Source code for scml.scml2020.components.signing

__all__ = ["SignAll", "SignAllPossible", "KeepOnlyGoodPrices"]

from typing import List, Optional

from negmas import Contract

[docs] class SignAll: """Signs all contracts no matter what. Overrides: - `sign_all_contracts` Remarks: - `Attributes` section describes the attributes that can be used to construct the component (passed to its `__init__` method). - `Provides` section describes the attributes (methods, properties, data-members) made available by this component directly. Note that everything provided by the bases of this components are also available to the agent (Check the `Bases` section above for all the bases of this component). - `Requires` section describes any requirements from the agent using this component. It defines a set of methods or properties/data-members that must exist in the agent that uses this component. These requirement are usually implemented as abstract methods in the component - `Abstract` section describes abstract methods that MUST be implemented by any descendant of this component. - `Hooks Into` section describes the methods this component overrides calling `super` () which allows other components to hook into the same method (by overriding it). Usually callbacks starting with `on_` are hooked into this way. - `Overrides` section describes the methods this component overrides without calling `super` effectively disallowing any other components after it in the MRO to call this method. Usually methods that do some action (i.e. not starting with `on_`) are overridden this way. """
[docs] def sign_all_contracts(self, contracts: List[Contract]) -> List[Optional[str]]: # calls the super class to allow it to do any book-keeping. return [] * len(contracts)
[docs] class SignAllPossible: """ Signs all contracts that can in principle be honored. The only check made by this strategy is that for sell contracts there is enough production capacity Overrides: - `sign_all_contracts` Remarks: - `Attributes` section describes the attributes that can be used to construct the component (passed to its `__init__` method). - `Provides` section describes the attributes (methods, properties, data-members) made available by this component directly. Note that everything provided by the bases of this components are also available to the agent (Check the `Bases` section above for all the bases of this component). - `Requires` section describes any requirements from the agent using this component. It defines a set of methods or properties/data-members that must exist in the agent that uses this component. These requirement are usually implemented as abstract methods in the component - `Abstract` section describes abstract methods that MUST be implemented by any descendant of this component. - `Hooks Into` section describes the methods this component overrides calling `super` () which allows other components to hook into the same method (by overriding it). Usually callbacks starting with `on_` are hooked into this way. - `Overrides` section describes the methods this component overrides without calling `super` effectively disallowing any other components after it in the MRO to call this method. Usually methods that do some action (i.e. not starting with `on_`) are overridden this way. """
[docs] def sign_all_contracts(self, contracts: List[Contract]) -> List[Optional[str]]: from import is_system_agent results = [None] * len(contracts) # sort contracts by time and then put system contracts first within each time-step contracts = sorted( zip(contracts, range(len(contracts))), key=lambda x: ( x[0].agreement["unit_price"], x[0].agreement["time"], 0 if is_system_agent(x[0].annotation["seller"]) or is_system_agent(x[0].annotation["buyer"]) else 1, ), ) consumed = 0 for contract, i in contracts: step = contract.agreement["time"] q = contract.agreement["quantity"] if step > self.awi.n_steps - 1 or step < self.awi.current_step: continue if contract.annotation["seller"] == steps, _ = self.awi.available_for_production( q, (self.awi.current_step, step), -1, override=False, method="all" ) if len(steps) - consumed < q: continue consumed += q results[i] = return results
[docs] class KeepOnlyGoodPrices: """Signs all contracts that have good prices Overrides: - `sign_all_contracts` Attributes: - buying_margin: The margin from the catalog price to allow for buying. The agent will never buy at a price higher than the catalog price by more than this margin (relative to catalog price). - selling_margin: The margin from the catalog price to allow for selling. The agent will never sell at a price lower than the catalog price by more than this margin (relative to catalog price). Remarks: - `Attributes` section describes the attributes that can be used to construct the component (passed to its `__init__` method). - `Provides` section describes the attributes (methods, properties, data-members) made available by this component directly. Note that everything provided by the bases of this components are also available to the agent (Check the `Bases` section above for all the bases of this component). - `Requires` section describes any requirements from the agent using this component. It defines a set of methods or properties/data-members that must exist in the agent that uses this component. These requirement are usually implemented as abstract methods in the component - `Abstract` section describes abstract methods that MUST be implemented by any descendant of this component. - `Hooks Into` section describes the methods this component overrides calling `super` () which allows other components to hook into the same method (by overriding it). Usually callbacks starting with `on_` are hooked into this way. - `Overrides` section describes the methods this component overrides without calling `super` effectively disallowing any other components after it in the MRO to call this method. Usually methods that do some action (i.e. not starting with `on_`) are overridden this way. """ def __init__(self, *args, buying_margin=0.5, selling_margin=0.5, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if buying_margin is None: buying_margin = 0.5 if selling_margin is None: selling_margin = 0.5 self._buying_factor, self._selling_factor = ( 1.0 + buying_margin, 1.0 - selling_margin, )
[docs] def sign_all_contracts(self, contracts: List[Contract]) -> List[Optional[str]]: # calls the super class to allow it to do any book-keeping. signatures = super().sign_all_contracts(contracts) # calculate current trading prices (approximate them with catalog price # if not available) tp = self.awi.trading_prices if tp is None: in_price = self.awi.catalog_prices[self.awi.my_input_product] out_price = self.awi.catalog_prices[self.awi.my_output_product] else: in_price = self.awi.trading_prices[self.awi.my_input_product] out_price = self.awi.trading_prices[self.awi.my_output_product] for i, c in enumerate(contracts): if signatures[i] is None: continue if ( c.annotation["buyer"] == and c.agreement["unit_price"] > self._buying_factor * in_price ) or ( c.annotation["seller"] == and c.agreement["unit_price"] < self._selling_factor * out_price ): signatures[i] = None return signatures