called at at the BEGINNING of every production step (day)""" awi: AWI = self.awi s = awi.current_step steps, processes, lines, level = ( awi.n_steps, awi.n_processes, awi.n_lines, awi.my_input_product, ) prices = awi.trading_prices if prices is None: prices = awi.catalog_prices if 0 <= awi.my_input_product < len(awi.current_inventory): available_input = int(awi.current_inventory[awi.my_input_product]) else: available_input = 0 if 0 <= awi.my_output_product < len(awi.current_inventory): available_output = int(awi.current_inventory[awi.my_output_product]) else: available_output = 0 # find the time of first and last allowed sale and supply days first_supply = max(s, level) last_sale = steps - (processes - level - 1) first_sale = first_supply + 1 last_sale - 1 period = last_sale - first_sale # remove any remaining day-specific quantities self.tentative_sales = np.zeros(steps, dtype=np.int64) self.tentative_supplies = np.zeros(steps, dtype=np.int64) self.accepted_sales = np.zeros(steps, dtype=np.int64) self.accepted_supplies = np.zeros(steps, dtype=np.int64) # find the maximum amount of sales/supplies that I can expect in the future capacity = min(self.market_capacity * self.market_share, lines) future_sales = int(capacity * period * self.target_productivity) # find total target sales and supplies to the end of the simulation. # I need to sell everything in my inventory but buy only what is not # already in it. self.target_sales = future_sales + available_output + available_input self.target_supplies = self.target_sales - available_input # Set the maximum allowed quantities for negotiators per day. # - Initialize at zero self.max_sales = np.zeros(steps, dtype=np.int64) self.max_supplies = np.zeros(steps, dtype=np.int64) # - At every step I can sell whatever I had earlier plus what I can # produce. This can be written much faster in numpy but who cares acc, limit = 0, self.target_sales for t in range(s + 1, steps): self.max_sales[t] = min(lines, limit - acc) if self.max_sales[t] >= self.target_sales - acc: break acc += self.max_sales[t] # - I need to buy no more than what I can sell for t in range(s, steps - 1): self.max_supplies[t] = self.max_sales[t + 1 :].sum() # - subtract what I have from the maximum possible sales/supplies self.max_sales -= self.secured_sales self.max_supplies -= self.secured_supplies # - Find for each day the maximum sales going forward self.max_sales = self.max_sales.cumsum() # - I cannot buy what I cannot pay for. Here we are very pessimistic # assuming that we will get no money from sales which should be # OK as the agent usually starts with enough money to buy everything # it will ever need for production self.max_supplies = np.minimum( self.max_supplies, int(awi.current_balance // prices[awi.my_input_product]), ) # Do not REQUIRE any sales or supplies self.min_sales = np.zeros(steps, dtype=np.int64) self.min_supplies = np.zeros(steps, dtype=np.int64) # specify that for any agent, we will strart conceding one a random issue self.next_concession_dim = defaultdict(lambda: random.randint(0, 2))
[docs] def step(self): """Called at the end of the day. Will request all negotiations""" awi: AWI = self.awi s = awi.current_step prices = awi.trading_prices if prices is None: prices = awi.catalog_prices self.do_production() # request negotiations for product, selling, partners, limit in ( ( awi.my_input_product, False, awi.my_suppliers, self.max_supplies[s:].max(), ), ( awi.my_output_product, True, awi.my_consumers, self.max_sales[s:].max(), ), ): # request nothing if the limit is zero if limit < 1: continue # request nothing if the partners are system agents if selling and product >= awi.n_processes: continue if not selling and product < 1: continue # decide the negotiation issue limits # - for quantity, just set the maximum to the limit qrange = (1, limit) # - for time, we start at this step if buying else next step and # end at the last step in which I should do trade or the horizon t0 = s if not selling else s + 1 if selling: # I should always try to sell last_step = awi.n_steps - 1 else: # I should only try to buy until it is irrational for agents # after me in the chain to buy last_step = awi.n_steps - awi.n_processes - awi.my_input_product - 2 trange = (t0, min(t0 + self.horizon, last_step)) # If no time is acceptable, just do not request negotiations if trange[0] > trange[1]: continue # - Calculate a price in the middle of the price range I am willing to # offer by comparing two prices # 1. The selling/buyg price that gives me a satisfactory profit given # the current trading price for input/output (correspondingly) # 2. The current trading price of my output/input in case of selling/buying # If the two options are not equal, resolve to my advantage price = ( max( prices[product], (1 + self.satisfying_profit) * (prices[product - 1] + self.production_cost), ) if selling else min( prices[product], (1 - self.satisfying_profit) * (prices[product + 1] - self.production_cost), ) ) # set the price ragne so that the price I prefer is in the middle dp = prices[product] * self.price_range / 2.0 urange = ( int(price - dp), int(price + dp + 0.5), ) # Request the negotiations awi.request_negotiations( not selling, product, qrange, urange, trange, None, [ ObedientNegotiator( selling=selling, requested=True, name=f"{}>{_}" ) for _ in partners ], partners, )
# ================================ # Negotiation Control and Feedback # ================================
[docs] def respond_to_negotiation_request(self, initiator, issues, annotation, mechanism): # Always accept negotiation return ObedientNegotiator( selling=annotation["seller"] ==, requested=False, name=f"{initiator}>{}", )
# ============================= # Contract Control and Feedback # =============================
[docs] def sign_all_contracts(self, contracts): signatures = [None] * len(contracts) awi: AWI = self.awi # separate sell and buy contracts and sort them with the better price # first (ties are broken by smallest quantity first) sell_contracts = sorted( ( (i, _) for i, _ in enumerate(contracts) if _.annotation["seller"] == ), key=lambda x: (-x[1].agreement["unit_price"], x[1].agreement["quantity"]), ) buy_contracts = sorted( ( (i, _) for i, _ in enumerate(contracts) if _.annotation["seller"] != ), key=lambda x: (x[1].agreement["unit_price"], x[1].agreement["quantity"]), ) # initialize the amoutns bought and sold bought, sold = np.zeros(awi.n_steps), np.zeros(awi.n_steps) total_bought = total_sold = 0 for i, c in buy_contracts: # If I already signed above my total needs, do not sign any more. if total_bought >= self.target_supplies: break q, u, t = ( c.agreement["quantity"], c.agreement["unit_price"], c.agreement["time"], ) # If I already signed above my total needs FOR THE DAY, do not sign any more. if bought[t] >= self.max_supplies[t]: break # Do not sign if the price is too high. if not self._is_good_price(False, u, slack=self.satisfying_profit * 1.5): continue signatures[i] = bought[t] += q for i, c in sell_contracts: # If I already signed above my total needs, do not sign any more. if total_sold >= self.target_sales: break q, u, t = ( c.agreement["quantity"], c.agreement["unit_price"], c.agreement["time"], ) # If I already signed above my total needs FOR THE DAY, do not sign any more. if sold[t] >= self.max_sales[t]: break # Do not sign if the price is too low. if not self._is_good_price(True, u, slack=self.satisfying_profit * 1.5): continue signatures[i] = sold[t] += q return signatures
[docs] def on_contracts_finalized(self, signed, cancelled, rejectors): # Updates secured_sales/supplies sell_contracts = [_ for _ in signed if _.annotation["seller"] ==] buy_contracts = [_ for _ in signed if _.annotation["seller"] !=] for c in buy_contracts: # If I already signed above my total needs, do not sign any more. q, t = ( c.agreement["quantity"], c.agreement["time"], ) self.secured_supplies[t] += q self.accepted_supplies[t] -= q for c in sell_contracts: # If I already signed above my total needs, do not sign any more. q, t = ( c.agreement["quantity"], c.agreement["time"], ) self.secured_sales[t] += q self.accepted_sales[t] -= q
# ==================== # Production Callbacks # ====================
[docs] def do_production(self) -> int: # Produce everything I can awi: AWI = self.awi # type: ignore commands = NO_COMMAND * np.ones(awi.n_lines, dtype=int) # find how much input material do we have inputs = min(awi.state.inventory[awi.my_input_product], len(commands)) # register production commands commands[:inputs] = awi.my_input_product commands[inputs:] = NO_COMMAND awi.set_commands(commands) return inputs
# ===================== # Negotiation functions # =====================
[docs] def propose( self, state: SAOState, ami: SAONMI, is_selling: bool, is_requested: bool ): """ Used to propose to the opponent Args: state: mechanism state including current round ami: Agent-mechanism-interface for accessing the negotiation mechanism offer: The offer proposed by the partner is_selling: Whether the agent is selling to this partner is_requested: Whether the agent requested this negotiation """ awi: AWI = self.awi prices = awi.trading_prices if prices is None: prices = awi.catalog_prices # remove the last offer we sent to the partner from the tentative list # because it is implicitly rejected by the partner. partner = [_ for _ in ami.agent_ids if _ !=][0] self._remove_tentative_offer(is_selling, partner) # get issue limits t0, t1 = ami.issues[TIME].min_value, ami.issues[TIME].max_value q0, q1 = ami.issues[QUANTITY].min_value, ami.issues[QUANTITY].max_value p0, p1 = ami.issues[UNIT_PRICE].min_value, ami.issues[UNIT_PRICE].max_value # If there are no valid values for one issue, just end if t1 < t0 or q1 < q0 or p1 < p0: return None # Select an issue to conceed on and the concession ratio which always # goes from 1 to 0 over negotiation time cdim = self.next_concession_dim[partner] r = [ 1 - math.pow( state.step / (awi.n_steps - 1) if cdim == i else max(0, state.step - 1) / (awi.n_steps - 1), self.eq, ) for i in range(3) ] self.next_concession_dim[partner] = random.randint(0, 2) # calculate a price that is good enough given the number of rounds # remaining. This is a time-based concession strategy on price. if is_selling: tentative, accepted, max_quantity, min_quantity = ( self.tentative_sales, self.accepted_sales, self.max_sales, self.min_sales, ) accaptable_price = prices[awi.my_output_product] * ( 1 - self.acceptable_loss ) p = max((p1 - accaptable_price) * r[UNIT_PRICE] + accaptable_price, p0) else: tentative, accepted, max_quantity, min_quantity = ( self.tentative_supplies, self.accepted_supplies, self.max_supplies, self.min_supplies, ) accaptable_price = prices[awi.my_input_product] * (1 + self.acceptable_loss) p = min((accaptable_price - p0) * r[UNIT_PRICE] + accaptable_price, p1) r[TIME] = 1 - r[TIME] # find the range of quantities that I can accept within the time we are # negotiating about max_quantity, min_quantity = ( max_quantity[t0 : t1 + 1] - tentative[t0 : t1 + 1] - accepted[t0 : t1 + 1], min_quantity[t0 : t1 + 1], ) max_quantity[max_quantity > q1] = q1 min_quantity[min_quantity < q0] = q0 # If we have no quantities to consider, end if len(min_quantity) < 1 or len(max_quantity) < 1: return None # find all valid times ts = [ _ for _ in range(t0, t1 + 1) if max_quantity[_ - t0] >= q0 and max_quantity[_ - t0] >= min_quantity[_ - t0] ] # If we have not valid time, end the round offering nothing. n_times = len(ts) if n_times < 1: return None # select a time in the valid range (this is an index in the quantites # array) t = ts[max(0, min(n_times - 1, int(0.5 + n_times * r[TIME])))] - t0 # select a quantity in the valid range for the selected time if max_quantity[t] == min_quantity[t]: q = max_quantity[t] else: q = max( q0, min_quantity[t], min( max_quantity[t], int((max_quantity[t] - min_quantity[t]) * r[QUANTITY]) + min_quantity[t], ), ) # generate the offer offer = [0, 0, 0] offer[TIME], offer[QUANTITY], offer[UNIT_PRICE] = ( min(t1, max(t0, t + t0)), min(q1, max(q0, int(q))), min(p1, max(p0, int(p + 0.5))), ) # register this offer as a tentative quantity (it may be accepted) partner = [_ for _ in ami.agent_ids if _ !=][0] tentative[t:] += q self.last_q[partner] = q self.last_t[partner] = t return tuple(offer)
[docs] def respond(self, state, ami, is_selling, is_requested): """ Responds to an offer from one partner. Args: state: mechanism state including current round ami: Agent-mechanism-interface for accessing the negotiation mechanism offer: The offer proposed by the partner is_selling: Whether the agent is selling to this partner is_requested: Whether the agent requested this negotiation Remarks: - The main idea is to accept offers that are within the quantity limits for the delivery day if its price is good enough for the current stage of the negotiation. - During negotiation, the agent starts accepting highest/lowest prices for selling/buying and gradually conceeds to the minimally acceptable price (`good_price`) defined as being `acceptable_loss` above/below the trading price for buying/selling. """ offer = state.current_offer # Find the price range for this negotiation p0, p1 = ami.issues[UNIT_PRICE].min_value, ami.issues[UNIT_PRICE].max_value # Find current trading prices (catalog price if trading prices are not available) awi: AWI = self.awi prices = awi.trading_prices if prices is None: prices = awi.catalog_prices # read limits of quantities and our tentative offers based on whether # we are selling/buying if is_selling: tentative, accepted, max_quantity, min_quantity = ( self.tentative_sales, self.accepted_sales, self.max_sales, self.min_sales, ) worst_acceptable_price = ( prices[awi.my_output_product] * (1 - self.acceptable_loss) if ami.annotation["caller"] != else p0 ) else: tentative, accepted, max_quantity, min_quantity = ( self.tentative_supplies, self.accepted_supplies, self.max_supplies, self.min_supplies, ) worst_acceptable_price = ( prices[awi.my_input_product] * (1 + self.acceptable_loss) if ami.annotation["caller"] != else p1 ) # parse the offer q, u, t = ( offer[QUANTITY], offer[UNIT_PRICE], offer[TIME], ) # reject crazy offers if q <= 0 or t >= len(tentative) or t < state.step: return ResponseType.REJECT_OFFER # r will go from one to zero over the negotiation time and controls our # concession r = 1 - math.pow(state.relative_time, self.ep) if is_selling: # If selling we conceed down from the highest price p = (p1 - worst_acceptable_price) * r + worst_acceptable_price else: # If buing we conceed up from the lowest price p = (worst_acceptable_price - p0) * r + worst_acceptable_price # if the quantity offered is not within the range we want for the delivery # day reject the offer if q + tentative[t] + accepted[t] > max_quantity[t] or q < min_quantity[t]: return ResponseType.REJECT_OFFER # if price is OK accept the offer if (is_selling and u >= p) or (not is_selling and u <= p): accepted[t:] += q return ResponseType.ACCEPT_OFFER # otherwise, reject it return ResponseType.REJECT_OFFER
[docs] def on_negotiation_failure(self, partners, annotation, mechanism, state): """Called when a negotiation fails""" # removes my standing tentative offer for this negotiation if any partner = [_ for _ in mechanism.agent_ids][0] self._remove_tentative_offer(annotation["seller"] ==, partner)
[docs] def on_negotiation_success(self, contract, mechanism): """Called when a negotiation fails""" # remove my standing tentative offer for this negotiation if any partner = [_ for _ in if _ !=][0] self._remove_tentative_offer(contract.annotation["seller"] ==, partner) # add the agreed quantity in the appropriate times of `accepted`. # It will be moved later to `secured` (in `setp()`). selling = contract.annotation["seller"] == accepted = self.accepted_sales if selling else self.accepted_supplies accepted[contract.agreement["time"] :] += contract.agreement["quantity"]
# ================ # Helper Functions # ================
[docs] def _remove_tentative_offer(self, selling, partner): """ Removes my last offer from the tentative offers """ last_t = self.last_t.pop(partner, None) tentative = self.tentative_sales if selling else self.tentative_supplies if last_t is None: return tentative[last_t:] -= self.last_q[partner] del self.last_q[partner]
[docs] def _is_good_price(self, is_selling: bool, u: float, slack: float = 0.0): """ Checks whether a price is good relative to current trading prices, and satisfying profit (with possible slack). """ awi: AWI = self.awi prices = awi.trading_prices if prices is None: prices = awi.catalog_prices if is_selling: return u > (1 + self.satisfying_profit - slack) * ( prices[awi.my_input_product] + self.production_cost ) return u < (1 - self.satisfying_profit + slack) * ( prices[awi.my_output_product] - self.production_cost )