Source code for scml.utils

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from random import randint, random, shuffle
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Sequence

import numpy as np
from negmas import Agent
from negmas.helpers import get_class, get_full_type_name, unique_name
from negmas.helpers.numeric import truncated_mean
from negmas.serialization import deserialize, serialize
from negmas.tournaments import TournamentResults, WorldRunResults, tournament

from scml.oneshot.agent import OneShotAgent
from scml.oneshot.agents import (
from scml.oneshot.sysagents import _StdSystemAgent as OneShotSysAgent
from import OneShotWorld, SCML2024OneShotWorld
from scml.scml2020.agent import _SystemAgent as StdSysAgent
from scml.scml2020.agents import (
from import SCML2020Agent, SCML2020World, is_system_agent
from scml.std.agent import StdAgent
from scml.oneshot.context import DefaultAgentsOneShot
from scml.std.context import DefaultAgentsStd

__all__ = [




[docs] DefaultAgents: tuple[type[SCML2020Agent], ...] = ( DecentralizingAgent, BuyCheapSellExpensiveAgent, )
[docs] DefaultAgents2021 = ( DecentralizingAgent, # MarketAwareDecentralizingAgent, MarketAwareIndDecentralizingAgent, SatisficerAgent, # RandomOneShotAgent, )
[docs] DefaultAgents2022 = ( DecentralizingAgent, # MarketAwareDecentralizingAgent, MarketAwareIndDecentralizingAgent, SatisficerAgent, # RandomOneShotAgent, )
[docs] DefaultAgents2023 = ( DecentralizingAgent, # MarketAwareDecentralizingAgent, MarketAwareIndDecentralizingAgent, SatisficerAgent, # RandomOneShotAgent, )
DefaultAgentsOneShot2022 = DefaultAgentsOneShot2023 = ( GreedyOneShotAgent, SingleAgreementAspirationAgent, SyncRandomOneShotAgent, ) DefaultAgentsOneShot2024 = DefaultAgentsOneShot DefaultAgentsStd2024 = DefaultAgentsStd def integer_cut( total: int, n: int, mn: int | list[int], mx: int | list[int] = float("inf"), # type: ignore ) -> list[int]: """ Generates l random integers that sum to n where each of them is at least l_m Args: total: total n: number of levels mn: minimum per level mx: maximum per level. Can be set to infinity Returns: """ if not isinstance(mn, Iterable): mn = [mn] * n if not isinstance(mx, Iterable): mx = [mx] * n sizes = np.asarray(mn) if total < sizes.sum(): raise ValueError( f"Cannot generate {n} numbers summing to {total} with a minimum summing to {sizes.sum()}" ) maxs = np.asarray(mx) if total > maxs.sum(): raise ValueError( f"Cannot generate {n} numbers summing to {total} with a maximum summing to {maxs.sum()}" ) # TODO That is most likely the most stupid way to do it. We just try blindly. There MUST be a better way while sizes.sum() < total: indx = randint(0, n - 1) if sizes[indx] >= mx[indx]: continue sizes[indx] += 1 return list(sizes.tolist()) def integer_cut_dynamic( n: int, l_min: int, l_max: int, min_levels: int = 0 ) -> list[int]: """ Generates a list random integers that sum to n where each of them is between l_m and l_max Args: n: total l_min: minimum per level l_max: maximum per level. Can be set to infinity min_levels: THe minimum number of levels to use Returns: """ if n < min_levels * l_min: raise ValueError( f"Cannot cut {n} into at least {min_levels} numbers each is at least {l_min}" ) sizes = [l_min] * min_levels for i in range(len(sizes)): sizes[i] += randint(0, l_max - l_min) while sum(sizes) < n: i = randint(l_min, l_max) sizes.append(i) to_remove = sum(sizes) - n if to_remove == 0: return sizes sizes = sorted(sizes, reverse=True) for i, x in enumerate(sizes): can_remove = x - l_min removed = min(can_remove, to_remove) sizes[i] -= removed to_remove -= removed if sum(sizes) == n: break sizes = [_ for _ in sizes if _ > 0] shuffle(sizes) assert sum(sizes) == n, f"n={n}\nsizes={sizes}" return sizes def _realin(rng: tuple[float, float] | float) -> float: """ Selects a random number within a range if given or the input if it was a float Args: rng: Range or single value Returns: the real within the given range """ if isinstance(rng, float): return rng if abs(rng[1] - rng[0]) < 1e-8: return rng[0] return rng[0] + random() * (rng[1] - rng[0]) def _intin(rng: tuple[int, int] | int) -> int: """ Selects a random number within a range if given or the input if it was an int Args: rng: Range or single value Returns: the int within the given range """ if not isinstance(rng, Iterable): return int(rng) if rng[0] == rng[1]: return rng[0] return randint(rng[0], rng[1]) def anac_config_generator( year: int, n_competitors: int, n_agents_per_competitor: int, agent_names_reveal_type: bool = False, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, compact: bool = False, *, n_steps: int | tuple[int, int] = (50, 200), n_processes: tuple[int, int] = ( 2, 4, ), # minimum is strictly guarantee but maximum is only guaranteed if select_n_levels_first min_factories_per_level: int = 2, # strictly guaranteed max_factories_per_level: int = 6, # not strictly guaranteed except if select_n_levels_first is False n_lines: int = 10, select_n_levels_first=True, oneshot_world: bool = False, std_world: bool = False, context=None, **kwargs, ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgents non_competitor_params = tuple(dict() for _ in non_competitors) if non_competitor_params and all(not _ for _ in non_competitor_params): non_competitor_params = None if not non_competitor_params: non_competitor_params = tuple(dict() for _ in non_competitors) if isinstance(n_processes, Iterable): n_processes = tuple(n_processes) else: n_processes = (n_processes, n_processes) n_steps = _intin(n_steps) if select_n_levels_first: np = randint(*n_processes) n_agents = n_agents_per_competitor * n_competitors n_default_managers = max(0, np * min_factories_per_level) n_defaults = integer_cut(n_default_managers, np, 0) n_a_list = integer_cut(n_agents, np, 0) for i, n_a in enumerate(n_a_list): if n_a + n_defaults[i] < min_factories_per_level: n_defaults[i] = min_factories_per_level - n_a if n_a + n_defaults[i] > max_factories_per_level and n_defaults[i] > 1: n_defaults[i] = max(1, min_factories_per_level - n_a) n_f_list = [a + b for a, b in zip(n_defaults, n_a_list)] else: min_n_processes = randint(*n_processes) n_agents = n_agents_per_competitor * n_competitors n_default_managers = max( 0, min_n_processes * min_factories_per_level - n_agents ) n_f_list = integer_cut_dynamic( n_agents + n_default_managers, min_factories_per_level, max_factories_per_level, min_n_processes, ) np = len(n_f_list) n_defaults = [0] * np while n_default_managers > 0: indx = randint(0, np - 1) if n_f_list[indx] <= n_defaults[indx]: continue n_defaults[indx] += 1 n_default_managers -= 1 n_factories = sum(n_f_list) if non_competitor_params is None: non_competitor_params = [{}] * len(non_competitors) # type: ignore non_competitors = [get_full_type_name(_) for _ in non_competitors] max_def_agents = len(non_competitors) - 1 agent_types = [None] * n_factories manager_params = [None] * n_factories first_in_level = 0 for level in range(np): n_d = n_defaults[level] n_f = n_f_list[level] assert ( n_d <= n_f ), f"Got {n_f} total factories at level {level} out of which {n_d} are default!!" for j in range(n_f): if j >= n_f - n_d: # default managers are last managers in the list def_indx = randint(0, max_def_agents) agent_types[first_in_level + j] = non_competitors[def_indx] # type: ignore params_ = copy.deepcopy(non_competitor_params[def_indx]) params_["name"] = f"_df_{level}_{j}" manager_params[first_in_level + j] = params_ # type: ignore first_in_level += n_f world_name = unique_name("", add_time=True, rand_digits=4) agent_types = [ get_full_type_name(_) if isinstance(_, SCML2020Agent) else _ for _ in agent_types ] no_logs = compact agent_processes = [] for i, n in enumerate(n_f_list): for j in range(n): agent_processes.append(i) if oneshot_world or std_world: world_params = dict( name=world_name, agent_types=agent_types, agent_params=manager_params, time_limit=ONESHOT_TIMEOUT, neg_time_limit=ONESHOT_NEG_TIMEOUT, neg_hidden_time_limit=ONESHOT_NEG_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT, neg_n_steps=20, neg_step_time_limit=NEG_STEP_TIME_LIMIT, negotiation_speed=21, start_negotiations_immediately=False, agent_processes=agent_processes, n_processes=np, n_steps=n_steps, n_lines=n_lines, compact=compact, no_logs=no_logs, random_agent_types=False, ) else: world_params = dict( name=world_name, agent_types=agent_types, agent_params=manager_params, time_limit=ONESHOT_TIMEOUT, neg_time_limit=ONESHOT_NEG_TIMEOUT, neg_hidden_time_limit=ONESHOT_NEG_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT, neg_n_steps=20, neg_step_time_limit=NEG_STEP_TIME_LIMIT, negotiation_speed=21, spot_market_global_loss=0.2, interest_rate=0.08, bankruptcy_limit=1.0, initial_balance=None, start_negotiations_immediately=False, agent_processes=agent_processes, n_processes=np, n_steps=n_steps, n_lines=n_lines, compact=compact, no_logs=no_logs, random_agent_types=False, ) world_params.update(kwargs) # _agent_types = copy.deepcopy(world_params.pop("agent_types")) # _agent_params = copy.deepcopy(world_params.pop("agent_params")) if oneshot_world: cls = get_class(f"{int(year)}OneShotWorld") elif std_world: cls = get_class(f"{int(year)}StdWorld") else: cls = get_class(f"{int(year)}World") if context is None: generated_world_params = cls.generate(**world_params) # type: ignore else: generated_world_params = context.make_config(cls, params=world_params) # type: ignore for k in ("agent_types", "agent_params"): if k in generated_world_params.keys(): del generated_world_params[k] if oneshot_world or std_world: for _p in generated_world_params["profiles"]: _p.cost = int(_p.cost) else: for _p in generated_world_params["profiles"]: _p.costs = _p.costs.tolist() world_params["__exact_params"] = serialize( generated_world_params, deep=True, ignore_lambda=True ) if context is not None: world_params["__context"] = serialize(context, deep=True, ignore_lambda=True) config = { "world_params": world_params, "compact": compact, "scoring_context": {}, "non_competitors": non_competitors, "non_competitor_params": non_competitor_params, "agent_types": agent_types, "agent_params": manager_params, } config.update(kwargs) return [config]
[docs] anac_config_generator_std_old = anac_config_generator
[docs] def anac_config_generator_oneshot(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) >= 5: args = tuple(list(args[:4]) + [DefaultAgentsOneShot] + list(args[5:])) else: kwargs["non_competitors"] = DefaultAgentsOneShot kwargs["oneshot_world"] = True kwargs["std_world"] = False return anac_config_generator(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def anac_config_generator_std_new(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) >= 5: args = tuple(list(args[:4]) + [DefaultAgentsStd] + list(args[5:])) else: kwargs["non_competitors"] = DefaultAgentsStd kwargs["std_world"] = True kwargs["oneshot_world"] = False return anac_config_generator(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def anac_config_generator_collusion( year: int, n_competitors: int, n_agents_per_competitor: int, agent_names_reveal_type: bool = False, non_competitors: tuple[str | type[SCML2020Agent], ...] | None = None, non_competitor_params: tuple[dict[str, Any], ...] | None = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: assert n_agents_per_competitor > 1 return anac_config_generator( year=year, n_competitors=n_competitors, n_agents_per_competitor=n_agents_per_competitor, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, **kwargs, )
anac2020_config_generator_std = partial(anac_config_generator, year=2020) anac2021_config_generator_std = partial(anac_config_generator, year=2021) anac2022_config_generator_std = partial(anac_config_generator, year=2022) anac2023_config_generator_std = partial(anac_config_generator, year=2023) anac2020_config_generator_oneshot = partial(anac_config_generator_oneshot, year=2020) anac2021_config_generator_oneshot = partial(anac_config_generator_oneshot, year=2021) anac2022_config_generator_oneshot = partial(anac_config_generator_oneshot, year=2022) anac2023_config_generator_oneshot = partial(anac_config_generator_oneshot, year=2023) anac2024_config_generator_oneshot = partial(anac_config_generator_oneshot, year=2024) anac2024_config_generator_std = partial(anac_config_generator_std_new, year=2024) anac2020_config_generator_collusion = partial( anac_config_generator_collusion, year=2020 ) anac2021_config_generator_collusion = partial( anac_config_generator_collusion, year=2021 ) anac2022_config_generator_collusion = partial( anac_config_generator_collusion, year=2022 ) anac2023_config_generator_collusion = partial( anac_config_generator_collusion, year=2023 )
[docs] def anac_assigner_std( config: list[dict[str, Any]], max_n_worlds: int, n_agents_per_competitor: int = 1, fair: bool = True, competitors: Sequence[str | type[OneShotAgent] | type[Agent]] = (), params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = (), dynamic_non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[Agent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = True, ) -> list[list[dict[str, Any]]]: tentative = [] for i, current_config in enumerate(config): if i > 0: n_agents_per_competitor = 1 competitors = list( get_full_type_name(_) if not isinstance(_, str) and _ is not None else _ for _ in competitors ) n_competitors = len(competitors) params = ( list(params) if params is not None else [dict() for _ in range(n_competitors)] ) n_permutations = n_competitors agent_types = current_config["agent_types"] is_default = [_ is not None for _ in agent_types] # assign non-competitor factories to extra-non-competitors if dynamic_non_competitors is not None: n_extra = len(dynamic_non_competitors) dynamic_non_competitors = list( get_full_type_name(_) if not isinstance(_, str) and _ is not None else _ for _ in dynamic_non_competitors ) if dynamic_non_competitor_params is None: dynamic_non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in range(n_extra)] # removing the competitors from the dynamic competitors if exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: # TODO May be use a better way to hash the a parameters than just conversion to str # Note that None and and empty dict() will both become "" compset = set(zip(competitors, (str(_) if _ else "" for _ in params))) dynset = list( zip( dynamic_non_competitors, (str(_) if _ else "" for _ in dynamic_non_competitor_params), ) ) dynamic_non_competitor_indices = [ i for i, _ in enumerate(dynset) if _ not in compset ] dynamic_non_competitors = [ dynamic_non_competitors[i] for i in dynamic_non_competitor_indices ] dynamic_non_competitor_params = [ dynamic_non_competitor_params[i] for i in dynamic_non_competitor_indices ] n_extra = len(dynamic_non_competitors) if n_extra: for i, isd in enumerate(is_default): if not isd: continue extra_indx = randint(0, n_extra - 1) current_config["agent_types"][i] = dynamic_non_competitors[ extra_indx ] current_config["agent_params"][i] = dynamic_non_competitor_params[ extra_indx ] _assignable_f = [i for i, mtype in enumerate(agent_types) if mtype is None] shuffle(_assignable_f) assignable_factories = ( np.asarray(_assignable_f) .reshape((n_competitors, n_agents_per_competitor)) .tolist() ) current_configs = [] def _copy_config(perm_, c, indx): _ = indx new_config = copy.deepcopy(c) new_config["is_default"] = is_default for (a, p_), assignable in zip(perm_, assignable_factories): for factory in assignable: new_config["agent_types"][factory] = a new_config["agent_params"][factory] = copy.deepcopy(p_) return [new_config] if n_permutations is not None and max_n_worlds is None: permutation = list(zip(competitors, params)) assert len(permutation) == len(assignable_factories) shuffle(permutation) perm = permutation for k in range(n_permutations): perm = copy.deepcopy(perm) perm = perm[-1:] + perm[:-1] current_configs.append(_copy_config(perm, current_config, k)) elif max_n_worlds is None: raise ValueError( "Did not give max_n_worlds and cannot find n_permutations." ) else: permutation = list(zip(competitors, params)) assert len(permutation) == len(assignable_factories) if fair: n_min = len(assignable_factories) n_rounds = int(max_n_worlds // n_min) if n_rounds < 1: raise ValueError( f"Cannot guarantee fair assignment: n. competitors {len(assignable_factories)}, at least" f" {n_min} runs are needed for fair assignment" ) max_n_worlds = n_rounds * n_min if n_rounds > 0 else max_n_worlds n_rounds = max(n_rounds, 1) k = 0 for _ in range(n_rounds): shuffle(permutation) for __ in range(n_min): k += 1 perm = copy.deepcopy(permutation) perm = perm[-1:] + perm[:-1] current_configs.append(_copy_config(perm, current_config, k)) else: for k in range(max_n_worlds): perm = copy.deepcopy(permutation) shuffle(perm) current_configs.append(_copy_config(perm, current_config, k)) tentative.append(current_configs) if len(config) == 1: return tentative[0] assert len({len(_) for _ in tentative}) == 1 n = len(tentative[0]) final_configs = [] for i in range(n): lst = [_[i] for _ in tentative] final_configs += lst return final_configs
[docs] anac_assigner_oneshot = anac_assigner_std
[docs] def anac_assigner_collusion( config: list[dict[str, Any]], max_n_worlds: int, n_agents_per_competitor: int = 1, fair: bool = True, competitors: Sequence[type[Agent] | str] = (), params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = (), dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[Agent] | str] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = True, ) -> list[list[dict[str, Any]]]: current_config = config[0] competitors = list( get_full_type_name(_) if not isinstance(_, str) and _ is not None else _ for _ in competitors ) n_competitors = len(competitors) params = ( list(params) if params is not None else [dict() for _ in range(n_competitors)] ) n_permutations = n_competitors agent_types = current_config["agent_types"] is_default = [_ is not None for _ in agent_types] # assign non-competitor factories to extra-non-competitors if dynamic_non_competitors is not None: n_extra = len(dynamic_non_competitors) dynamic_non_competitors = list( get_full_type_name(_) if not isinstance(_, str) and _ is not None else _ for _ in dynamic_non_competitors ) if dynamic_non_competitor_params is None: dynamic_non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in range(n_extra)] # removing the competitors from the dynamic competitors if exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: # TODO May be use a better way to hash the a parameters than just conversion to str # Note that None and and empty dict() will both become "" compset = set(zip(competitors, (str(_) if _ else "" for _ in params))) dynset = list( zip( dynamic_non_competitors, (str(_) if _ else "" for _ in dynamic_non_competitor_params), ) ) dynamic_non_competitor_indices = [ i for i, _ in enumerate(dynset) if _ not in compset ] dynamic_non_competitors = [ dynamic_non_competitors[i] for i in dynamic_non_competitor_indices ] dynamic_non_competitor_params = [ dynamic_non_competitor_params[i] for i in dynamic_non_competitor_indices ] n_extra = len(dynamic_non_competitors) if n_extra: for i, isd in enumerate(is_default): if not isd: continue extra_indx = randint(0, n_extra - 1) current_config["agent_types"][i] = dynamic_non_competitors[extra_indx] current_config["agent_params"][i] = dynamic_non_competitor_params[ extra_indx ] afs = [i for i, mtype in enumerate(agent_types) if mtype is None] shuffle(afs) assignable_factories = ( np.asarray(afs).reshape((n_competitors, n_agents_per_competitor)).tolist() ) current_configs = [] def _copy_config(perm_, c, indx): _ = indx new_config = copy.deepcopy(c) new_config["is_default"] = is_default for (a, p_), assignable in zip(perm_, assignable_factories): for factory in assignable: new_config["agent_types"][factory] = a new_config["agent_params"][factory] = copy.deepcopy(p_) configs: list[dict] = [ copy.deepcopy(new_config) for _ in range(n_agents_per_competitor + 1) ] non_competitor_info = list( (a, p if p else dict()) for a, p, d in zip( new_config["agent_types"], new_config["agent_params"], is_default ) if d and a is not None and a not in competitors ) non_competitors = [get_full_type_name(a) for a, _ in non_competitor_info] non_competitor_params = [b for _, b in non_competitor_info] max_def_agents = len(non_competitors) - 1 assert len({tuple(_) for _ in assignable_factories}) == 1 free_factories = assignable_factories[0] assert len(free_factories) == n_agents_per_competitor # for each config other than the first, remove all unassigned factories keeping one for j, config in zip(free_factories, configs[1:]): for i in free_factories: if i == j: continue # assert config["agent_types"][i] is None assert not config["is_default"][i] def_indx = randint(0, max_def_agents) params_ = copy.deepcopy(non_competitor_params[def_indx]) params_["name"] = f"_df_{100}_{i}" config["agent_types"][i] = non_competitors[def_indx] config["agent_params"][i] = params_ config["is_default"][i] = True # config["is_default"][i] = False assert len([_ for _ in config["is_default"] if not _]) == 1 return configs if n_permutations is not None and max_n_worlds is None: permutation = list(zip(competitors, params)) assert len(permutation) == len(assignable_factories) shuffle(permutation) perm = permutation for k in range(n_permutations): perm = copy.deepcopy(perm) perm = perm[-1:] + perm[:-1] current_configs.append(_copy_config(perm, current_config, k)) elif max_n_worlds is None: raise ValueError("Did not give max_n_worlds and cannot find n_permutations.") else: permutation = list(zip(competitors, params)) assert len(permutation) == len(assignable_factories) if fair: n_min = len(assignable_factories) n_rounds = int(max_n_worlds // n_min) if n_rounds < 1: raise ValueError( f"Cannot guarantee fair assignment: n. competitors {len(assignable_factories)}, at least" f" {n_min} runs are needed for fair assignment" ) max_n_worlds = n_rounds * n_min k = 0 for _ in range(n_rounds): shuffle(permutation) for __ in range(n_min): k += 1 perm = copy.deepcopy(permutation) perm = perm[-1:] + perm[:-1] current_configs.append(_copy_config(perm, current_config, k)) else: for k in range(max_n_worlds): perm = copy.deepcopy(permutation) shuffle(perm) current_configs.append(_copy_config(perm, current_config, k)) return current_configs
[docs] def anac_world_generator(*, year: int, **kwargs): if "n_agents_per_process" in kwargs["world_params"]: assert sum(kwargs["world_params"]["n_agents_per_process"]) == len( kwargs["world_params"]["agent_types"] ) else: assert len(kwargs["world_params"]["agent_processes"]) == len( kwargs["world_params"]["agent_types"] ) cnfg = kwargs["world_params"].pop("__exact_params") kwargs["world_params"].pop("__context", None) cnfg = deserialize(cnfg) kwargs["world_params"]["random_agent_types"] = False cls = get_class(f"{int(year)}World") cnfg2 = cls.generate(**kwargs["world_params"]) # type: ignore assert isinstance(cnfg, dict) assert isinstance(cnfg2, dict) for k in ( "agent_types", "agent_params", "name", "log_folder", "log_ufuns", "log_negotiations", "ignore_agent_exceptions", "ignore_contract_execution_exceptions", "ignore_simulation_exceptions", "ignore_negotiation_exceptions", ): if k in cnfg2: cnfg[k] = cnfg2[k] for _p in cnfg["profiles"]: # type: ignore _p.costs = np.asarray(_p.costs) # type: ignore if "info" not in cnfg.keys(): # type: ignore cnfg["info"] = dict() # type: ignore cnfg["info"]["is_default"] = kwargs["is_default"] # type: ignore world = cls(**cnfg) # type: ignore return world
anac2020_world_generator = partial(anac_world_generator, year=2020) anac2021_world_generator = partial(anac_world_generator, year=2021) anac2022_world_generator = partial(anac_world_generator, year=2022) anac2023_world_generator = partial(anac_world_generator, year=2023)
[docs] def anac_oneshot_world_generator(*, year, **kwargs): if "n_agents_per_process" in kwargs["world_params"]: assert sum(kwargs["world_params"]["n_agents_per_process"]) == len( kwargs["world_params"]["agent_types"] ) else: assert len(kwargs["world_params"]["agent_processes"]) == len( kwargs["world_params"]["agent_types"] ) # cnfg = SCML2020OneShotWorld.generate(**kwargs["world_params"]) # for k in ("n_agents_per_process","n_processes"): # del kwargs["world_params"][k] kwargs["world_params"]["random_agent_types"] = False cnfg = kwargs["world_params"].pop("__exact_params") if "random_agent_types" in cnfg: cnfg["random_agent_types"] = False cnfg = deserialize(cnfg) context = kwargs["world_params"].pop("__context", None) cls = get_class(f"{int(year)}OneShotWorld") if context is None: cnfg2 = cls.generate(**kwargs["world_params"]) else: cnfg2 = deserialize(context).generate(cls, params=kwargs["world_params"]) assert isinstance(cnfg, dict) assert isinstance(cnfg2, dict) for k in ( "agent_types", "agent_params", "name", "log_folder", "log_ufuns", "log_negotiations", "ignore_agent_exceptions", "ignore_contract_execution_exceptions", "ignore_simulation_exceptions", "ignore_negotiation_exceptions", ): if k in cnfg2: cnfg[k] = cnfg2[k] if "info" not in cnfg.keys(): cnfg["info"] = dict() cnfg["info"]["is_default"] = kwargs["is_default"] world = cls(**cnfg) return world
def anac_std_world_generator(*, year, **kwargs): if "n_agents_per_process" in kwargs["world_params"]: assert sum(kwargs["world_params"]["n_agents_per_process"]) == len( kwargs["world_params"]["agent_types"] ) else: assert len(kwargs["world_params"]["agent_processes"]) == len( kwargs["world_params"]["agent_types"] ) # cnfg = SCML2020OneShotWorld.generate(**kwargs["world_params"]) # for k in ("n_agents_per_process","n_processes"): # del kwargs["world_params"][k] cnfg = kwargs["world_params"].pop("__exact_params") cnfg = deserialize(cnfg) context = kwargs["world_params"].pop("__context", None) kwargs["world_params"]["random_agent_types"] = False cls = get_class(f"{int(year)}StdWorld") d = STD_DEFAULT_PARAMS d.update(kwargs["world_params"]) kwargs["world_params"] = d if context is None: cnfg2 = cls.generate(**kwargs["world_params"]) else: cnfg2 = deserialize(context).generate(cls, params=kwargs["world_params"]) assert isinstance(cnfg, dict) assert isinstance(cnfg2, dict) for k in ( "agent_types", "agent_params", "name", "log_folder", "log_ufuns", "log_negotiations", "ignore_agent_exceptions", "ignore_contract_execution_exceptions", "ignore_simulation_exceptions", "ignore_negotiation_exceptions", ): if k in cnfg2: cnfg[k] = cnfg2[k] if "info" not in cnfg.keys(): cnfg["info"] = dict() cnfg["info"]["is_default"] = kwargs["is_default"] world = cls(**cnfg) return world anac2021_oneshot_world_generator = partial(anac_oneshot_world_generator, year=2021) anac2022_oneshot_world_generator = partial(anac_oneshot_world_generator, year=2022) anac2023_oneshot_world_generator = partial(anac_oneshot_world_generator, year=2023) anac2024_oneshot_world_generator = partial(anac_oneshot_world_generator, year=2024) anac2024_std_world_generator = partial(anac_std_world_generator, year=2024)
[docs] def balance_calculator( worlds: list[SCML2020World], scoring_context: dict[str, Any], dry_run: bool, ignore_default=True, inventory_catalog_price_weight=0.0, inventory_trading_average_weight=0.5, consolidated=False, ) -> WorldRunResults: """A scoring function that scores factory managers' performance by the final balance only ignoring whatever still in their inventory. Args: worlds: The world which is assumed to be run up to the point at which the scores are to be calculated. scoring_context: A dict of context parameters passed by the world generator or assigner. dry_run: A boolean specifying whether this is a dry_run. For dry runs, only names and types are expected in the returned `WorldRunResults` ignore_default: Whether to ignore non-competitors (default agents) inventory_catalog_price_weight: The weight assigned to catalog price inventory_trading_average_weight: The weight assigned to trading price average consolidated: If true, the score of an agent type will be based on a consolidated statement of all the factories it controlled Returns: WorldRunResults giving the names, scores, and types of factory managers. """ if scoring_context is not None: inventory_catalog_price_weight = scoring_context.get( "inventory_catalog_price_weight", inventory_catalog_price_weight ) inventory_trading_average_weight = scoring_context.get( "inventory_trading_average_weight", inventory_trading_average_weight ) consolidated = scoring_context.get("consolidated", consolidated) assert len(worlds) == 1 world = worlds[0] if world.inventory_valuation_trading is not None: inventory_trading_average_weight = world.inventory_valuation_trading if world.inventory_valuation_catalog is not None: inventory_catalog_price_weight = world.inventory_valuation_catalog result = WorldRunResults( world_names=[], log_file_names=[world.log_file_name] ) initial_balances = [] is_default =["is_default"] factories = [_ for _ in world.factories if not is_system_agent(_.agent_id)] agents = [ world.agents[f.agent_id] for f in factories if not is_system_agent(f.agent_id) ] agent_types = [ _ for _ in world.agent_unique_types if not _.startswith("system_agent") and not _.split(".")[-1].startswith("_System") ] if len(set(agent_types)) == len(set(world.agent_types)): agent_types = [ _ for _ in world.agent_types if not _.startswith("system_agent") and not _.split(".")[-1].startswith("_System") and not get_class(_) == StdSysAgent ] for i, factory in enumerate(factories): if is_default[i] and ignore_default: continue initial_balances.append(factory.initial_balance) normalize = all(_ != 0 for _ in initial_balances) consolidated_scores = defaultdict(float) individual_scores = list() initial_sums = defaultdict(float) assert len(is_default) == len(agents) assert len(agents) == len(factories) assert len(factories) == len(agent_types) for default, factory, manager, agent_type in zip( is_default, factories, agents, agent_types ): if default and ignore_default: continue result.names.append( result.ids.append( result.types.append(agent_type) if dry_run: result.scores.append(None) continue final_balance = factory.current_balance if inventory_catalog_price_weight != 0.0: final_balance += np.sum( inventory_catalog_price_weight * factory.current_inventory * world.catalog_prices ) if inventory_trading_average_weight != 0.0: final_balance += np.sum( inventory_trading_average_weight * factory.current_inventory * world.trading_prices ) profit = final_balance - factory.initial_balance individual_scores.append( profit / factory.initial_balance if normalize else profit ) consolidated_scores[agent_type] += profit initial_sums[agent_type] += factory.initial_balance if normalize: for k in consolidated_scores.keys(): consolidated_scores[k] /= initial_sums[k] extra = [] for k, v in consolidated_scores.items(): extra.append(dict(type=k, score=v)) result.extra_scores["combined_scores"] = extra result.extra_scores["consolidated_scores"] = extra if consolidated: for indx, type_ in enumerate(result.types): result.scores.append(consolidated_scores[type_]) else: result.scores = individual_scores return result
balance_calculator2020 = partial(balance_calculator, consolidated=False) balance_calculator2021 = partial(balance_calculator, consolidated=False) balance_calculator2022 = partial(balance_calculator, consolidated=True) balance_calculator2023 = partial(balance_calculator, consolidated=True) def balance_calculator_collusion( worlds: list[SCML2020World], scoring_context: dict[str, Any], dry_run: bool, year: int, ignore_default=True, inventory_catalog_price_weight=0.0, inventory_trading_average_weight=0.5, raw_collusion_score_multiplier=0.2, **kwargs, ) -> WorldRunResults: """A scoring function that scores factory managers' performance by the final balance only ignoring whatever still in their inventory after consolidating all factories in the simulation that belong to the same agent type. Args: worlds: The world which is assumed to be run up to the point at which the scores are to be calculated. scoring_context: A dict of context parameters passed by the world generator or assigner. dry_run: A boolean specifying whether this is a dry_run. For dry runs, only names and types are expected in the returned `WorldRunResults` ignore_default: Whether to ignore non-competitors (default agents) inventory_catalog_price_weight: The weight assigned to catalog price inventory_trading_average_weight: The weight assigned to trading price average raw_collusion_score_multiplier: multiplies the raw collusion score with one minus this value multiplying the difference between collusion and standard scores. Returns: WorldRunResults giving the names, scores, and types of factory managers. Remarks: - If multiple agents belonged to the same agent_type, the score of all of these agents will be set to the same value which is the consolidated profit of the group. This means that agent types that have more instantiations will tend to have higher scores at the end. When using this balance calculator, it is recommended to have the same number of instantiations of all agent types in each simulation to make sure that scores of different agent types are comparable in each and every simulation. """ if year < 2021: return balance_calculator2020( [worlds[0]], scoring_context, dry_run, ignore_default, inventory_catalog_price_weight, inventory_trading_average_weight, ) assert len(worlds) > 1 results_with_collusion = balance_calculator2021( [worlds[0]], scoring_context, dry_run, ignore_default, inventory_catalog_price_weight, inventory_trading_average_weight, ) results_without_collusion = [ balance_calculator2021( [w], scoring_context, dry_run, ignore_default, inventory_catalog_price_weight, inventory_trading_average_weight, ) for w in worlds[1:] ] if dry_run: return results_with_collusion allscores = list(chain(*(_.scores for _ in results_without_collusion))) mean_score = sum(allscores) / len(allscores) results_with_collusion.scores = [ _ - (1.0 - raw_collusion_score_multiplier) * mean_score for _ in results_with_collusion.scores ] # todo: check consolidated scores return results_with_collusion balance_calculator2020collusion = partial(balance_calculator_collusion, year=2020) balance_calculator2021collusion = partial(balance_calculator_collusion, year=2021) balance_calculator2022collusion = partial(balance_calculator_collusion, year=2022) balance_calculator2023collusion = partial(balance_calculator_collusion, year=2023)
[docs] def balance_calculator_oneshot( worlds: list[OneShotWorld], scoring_context: dict[str, Any], dry_run: bool, ignore_default=True, consolidated=True, **kwargs, ) -> WorldRunResults: """A scoring function that scores factory managers' performance by the final balance only ignoring whatever still in their inventory. Args: worlds: The world which is assumed to be run up to the point at which the scores are to be calculated. scoring_context: A dict of context parameters passed by the world generator or assigner. dry_run: A boolean specifying whether this is a dry_run. For dry runs, only names and types are expected in the returned `WorldRunResults` ignore_default: Whether to ignore non-competitors (default agents) consolidated: If true, the score of an agent type will be based on a consolidated statement of all the factories it controlled Returns: WorldRunResults giving the names, scores, and types of factory managers. """ if scoring_context is not None: consolidated = scoring_context.get("consolidated", consolidated) assert len(worlds) == 1 world = worlds[0] result = WorldRunResults( world_names=[], log_file_names=[world.log_file_name] ) is_default =["is_default"] agents = list( _ for _ in world.agents.values() if not issubclass(type(_), OneShotSysAgent) ) agent_types = [ _ for _ in world.agent_unique_types if not _.startswith("system_agent") and not _.startswith("System") ] if len(set(agent_types)) == len(set(world.agent_types)): agent_types = [ _ for _ in world.agent_types if not _.startswith("system_agent") and not _.startswith("System") ] consolidated_scores = defaultdict(float) individual_scores = list() scores = world.scores() assert len(agents) == len(is_default) and len(agents) == len(agent_types) for default, manager, agent_type in zip(is_default, agents, agent_types): if default and ignore_default: continue result.names.append( result.ids.append( result.types.append(agent_type) if dry_run: result.scores.append(None) continue profit = scores[] individual_scores.append(profit) consolidated_scores[agent_type] += profit extra = [] for k, v in consolidated_scores.items(): extra.append(dict(type=k, score=v)) result.extra_scores["combined_scores"] = extra result.extra_scores["consolidated_scores"] = extra if consolidated: for indx, type_ in enumerate(result.types): result.scores.append(consolidated_scores[type_]) else: result.scores = individual_scores return result
balance_calculator_std = balance_calculator_oneshot
[docs] def anac2020_tournament( competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]], agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 2, n_agents_per_competitor: int = 3, min_factories_per_level: int = 2, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2020 SCML tournament (collusion track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (by rotating agents over factories). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. n_agents_per_competitor: Number of agents per competitor min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, effort will be made to reduce memory footprint including disableing most logs kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ return anac2020_collusion( competitors=competitors, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, n_agents_per_competitor=n_agents_per_competitor, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, compact=compact, configs_only=configs_only, non_competitors=None, non_competitor_params=None, **kwargs, )
[docs] def anac2020_std( competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]], competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 1, min_factories_per_level: int = 2, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[Agent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = True, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, n_competitors_per_world=None, forced_logs_fraction: float = FORCED_LOGS_FRACTION, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2020 SCML tournament (standard track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors competitor_params: A list of competitor parameters (used to initialize the competitors). agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (all permutations). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing non_competitors: A list of agent types that will not be competing in the sabotage competition but will exist in the world non_competitor_params: parameters of non competitor agents dynamic_non_competitors: A list of non-competing agents that are assigned to the simulation dynamically during the creation of the final assignment instead when the configuration is created dynamic_non_competitor_params: paramters of dynamic non competitor agents exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: If true, competitors are excluded from the dynamic non-competitors verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, compact logs will be created and effort will be made to reduce the memory footprint n_competitors_per_world: Number of competitors in every simulation. If not given it will be a random number between 2 and min(2, n), where n is the number of competitors forced_logs_fraction: Fraction of simulations for which logs are always saved (including negotiations) kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ if n_competitors_per_world is None: n_competitors_per_world = kwargs.get( "n_competitors_per_world", randint(2, min(4, len(competitors))) ) kwargs.pop("n_competitors_per_world", None) if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgents non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in non_competitors] kwargs["round_robin"] = kwargs.get("round_robin", ROUND_ROBIN) return tournament( competitors=competitors, competitor_params=competitor_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, configs_only=configs_only, n_agents_per_competitor=1, world_generator=anac2020_world_generator, config_generator=anac2020_config_generator_std, config_assigner=anac_assigner_std, score_calculator=balance_calculator2020, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, compact=compact, metric="median", n_competitors_per_world=n_competitors_per_world, dynamic_non_competitors=dynamic_non_competitors, dynamic_non_competitor_params=dynamic_non_competitor_params, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment=exclude_competitors_from_reassignment, save_video_fraction=0.0, forced_logs_fraction=forced_logs_fraction, **kwargs, )
[docs] def anac2020_collusion( competitors: Sequence[str | type], competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 1, n_agents_per_competitor: int = 3, min_factories_per_level: int = 2, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[Agent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = True, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, n_competitors_per_world=None, forced_logs_fraction: float = FORCED_LOGS_FRACTION, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2020 SCML tournament (collusion track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors competitor_params: A list of competitor parameters (used to initialize the competitors). agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (all permutations). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. n_agents_per_competitor: Number of agents per competitor min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing non_competitors: A list of agent types that will not be competing in the sabotage competition but will exist in the world non_competitor_params: parameters of non competitor agents dynamic_non_competitors: A list of non-competing agents that are assigned to the simulation dynamically during the creation of the final assignment instead when the configuration is created dynamic_non_competitor_params: paramters of dynamic non competitor agents exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: If true, competitors are excluded from the dynamic non-competitors n_competitors_per_world: Number of competitors in every simulation. If not given it will be a random number between 2 and min(2, n), where n is the number of competitors verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, compact logs will be created and effort will be made to reduce the memory footprint forced_logs_fraction: Fraction of simulations for which logs are always saved (including negotiations) kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ if n_competitors_per_world is None: n_competitors_per_world = kwargs.get( "n_competitors_per_world", randint(2, min(4, len(competitors))) ) kwargs.pop("n_competitors_per_world", None) if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgents non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in non_competitors] kwargs["round_robin"] = kwargs.get("round_robin", ROUND_ROBIN) return tournament( competitors=competitors, competitor_params=competitor_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, n_agents_per_competitor=n_agents_per_competitor, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, configs_only=configs_only, world_generator=anac2020_world_generator, config_generator=anac2020_config_generator_collusion, config_assigner=anac_assigner_collusion, score_calculator=balance_calculator2020, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, compact=compact, metric="median", n_competitors_per_world=n_competitors_per_world, dynamic_non_competitors=dynamic_non_competitors, dynamic_non_competitor_params=dynamic_non_competitor_params, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment=exclude_competitors_from_reassignment, save_video_fraction=0.0, forced_logs_fraction=forced_logs_fraction, **kwargs, )
def anac2021_tournament( competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]], agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 2, n_agents_per_competitor: int = 3, min_factories_per_level: int = 2, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2021 SCML tournament (collusion track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (by rotating agents over factories). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. n_agents_per_competitor: Number of agents per competitor min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, effort will be made to reduce memory footprint including disableing most logs kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ return anac2021_collusion( competitors=competitors, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, n_agents_per_competitor=n_agents_per_competitor, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, compact=compact, configs_only=configs_only, non_competitors=None, non_competitor_params=None, **kwargs, )
[docs] def anac2021_std( competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]], competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 1, min_factories_per_level: int = 2, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[Agent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = True, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, n_competitors_per_world=None, forced_logs_fraction: float = FORCED_LOGS_FRACTION, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2021 SCML tournament (standard track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors competitor_params: A list of competitor parameters (used to initialize the competitors). agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (all permutations). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing non_competitors: A list of agent types that will not be competing in the sabotage competition but will exist in the world non_competitor_params: parameters of non competitor agents dynamic_non_competitors: A list of non-competing agents that are assigned to the simulation dynamically during the creation of the final assignment instead when the configuration is created dynamic_non_competitor_params: paramters of dynamic non competitor agents exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: If true, competitors are excluded from the dynamic non-competitors verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, compact logs will be created and effort will be made to reduce the memory footprint n_competitors_per_world: Number of competitors in every simulation. If not given it will be a random number between 2 and min(2, n), where n is the number of competitors forced_logs_fraction: Fraction of simulations for which logs are always saved (including negotiations) kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ if n_competitors_per_world is None: n_competitors_per_world = kwargs.get( "n_competitors_per_world", randint(2, min(4, len(competitors))) ) kwargs.pop("n_competitors_per_world", None) if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgents2021 non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in non_competitors] kwargs["round_robin"] = kwargs.get("round_robin", ROUND_ROBIN) return tournament( competitors=competitors, competitor_params=competitor_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, configs_only=configs_only, n_agents_per_competitor=1, world_generator=anac2021_world_generator, config_generator=anac2021_config_generator_std, config_assigner=anac_assigner_std, score_calculator=balance_calculator2021, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, compact=compact, metric=truncated_mean, n_competitors_per_world=n_competitors_per_world, dynamic_non_competitors=dynamic_non_competitors, dynamic_non_competitor_params=dynamic_non_competitor_params, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment=exclude_competitors_from_reassignment, save_video_fraction=0.0, forced_logs_fraction=forced_logs_fraction, publish_exogenous_summary=True, publish_trading_prices=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] def anac2021_collusion( competitors: Sequence[str | type], competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 1, n_agents_per_competitor: int = 3, min_factories_per_level: int = 2, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[Agent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = False, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, n_competitors_per_world=1, forced_logs_fraction: float = FORCED_LOGS_FRACTION, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2021 SCML tournament (collusion track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors competitor_params: A list of competitor parameters (used to initialize the competitors). agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (all permutations). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. n_agents_per_competitor: Number of agents per competitor min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing non_competitors: A list of agent types that will not be competing in the sabotage competition but will exist in the world non_competitor_params: parameters of non competitor agents dynamic_non_competitors: A list of non-competing agents that are assigned to the simulation dynamically during the creation of the final assignment instead when the configuration is created dynamic_non_competitor_params: paramters of dynamic non competitor agents exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: If true, competitors are excluded from the dynamic non-competitors n_competitors_per_world: Number of competitors in every simulation. If not given it will be a random number between 2 and min(2, n), where n is the number of competitors. This value will always be set to 1 in SCML2021 verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, compact logs will be created and effort will be made to reduce the memory footprint forced_logs_fraction: Fraction of simulations for which logs are always saved (including negotiations) kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ n_competitors_per_world = 1 kwargs.pop("n_competitors_per_world", None) if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgents2021 non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in non_competitors] kwargs["round_robin"] = kwargs.get("round_robin", ROUND_ROBIN) return tournament( competitors=competitors, competitor_params=competitor_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, n_agents_per_competitor=n_agents_per_competitor, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, configs_only=configs_only, world_generator=anac2021_world_generator, config_generator=anac2021_config_generator_collusion, config_assigner=anac_assigner_collusion, score_calculator=balance_calculator2021, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, compact=compact, metric=truncated_mean, n_competitors_per_world=n_competitors_per_world, dynamic_non_competitors=dynamic_non_competitors, dynamic_non_competitor_params=dynamic_non_competitor_params, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment=exclude_competitors_from_reassignment, save_video_fraction=0.0, forced_logs_fraction=forced_logs_fraction, publish_exogenous_summary=True, publish_trading_prices=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] def anac2021_oneshot( competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]], competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 1, min_factories_per_level: int = 4, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[Agent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = False, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, n_competitors_per_world=None, forced_logs_fraction: float = FORCED_LOGS_FRACTION, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2021 SCML tournament (oneshot track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors competitor_params: A list of competitor parameters (used to initialize the competitors). agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (all permutations). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing non_competitors: A list of agent types that will not be competing in the sabotage competition but will exist in the world non_competitor_params: parameters of non competitor agents dynamic_non_competitors: A list of non-competing agents that are assigned to the simulation dynamically during the creation of the final assignment instead when the configuration is created dynamic_non_competitor_params: paramters of dynamic non competitor agents exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: If true, competitors are excluded from the dynamic non-competitors verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, compact logs will be created and effort will be made to reduce the memory footprint n_competitors_per_world: Number of competitors in every simulation. If not given it will be a random number between 2 and min(2, n), where n is the number of competitors forced_logs_fraction: Fraction of simulations for which logs are always saved (including negotiations) kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ # if competitor_params is None: # competitor_params = [dict() for _ in range(len(competitors))] # for t, p in zip(competitors, competitor_params): # p["controller_type"] = get_full_type_name(t) # competitors = [""] * len(competitors) if n_competitors_per_world is None: n_competitors_per_world = kwargs.get( "n_competitors_per_world", randint(2, min(4, len(competitors))) ) kwargs.pop("n_competitors_per_world", None) if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgentsOneShot non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in non_competitors] kwargs["round_robin"] = kwargs.get("round_robin", ROUND_ROBIN) kwargs["oneshot_world"] = True kwargs["n_processes"] = 2 return tournament( competitors=competitors, competitor_params=competitor_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, configs_only=configs_only, n_agents_per_competitor=1, world_generator=anac2021_oneshot_world_generator, config_generator=anac2021_config_generator_oneshot, config_assigner=anac_assigner_std, score_calculator=balance_calculator_oneshot, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, compact=compact, metric=truncated_mean, n_competitors_per_world=n_competitors_per_world, dynamic_non_competitors=dynamic_non_competitors, dynamic_non_competitor_params=dynamic_non_competitor_params, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment=exclude_competitors_from_reassignment, save_video_fraction=0.0, forced_logs_fraction=forced_logs_fraction, publish_exogenous_summary=True, publish_trading_prices=True, **kwargs, )
def anac2022_tournament( competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]], agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 2, n_agents_per_competitor: int = 3, min_factories_per_level: int = 2, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2022 SCML tournament (collusion track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (by rotating agents over factories). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. n_agents_per_competitor: Number of agents per competitor min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, effort will be made to reduce memory footprint including disableing most logs kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ return anac2022_std( competitors=competitors, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, n_agents_per_competitor=n_agents_per_competitor, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, compact=compact, configs_only=configs_only, non_competitors=None, non_competitor_params=None, **kwargs, )
[docs] def anac2022_std( competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]], competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 1, min_factories_per_level: int = 2, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[Agent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = True, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, n_competitors_per_world=None, forced_logs_fraction: float = FORCED_LOGS_FRACTION, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2022 SCML tournament (standard track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors competitor_params: A list of competitor parameters (used to initialize the competitors). agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (all permutations). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing non_competitors: A list of agent types that will not be competing in the sabotage competition but will exist in the world non_competitor_params: parameters of non competitor agents dynamic_non_competitors: A list of non-competing agents that are assigned to the simulation dynamically during the creation of the final assignment instead when the configuration is created dynamic_non_competitor_params: paramters of dynamic non competitor agents exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: If true, competitors are excluded from the dynamic non-competitors verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, compact logs will be created and effort will be made to reduce the memory footprint n_competitors_per_world: Number of competitors in every simulation. If not given it will be a random number between 2 and min(2, n), where n is the number of competitors forced_logs_fraction: Fraction of simulations for which logs are always saved (including negotiations) kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ if n_competitors_per_world is None: n_competitors_per_world = kwargs.get( "n_competitors_per_world", randint(2, min(4, len(competitors))) ) kwargs.pop("n_competitors_per_world", None) if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgents2022 non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in non_competitors] kwargs["round_robin"] = kwargs.get("round_robin", ROUND_ROBIN) return tournament( competitors=competitors, competitor_params=competitor_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, configs_only=configs_only, n_agents_per_competitor=1, world_generator=anac2022_world_generator, config_generator=anac2022_config_generator_std, config_assigner=anac_assigner_std, score_calculator=balance_calculator2022, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, compact=compact, metric=truncated_mean, n_competitors_per_world=n_competitors_per_world, dynamic_non_competitors=dynamic_non_competitors, dynamic_non_competitor_params=dynamic_non_competitor_params, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment=exclude_competitors_from_reassignment, save_video_fraction=0.0, forced_logs_fraction=forced_logs_fraction, publish_exogenous_summary=True, publish_trading_prices=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] def anac2022_collusion( competitors: Sequence[str | type], competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 1, n_agents_per_competitor: int = 3, min_factories_per_level: int = 2, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[Agent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = False, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, n_competitors_per_world=1, forced_logs_fraction: float = FORCED_LOGS_FRACTION, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2022 SCML tournament (collusion track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors competitor_params: A list of competitor parameters (used to initialize the competitors). agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (all permutations). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. n_agents_per_competitor: Number of agents per competitor min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing non_competitors: A list of agent types that will not be competing in the sabotage competition but will exist in the world non_competitor_params: parameters of non competitor agents dynamic_non_competitors: A list of non-competing agents that are assigned to the simulation dynamically during the creation of the final assignment instead when the configuration is created dynamic_non_competitor_params: paramters of dynamic non competitor agents exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: If true, competitors are excluded from the dynamic non-competitors n_competitors_per_world: Number of competitors in every simulation. If not given it will be a random number between 2 and min(2, n), where n is the number of competitors. This value will always be set to 1 in SCML2022 verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, compact logs will be created and effort will be made to reduce the memory footprint forced_logs_fraction: Fraction of simulations for which logs are always saved (including negotiations) kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ n_competitors_per_world = 1 kwargs.pop("n_competitors_per_world", None) if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgents2022 non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in non_competitors] kwargs["round_robin"] = kwargs.get("round_robin", ROUND_ROBIN) return tournament( competitors=competitors, competitor_params=competitor_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, n_agents_per_competitor=n_agents_per_competitor, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, configs_only=configs_only, world_generator=anac2022_world_generator, config_generator=anac2022_config_generator_collusion, config_assigner=anac_assigner_collusion, score_calculator=balance_calculator2022collusion, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, compact=compact, metric=truncated_mean, n_competitors_per_world=n_competitors_per_world, dynamic_non_competitors=dynamic_non_competitors, dynamic_non_competitor_params=dynamic_non_competitor_params, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment=exclude_competitors_from_reassignment, save_video_fraction=0.0, forced_logs_fraction=forced_logs_fraction, publish_exogenous_summary=True, publish_trading_prices=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] def anac2022_oneshot( competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]], competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 1, min_factories_per_level: int = 4, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[Agent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = False, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, n_competitors_per_world=None, forced_logs_fraction: float = FORCED_LOGS_FRACTION, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2022 SCML tournament (oneshot track). Args: Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ # if competitor_params is None: # competitor_params = [dict() for _ in range(len(competitors))] # for t, p in zip(competitors, competitor_params): # p["controller_type"] = get_full_type_name(t) # competitors = [""] * len(competitors) if n_competitors_per_world is None: n_competitors_per_world = kwargs.get( "n_competitors_per_world", randint(2, min(4, len(competitors))) ) kwargs.pop("n_competitors_per_world", None) if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgentsOneShot non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in non_competitors] kwargs["round_robin"] = kwargs.get("round_robin", ROUND_ROBIN) kwargs["oneshot_world"] = True kwargs["n_processes"] = 2 return tournament( competitors=competitors, competitor_params=competitor_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, configs_only=configs_only, n_agents_per_competitor=1, world_generator=anac2022_oneshot_world_generator, config_generator=anac2022_config_generator_oneshot, config_assigner=anac_assigner_oneshot, score_calculator=balance_calculator_oneshot, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, compact=compact, metric=truncated_mean, n_competitors_per_world=n_competitors_per_world, dynamic_non_competitors=dynamic_non_competitors, dynamic_non_competitor_params=dynamic_non_competitor_params, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment=exclude_competitors_from_reassignment, save_video_fraction=0.0, forced_logs_fraction=forced_logs_fraction, publish_exogenous_summary=True, publish_trading_prices=True, **kwargs, )
def anac2023_tournament( competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]], agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 2, n_agents_per_competitor: int = 3, min_factories_per_level: int = 2, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2023 SCML tournament (standard track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (by rotating agents over factories). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. n_agents_per_competitor: Number of agents per competitor min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, effort will be made to reduce memory footprint including disableing most logs kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ return anac2023_std( competitors=competitors, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, n_agents_per_competitor=n_agents_per_competitor, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, compact=compact, configs_only=configs_only, non_competitors=None, non_competitor_params=None, **kwargs, )
[docs] def anac2023_collusion( competitors: Sequence[str | type], competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 1, n_agents_per_competitor: int = 3, min_factories_per_level: int = 2, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[Agent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = False, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, n_competitors_per_world=1, forced_logs_fraction: float = FORCED_LOGS_FRACTION, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2023 SCML tournament (collusion track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors competitor_params: A list of competitor parameters (used to initialize the competitors). agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (all permutations). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. n_agents_per_competitor: Number of agents per competitor min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing non_competitors: A list of agent types that will not be competing in the sabotage competition but will exist in the world non_competitor_params: parameters of non competitor agents dynamic_non_competitors: A list of non-competing agents that are assigned to the simulation dynamically during the creation of the final assignment instead when the configuration is created dynamic_non_competitor_params: paramters of dynamic non competitor agents exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: If true, competitors are excluded from the dynamic non-competitors n_competitors_per_world: Number of competitors in every simulation. If not given it will be a random number between 2 and min(2, n), where n is the number of competitors. This value will always be set to 1 in SCML2022 verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, compact logs will be created and effort will be made to reduce the memory footprint forced_logs_fraction: Fraction of simulations for which logs are always saved (including negotiations) kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ n_competitors_per_world = 1 kwargs.pop("n_competitors_per_world", None) if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgents2023 non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in non_competitors] kwargs["round_robin"] = kwargs.get("round_robin", ROUND_ROBIN) return tournament( competitors=competitors, competitor_params=competitor_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, n_agents_per_competitor=n_agents_per_competitor, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, configs_only=configs_only, world_generator=anac2023_world_generator, config_generator=anac2023_config_generator_collusion, config_assigner=anac_assigner_collusion, score_calculator=balance_calculator2023collusion, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, compact=compact, metric=truncated_mean, n_competitors_per_world=n_competitors_per_world, dynamic_non_competitors=dynamic_non_competitors, dynamic_non_competitor_params=dynamic_non_competitor_params, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment=exclude_competitors_from_reassignment, save_video_fraction=0.0, forced_logs_fraction=forced_logs_fraction, publish_exogenous_summary=True, publish_trading_prices=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] def anac2023_std( competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]], competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 1, min_factories_per_level: int = 2, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[Agent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = True, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, n_competitors_per_world=None, forced_logs_fraction: float = FORCED_LOGS_FRACTION, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2023 SCML tournament (standard track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors competitor_params: A list of competitor parameters (used to initialize the competitors). agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (all permutations). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing non_competitors: A list of agent types that will not be competing in the sabotage competition but will exist in the world non_competitor_params: parameters of non competitor agents dynamic_non_competitors: A list of non-competing agents that are assigned to the simulation dynamically during the creation of the final assignment instead when the configuration is created dynamic_non_competitor_params: paramters of dynamic non competitor agents exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: If true, competitors are excluded from the dynamic non-competitors verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, compact logs will be created and effort will be made to reduce the memory footprint n_competitors_per_world: Number of competitors in every simulation. If not given it will be a random number between 2 and min(2, n), where n is the number of competitors forced_logs_fraction: Fraction of simulations for which logs are always saved (including negotiations) kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ if n_competitors_per_world is None: n_competitors_per_world = kwargs.get( "n_competitors_per_world", randint(2, min(4, len(competitors))) ) kwargs.pop("n_competitors_per_world", None) if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgents2023 non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in non_competitors] kwargs["round_robin"] = kwargs.get("round_robin", ROUND_ROBIN) return tournament( competitors=competitors, competitor_params=competitor_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, configs_only=configs_only, n_agents_per_competitor=1, world_generator=anac2023_world_generator, config_generator=anac2023_config_generator_std, config_assigner=anac_assigner_std, score_calculator=balance_calculator2023, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, compact=compact, metric=truncated_mean, n_competitors_per_world=n_competitors_per_world, dynamic_non_competitors=dynamic_non_competitors, dynamic_non_competitor_params=dynamic_non_competitor_params, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment=exclude_competitors_from_reassignment, save_video_fraction=0.0, forced_logs_fraction=forced_logs_fraction, publish_exogenous_summary=True, publish_trading_prices=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] def anac2023_oneshot( competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]], competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 1, min_factories_per_level: int = 4, tournament_path: str | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: Callable[[SCML2020World | None], None] | None = None, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[SCML2020Agent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[Agent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = False, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, n_competitors_per_world=None, forced_logs_fraction: float = FORCED_LOGS_FRACTION, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2023 SCML tournament (oneshot track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors competitor_params: A list of competitor parameters (used to initialize the competitors). agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (all permutations). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing non_competitors: A list of agent types that will not be competing in the sabotage competition but will exist in the world non_competitor_params: parameters of non competitor agents dynamic_non_competitors: A list of non-competing agents that are assigned to the simulation dynamically during the creation of the final assignment instead when the configuration is created dynamic_non_competitor_params: paramters of dynamic non competitor agents exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: If true, competitors are excluded from the dynamic non-competitors verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, compact logs will be created and effort will be made to reduce the memory footprint n_competitors_per_world: Number of competitors in every simulation. If not given it will be a random number between 2 and min(2, n), where n is the number of competitors forced_logs_fraction: Fraction of simulations for which logs are always saved (including negotiations) kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ # if competitor_params is None: # competitor_params = [dict() for _ in range(len(competitors))] # for t, p in zip(competitors, competitor_params): # p["controller_type"] = get_full_type_name(t) # competitors = [""] * len(competitors) if n_competitors_per_world is None: n_competitors_per_world = kwargs.get( "n_competitors_per_world", randint(2, min(4, len(competitors))) ) kwargs.pop("n_competitors_per_world", None) if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgentsOneShot non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in non_competitors] kwargs["round_robin"] = kwargs.get("round_robin", ROUND_ROBIN) kwargs["oneshot_world"] = True kwargs["n_processes"] = 2 return tournament( competitors=competitors, competitor_params=competitor_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, configs_only=configs_only, n_agents_per_competitor=1, world_generator=anac2023_oneshot_world_generator, config_generator=anac2023_config_generator_oneshot, config_assigner=anac_assigner_oneshot, score_calculator=balance_calculator_oneshot, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, compact=compact, metric=truncated_mean, n_competitors_per_world=n_competitors_per_world, dynamic_non_competitors=dynamic_non_competitors, dynamic_non_competitor_params=dynamic_non_competitor_params, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment=exclude_competitors_from_reassignment, save_video_fraction=0.0, forced_logs_fraction=forced_logs_fraction, publish_exogenous_summary=True, publish_trading_prices=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] def anac2024_oneshot( competitors: Sequence[str | type[OneShotAgent]], competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 1, min_factories_per_level: int = 4, tournament_path: str | Path | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: ( Callable[[SCML2024OneShotWorld | None], None] | None ) = None, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[OneShotAgent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[OneShotAgent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = False, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, n_competitors_per_world=None, forced_logs_fraction: float = FORCED_LOGS_FRACTION, context=None, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2024 SCML tournament (oneshot track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors competitor_params: A list of competitor parameters (used to initialize the competitors). agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (all permutations). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing non_competitors: A list of agent types that will not be competing in the sabotage competition but will exist in the world non_competitor_params: parameters of non competitor agents dynamic_non_competitors: A list of non-competing agents that are assigned to the simulation dynamically during the creation of the final assignment instead when the configuration is created dynamic_non_competitor_params: paramters of dynamic non competitor agents exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: If true, competitors are excluded from the dynamic non-competitors verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, compact logs will be created and effort will be made to reduce the memory footprint n_competitors_per_world: Number of competitors in every simulation. If not given it will be a random number between 2 and min(2, n), where n is the number of competitors forced_logs_fraction: Fraction of simulations for which logs are always saved (including negotiations) kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ # if competitor_params is None: # competitor_params = [dict() for _ in range(len(competitors))] # for t, p in zip(competitors, competitor_params): # p["controller_type"] = get_full_type_name(t) # competitors = [""] * len(competitors) if n_competitors_per_world is None: n_competitors_per_world = kwargs.get( "n_competitors_per_world", randint(2, min(4, len(competitors))) ) kwargs.pop("n_competitors_per_world", None) if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgentsOneShot non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in non_competitors] kwargs["round_robin"] = kwargs.get("round_robin", ROUND_ROBIN) kwargs["oneshot_world"] = True kwargs["n_processes"] = 2 if context: kwargs["context"] = context return tournament( competitors=competitors, competitor_params=competitor_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, configs_only=configs_only, n_agents_per_competitor=1, world_generator=anac2024_oneshot_world_generator, config_generator=anac2024_config_generator_oneshot, config_assigner=anac_assigner_oneshot, score_calculator=balance_calculator_oneshot, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, compact=compact, metric=truncated_mean, n_competitors_per_world=n_competitors_per_world, dynamic_non_competitors=dynamic_non_competitors, dynamic_non_competitor_params=dynamic_non_competitor_params, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment=exclude_competitors_from_reassignment, save_video_fraction=0.0, forced_logs_fraction=forced_logs_fraction, publish_exogenous_summary=True, publish_trading_prices=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] def anac2024_std( competitors: Sequence[str | type[StdAgent]], competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, agent_names_reveal_type=False, n_configs: int = 5, max_worlds_per_config: int | None = None, n_runs_per_world: int = 1, min_factories_per_level: int = 4, tournament_path: str | Path | Path | None = None, total_timeout: int | None = None, parallelism="parallel", scheduler_ip: str | None = None, scheduler_port: str | None = None, tournament_progress_callback: ( Callable[[WorldRunResults | None], None] | None ) = None, world_progress_callback: ( Callable[[SCML2024OneShotWorld | None], None] | None ) = None, non_competitors: Sequence[str | type[OneShotAgent]] | None = None, non_competitor_params: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitors: list[type[Agent]] | None = None, dynamic_non_competitor_params: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: bool = False, name: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, configs_only=False, compact=False, n_competitors_per_world=None, forced_logs_fraction: float = FORCED_LOGS_FRACTION, context=None, **kwargs, ) -> TournamentResults | PathLike: """ The function used to run ANAC 2024 SCML tournament (std track). Args: name: Tournament name competitors: A list of class names for the competitors competitor_params: A list of competitor parameters (used to initialize the competitors). agent_names_reveal_type: If true then the type of an agent should be readable in its name (most likely at its beginning). n_configs: The number of different world configs (up to competitor assignment) to be generated. max_worlds_per_config: The maximum number of worlds to run per config. If None, then all possible assignments of competitors within each config will be tried (all permutations). n_runs_per_world: Number of runs per world. All of these world runs will have identical competitor assignment and identical world configuration. min_factories_per_level: Minimum number of factories for each production level total_timeout: Total timeout for the complete process tournament_path: Path at which to store all results. A scores.csv file will keep the scores and logs folder will keep detailed logs parallelism: Type of parallelism. Can be 'serial' for serial, 'parallel' for parallel and 'distributed' for distributed scheduler_port: Port of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed scheduler_ip: IP Address of the dask scheduler if parallelism is dask, dist, or distributed world_progress_callback: A function to be called after everystep of every world run (only allowed for serial evaluation and should be used with cautious). tournament_progress_callback: A function to be called with `WorldRunResults` after each world finished processing non_competitors: A list of agent types that will not be competing in the sabotage competition but will exist in the world non_competitor_params: parameters of non competitor agents dynamic_non_competitors: A list of non-competing agents that are assigned to the simulation dynamically during the creation of the final assignment instead when the configuration is created dynamic_non_competitor_params: paramters of dynamic non competitor agents exclude_competitors_from_reassignment: If true, competitors are excluded from the dynamic non-competitors verbose: Verbosity configs_only: If true, a config file for each compact: If true, compact logs will be created and effort will be made to reduce the memory footprint n_competitors_per_world: Number of competitors in every simulation. If not given it will be a random number between 2 and min(2, n), where n is the number of competitors forced_logs_fraction: Fraction of simulations for which logs are always saved (including negotiations) kwargs: Arguments to pass to the `world_generator` function Returns: `TournamentResults` The results of the tournament or a `PathLike` giving the location where configs were saved Remarks: Default parameters will be used in the league with the exception of `parallelism` which may use distributed processing """ # if competitor_params is None: # competitor_params = [dict() for _ in range(len(competitors))] # for t, p in zip(competitors, competitor_params): # p["controller_type"] = get_full_type_name(t) # competitors = [""] * len(competitors) if n_competitors_per_world is None: n_competitors_per_world = kwargs.get( "n_competitors_per_world", randint(2, min(4, len(competitors))) ) kwargs.pop("n_competitors_per_world", None) if non_competitors is None: non_competitors = DefaultAgentsOneShot non_competitor_params = [dict() for _ in non_competitors] kwargs["round_robin"] = kwargs.get("round_robin", ROUND_ROBIN) kwargs["std_world"] = True if context: kwargs["context"] = context # kwargs["n_processes"] = 2 return tournament( competitors=competitors, competitor_params=competitor_params, non_competitors=non_competitors, non_competitor_params=non_competitor_params, agent_names_reveal_type=agent_names_reveal_type, n_configs=n_configs, n_runs_per_world=n_runs_per_world, max_worlds_per_config=max_worlds_per_config, tournament_path=tournament_path, total_timeout=total_timeout, parallelism=parallelism, scheduler_ip=scheduler_ip, scheduler_port=scheduler_port, tournament_progress_callback=tournament_progress_callback, world_progress_callback=world_progress_callback, name=name, verbose=verbose, configs_only=configs_only, n_agents_per_competitor=1, world_generator=anac2024_std_world_generator, config_generator=anac2024_config_generator_std, config_assigner=anac_assigner_std, score_calculator=balance_calculator_std, min_factories_per_level=min_factories_per_level, compact=compact, metric=truncated_mean, n_competitors_per_world=n_competitors_per_world, dynamic_non_competitors=dynamic_non_competitors, dynamic_non_competitor_params=dynamic_non_competitor_params, exclude_competitors_from_reassignment=exclude_competitors_from_reassignment, save_video_fraction=0.0, forced_logs_fraction=forced_logs_fraction, publish_exogenous_summary=True, publish_trading_prices=True, **kwargs, )