
Module Contents



An agent that tries to buy cheap and sell expensive but does not care about production scheduling.


An agent that tries to buy cheap and sell expensive but does not care about production scheduling.

class scml.scml2020.agents.bcse.BuyCheapSellExpensiveAgent(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: scml.scml2020.agents.indneg.IndependentNegotiationsAgent

An agent that tries to buy cheap and sell expensive but does not care about production scheduling.

create_ufun(is_seller: bool, issues=None, outcomes=None)[source]

Creates a utility function

class scml.scml2020.agents.bcse.MarketAwareBuyCheapSellExpensiveAgent(*args, buying_margin=None, selling_margin=None, min_price_margin=0.5, max_price_margin=0.5, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: scml.scml2020.agents.indneg.MarketAwareIndependentNegotiationsAgent, BuyCheapSellExpensiveAgent

An agent that tries to buy cheap and sell expensive but does not care about production scheduling.