Source code for scml.std.context

from attr import define
import numpy as np
from scml.oneshot.agent import OneShotAgent
from scml.std.agents.greedy import GreedyStdAgent
from scml.std.agents.rand import RandomStdAgent, SyncRandomStdAgent
from import SCML2024StdWorld

from import (
from scml.oneshot.context import (

__all__ = [


[docs] DefaultAgentsStd = ( GreedyStdAgent, RandomStdAgent, SyncRandomStdAgent, )
[docs] class BaseStdContext(BaseContext): """A context that generates std worlds with agents of a given `types` with predetermined structure and settings"""
[docs] world_type: type[SCMLBaseWorld] = SCML2024StdWorld
[docs] non_competitors: tuple[str | type[OneShotAgent], ...] = DefaultAgentsStd
[docs] class GeneralStdContext(GeneralContext): """A context that generates std worlds with agents of a given `types` with predetermined structure and settings"""
[docs] world_type: type[SCMLBaseWorld] = SCML2024StdWorld
[docs] non_competitors: tuple[str | type[OneShotAgent], ...] = DefaultAgentsStd
[docs] perishable: bool = False
[docs] horizon: int = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS["horizon"] # type: ignore
[docs] n_processes: tuple[int, int] | int = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS["n_processes"] # type: ignore
[docs] disposal_cost: tuple[float, float] | float = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS["disposal_cost"]
[docs] disposal_cost_dev: tuple[float, float] | float = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS[ "disposal_cost_dev" ]
[docs] storage_cost: tuple[float, float] | float = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS["storage_cost"]
[docs] storage_cost_dev: tuple[float, float] | float = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS[ "storage_cost_dev" ]
[docs] price_range_fraction: float | tuple[float, float] = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS[ "price_range_fraction" ]
[docs] price_multiplier: np.ndarray | tuple[float, float] | float = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS[ "price_multiplier" ]
[docs] wide_price_range: bool = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS["wide_price_range"] # type: ignore
[docs] one_time_per_negotiation: bool = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS["one_time_per_negotiation"] # type: ignore
[docs] quantity_multiplier: int = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS["quantity_multiplier"] # type: ignore
[docs] max_productivity: tuple[float, float] | float = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS[ # type: ignore "max_productivity" ]
[docs] max_supply: tuple[float, float] | float = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS["max_supply"]
[docs] exogenous_supply_predictability: tuple[float, float] | float = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS[ "exogenous_supply_predictability" ]
[docs] exogenous_sales_predictability: tuple[float, float] | float = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS[ "exogenous_sales_predictability" ]
[docs] cap_exogenous_quantities: bool = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS["cap_exogenous_quantities"] # type: ignore
[docs] class FixedPartnerNumbersStdContext(FixedPartnerNumbersContext): """Generates a world limiting the range of the agent level, production capacity and the number of suppliers, consumers, and optionally same-level competitors."""
[docs] world_type: type[SCMLBaseWorld] = SCML2024StdWorld
[docs] non_competitors: tuple[str | type[OneShotAgent], ...] = DefaultAgentsStd
[docs] class LimitedPartnerNumbersStdContext(LimitedPartnerNumbersOneShotContext): """Generates a oneshot world limiting the range of the agent level, production capacity and the number of suppliers, consumers, and optionally same-level competitors."""
[docs] year: int = 2024
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() object.__setattr__( self, "world_type", { 2024: SCML2024OneShotWorld, 2023: SCML2023OneShotWorld, 2022: SCML2022OneShotWorld, 2021: SCML2021OneShotWorld, 2020: SCMLBaseWorld, }[self.year], )
[docs] class ANACStdContext(GeneralStdContext): """Generates a oneshot world with no constraints except compatibility with a specific ANAC competition year."""
[docs] year: int = 2024
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): object.__setattr__( self, "world_type", { 2024: SCML2024StdWorld, }[self.year], )
[docs] class MiddleManStdContext(LimitedPartnerNumbersOneShotContext): """A world context that can generate any world compatible with the observation manager""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): n_agents_per_process = ( min(N_SUPPLIERS[0], N_CONSUMERS[0]), # type: ignore max(N_SUPPLIERS[1], N_CONSUMERS[1]), # type: ignore ) kwargs |= dict( n_suppliers=N_SUPPLIERS, # suppliers have no suppliers n_consumers=N_CONSUMERS, n_competitors=(N_SUPPLIERS[0] - 1, N_SUPPLIERS[1] - 1), n_agents_per_process=n_agents_per_process, level=0, # suppliers are always in the first level ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class StrongMiddleManStdContext(MiddleManStdContext): """A supplier with almost many consumers relative to competitors""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs |= dict(selling_strength=Strength.Strong) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class BalancedMiddleManStdContext(MiddleManStdContext): """A supplier with almost same number of consumers as competitors""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs |= dict(selling_strength=Strength.Balanced) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class WeakMiddleManStdContext(MiddleManStdContext): """A supplier with few consumers relative to competitors""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs |= dict(selling_strength=Strength.Weak) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class SupplierStdContext(SupplierContext): """A world context that can generate any world compatible with the observation manager"""
[docs] world_type: type[SCMLBaseWorld] = SCML2024StdWorld
[docs] non_competitors: tuple[str | type[OneShotAgent], ...] = DefaultAgentsStd
[docs] class StrongSupplierStdContext(SupplierStdContext): """A supplier with almost many consumers relative to competitors""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs |= dict(selling_strength=Strength.Strong) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class BalancedSupplierStdContext(SupplierStdContext): """A supplier with almost same number of consumers as competitors""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs |= dict(selling_strength=Strength.Balanced) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class WeakSupplierStdContext(SupplierStdContext): """A supplier with few consumers relative to competitors""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs |= dict(selling_strength=Strength.Weak) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class ConsumerStdContext(ConsumerContext): """A world context that can generate any world compatible with the observation manager"""
[docs] world_type: type[SCMLBaseWorld] = SCML2024StdWorld
[docs] non_competitors: tuple[str | type[OneShotAgent], ...] = DefaultAgentsStd
[docs] class StrongConsumerStdContext(ConsumerStdContext): """A consumer with almost many suppliers relative to competitors""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs |= dict(buying_strength=Strength.Strong) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class BalancedConsumerStdContext(ConsumerStdContext): """A consumer with almost same number of suppliers as competitors""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs |= dict(buying_strength=Strength.Balanced) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class WeakConsumerStdContext(ConsumerStdContext): """A consumer with few suppliers relative to competitors""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs |= dict(buying_strength=Strength.Weak) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class StdContext(GeneralStdContext): """A basic context fixing stationary world config parameters"""
[docs] class RepeatingStdContext(RepeatingContext): """Encapsulates one or more configs and switches between them when asked to generate or make something."""
[docs] world_type: type[SCMLBaseWorld] = SCML2024StdWorld
[docs] non_competitors: tuple[str | type[OneShotAgent], ...] = DefaultAgentsStd